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سدرشن کی افسانوی نثر میں ہندو مذہب کے اثرات

Thesis Info


جاوید اقبال


آنسہ احمد سعید




Riphah International University

Institute Type


Campus Location

Faisalabad Campus





Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status



iv, 182 . : ill. ; 30 cm.


Urdu Literature




Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Urdu to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.; Includes bibliographical references; Thesis (M.Phil)--Riphah International University, 2017; Urdu; Call No: 891.43 JAV


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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ہمایوں کبیر

ہمایوں کبیر
افسوس ہے کہ گذشتہ مہینہ ہمایوں کبیر صاحب نے انتقال کیا، وہ اس دور کے لائق ترین مسلمانوں میں تھے اور اپنے ذوق کے اعتبار سے علمی و تعلیمی لائن کے آدمی تھے لیکن انھوں نے سیاست کا پُر خار راستہ اختیار کیا، اس لیے اس میں کامیاب نہ ہوسکے، علمی و تعلیمی لائن میں وہ زیادہ مفید کام انجام دے سکتے تھے، ان میں بعض خامیوں کے باوجود اسلامی حمیت پوری طرح موجود تھی جس کا اظہار ان کی تقریروں میں ہوتا رہتا تھا، وہ مولانا ابوالکلام کے شعبۂ میں رہ چکے تھے، اس لیے دارالمصنفین سے بھی واقف اور اس کے بڑے قدردان تھے، چنانچہ انھوں نے مولانا کے بعد بھی دارالمصنفین کے کاموں میں بڑی مدد پہنچائی، اب جو اور جیسا مسلمان بھی اٹھتا ہے، اس کا بدل نہیں مل سکتا، اس لیے ان کی جگہ بھی خالی رہے گی، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کی خامیوں اور خطاؤں سے درگذر کرکے ان کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی، ستمبر ۱۹۶۹ء)


Information Management From the Interpretation of Al-Quran: Study on Tafsir Nur Al-Ihsan

The development of works in the field of Quranic interpretation has grown rapidly in this age. The work in this field has been written in various major languages of the world such as Arabic, English and Malay. The resulting works contain a lot of information quoted from the works written by previous authors. For example, the work of Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan written by Muhammad Said Omar contains a lot of information quoted from Tafsir al-Jalalyn, Tafsir al-Baydawi and Tafsir al-Jamal. Nevertheless, this study found that the information was widely quoted by the author until there was an inaccurate information being referred to by him. Therefore, a method or system should be practiced so that the information contained in the work of Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan can be managed well as well as avoid the mistakes of readers. One way to manage these resources is to identify the original work referred to by the author. The analysis of Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan used the genetic approach which was published by Goldman in studying the origin of the resources. This study referred the text from Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan and the texts of works that became author's references, which are Tafsir al-Jalalyn, Tafsir al-Jamal, Tafsir al-Baydawi, Tafsir al-Khazin, Tafsir al-Baghawi, Tafsir al-Tabari, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Tafsir al-Razi, Tafsir al-Nasafi, Tafsir Ibn Kathir and Tafsir al-Tha’labi, and made a comparison of the texts to detect the similarities and differences. The result of the analysis proved that Syeikh Muhammad Sa’id implemented five methods; which are quoting the text in parallel, writing an abstract, removal of some of the words, adding explan-ation, and refuting part of the text. This study also revealed the purpose of Syeikh Muhammad Sa’id while creating his work is to strengthen the translations written. Thus, he successfully strengthens translation when the contents of the text are parallel to the reference. However, in certain places existed a text from the author's references contradicts with the content of Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan, which failed his attempt to strengthen the translation in certain part of the text. Key words: , , .

Development of Performance Measurement Framework in Infrastructure Construction Firms of Pakistan

Construction sector is criticized for sub-optimal performance all over the world. The situation is no different in case of Pakistan construction industry. Being regarded as an answer to challenges framed by globalized competitive environment, performance measurement discipline has received much attention among researchers and construction firms during last two decades. Uncertain economic conditions, social pressure and fierce competition have forced construction firms to concentrate more on measuring organizational performance to remain competitive in the market. Construction companies often find it difficult to identify and select relevant set of measures, considering their strategies, and critical processes. Many managers still make decisions mostly based on their intuition and common sense and on a few traditional financial measures while performance drivers like customer satisfaction, processes and innovation & learning are not paid adequate attention. This research has focused three areas related to performance measurement. First objective is to establish the purpose, characteristics and features of performance measurement systems currently practised by Pakistani contractors; second is to identify and validate key performance indicators (KPIs) based on balanced scorecard that are considered most relevant to measure company level operational and strategic performance and finally, effort is made to develop a performance measurement framework for Pakistan construction firms that can act as strategy map for successful running of construction business. Main contribution of the research is finding out relevance of certain organizational performance measures related to four perspectives of balanced scorecard. The main outcome of the research is expressed in terms of a typical strategy map that can be used by indigenous constructors to design their performance measurement systems. Besides the introduction part, this dissertation comprises five chapters. Chapter two covers the all important aspects linked to performance measurement like performance measurement systems, its life cycle, evolution and factors affecting its effectiveness. It is followed by the discussion on balanced scorecard, the important feature of performance measurement and this research. Chapter 3 presents the research aim, objectives and methodology. It discusses the various stages that have been followed for this research and justifies the decisions that are made to conduct this research. Chapter 4 briefly discusses the steps leading to data collection. Development of questionnaire has been explained at length. In addition to the survey instrument, sample strategy and mode of data collection is also elaborated. Next chapter comprises different tests done to check reliability, validity and hypothesis testing. Chapter 6 presents the discussion, conclusions, and limitation and future research areas ending with the contribution of this research in form of performance measurement framework tailored to suit the needs to domestic infrastructure construction firms.