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Home > سماجی حقیقت نگاری احمد ندیم قاسمی کے افسانوں کے خصوصی حوالے سے

سماجی حقیقت نگاری احمد ندیم قاسمی کے افسانوں کے خصوصی حوالے سے

Thesis Info


فرزانہ اقبال


Ansa Ahmad Saeed




Riphah International University

Institute Type


Campus Location

Faisalabad Campus







Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status



iii, 160 . : ill. ; 30 cm.


Urdu Literature




Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M Phil of Urdu to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.; Includes bibliographical references; Thesis (M.Phil)--Riphah International University, 2018; Urdu; Call No: 891.43 FAR


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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رشید احمد صدیقی: افکار و اسالیب

پروفیسر عبدالحق کی یہ کاوش 1996ء میں منظر عام پر آئی۔ اس میں رشید احمد صدیقی کی شخصیت کے نمایاں پہلوؤں کو اجاگر کیا گیا ہے۔اس کتاب میں رشید احمد صدیقی کےحوالہ سے ہونے والے ایک سیمینار میں پڑھے گئے مضامین کو اکٹھا کیا گیا ہے اور رشید احمد صدیقی کے اسلوب کو اجاگر کیا گیا ہے۔ یہ سیمینار 3 اور4 مئی 1995 ء کو شعبہ اردو دہلی یونیورسٹی دہلی میں منعقد ہوا۔ اس کتاب کا نیا
ایڈیشن اگست 2010ء میں سامنے آیا ہے ۔ (35)

حکم الانتفاع بالمرھون عند الفقهاء: دراسة مقارنة

Islam is a complete code of life and dominant upon all the faculties of life. Along with creed faith and worship, Islam has emphasized on the affairs of daily life. In the connotation of affairs all the components of sale and purchase mentioned in detail. Accordingly, there is a provision if someone sell a thing to another and the buyer is not eligible to pay the price then there should be written a statement in the presence of two witnesses to pay the price in fix time. If there is neither witness nor the arrangement of writing, so there should be mortgaged something from the buyer. When the buyer pay a loan then the seller should return the mortgaged thing. The originality of mortgage is for the protection of loan not for profit. In present era the purpose of mortgage has changed and is done it for getting profit. Although some imams and Ahl-e-Zawaher provide the capacity for getting profit, so the Jamhoor and Ahnaf don’t allow anyone to get it. To change the original shape of mortgage is illegitimate and is considered as usury. If there is no custom in a certain territory and the man who offer loan does not intend to get profit then with the permission of the person who has received loan __provides the facility to get profit, However to avoid this practice is far better in shariah. In the article understudy the originality of mortgage and dissension among different Imams to get profit from it has been discussed. In the end a crucial statement has been mentioned.

Extraction and Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites As Green Antiotensin Converting Enzyme Ace Inhibitor.

Secondary metabolites, substantially available in the medicinal plants, have divulged their pharmacological properties and can be used in its isolated form or as integral component of the plant‟s part, to cure a variety of disorders. High blood pressure is considered as silent killer as it sneaks up in the body and may leads to serious cardiovascular disorders. Many allopathic antihypertensive medicines are presently available but these are taking their toll in the form of serious side effects. Therefore, the present study was designed for extraction and evaluation of plant‟s secondary metabolites as green Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors for management of hypertension. In the first phase of this research, aqueous and ethanol extracts of 22 plants were initially screened as green ACE inhibitors. Among them four plants Coriandrum sativum, Amomum subulatum, Rauvolfia serpentina and Curcuma longa showed highest ACE inhibition potential. Secondary metabolites were extracted from these four medicinal plants and evaluated for ACE inhibition potential. The highest ACE inhibition potential was observed with flavonoid (81.4±0.48%) of Coriandrum sativum, tannin (77.9±0.24%) of Amomum subulatum, flavonoid (79.9±0.42%) and tannin (88.3±0.26%) of Rauvolfia serpentina and alkaloid (44.4±1.32%) of Curcuma longa. Plants are traditionally recognized for their synergic therapeutic effects, therefore, combinations of plants and their secondary metabolites were evaluated for synergistic ACE inhibition potential. The results revealed that the combination No.1 comprising of Rauvolfia serpentina and Curcuma longa (RS+CL) exhibited significant ACE inhibitory activity (65.08±0.33%) with IC50 value of 73.67μg/mL. The combination No. 13 of secondary metabolite comprising of tannins and flavonoids of Rauvolfia serpentina and alkaloids of Curcuma longa (TRS+FRS+ACL) showed highest ACE inhibition potential (69.64±0.80%) with IC50 value of 39.67μg/mL. Secondary metabolites present in combination No. 13 were further fractionated through column chromatography. Different fractions of flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids were collected, but among them only F3 fraction of flavonoids, T3 fraction of tannins of Rauvolfia serpentina and A6 fraction of alkaloids of Curcuma longa showed ACE inhibition potential. In 2nd phase of the study, characterization of five secondary metabolites fractions extracted from four selected medicinal plants and secondary metabolites present in combination No. 13 were performed by LC-ESI-MS/MS technique to find out the actual bioactive compounds responsible for ACE inhibition potential. The ACE inhibitors identified from flavonoids fraction were included pinocembrin, apigenin, pseudobaptigenin, quercetin, myricetin-3-O-glucoside, quercetin- dimethyl ether-O-glucuronide, quercetagetin, Luteolin-7-O-glycoronyl and quercetin-3-O-hexose-pentoside. Tannins fraction contained ellagic acid, megiferin gallate, prodelphinidin B4, tri galloyl glucose and geraniin as ACE inhibitors. Pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine,3,3a,4,7-tetrahydro-3,3-dimethyl;(3aS) and 2-(2‟-methyl-1‟-propyl)-4, 6-dimethyl-7-hydroxyquinoline were identified as alkaloidal ACE inhibitors. In the 3rd phase of this study, the combination No. 1 of plant (RS+CL) and combination No. 13 of secondary metabolites (TRS+FRS+ACL) were investigated for in vivo antihypertensive potential through spontaneous induction of hypertension by two kidney one clip (2K1C) renal artery ligation method. In vivo trial revealed that the combination No. 13 of secondary metabolites showed comparatively better antihypertensive potential as compared to the combination No.1 of whole plants. It is pertinent to mention that the antihypertensive potential of the isolated secondary metabolites was better even than the standard drug (Captopril) which was used as reference.