دیہات میں قابل ڈاکٹروں کا فقدان
آج تک یہ المیہ ہی بنا ہوا ہے کہ شہروں میں زیادہ سہولتیں ہوتی ہیں اور دیہاتوں میں زندگی سہولتوںسے دور ہوتی ہے۔اسی بات کی وجہ سے لوگ شہروں کا رخ کرلیتے ہیںاور دیہاتوں میں پہلے سے بھی کم لوگ رہ جاتے ہیں۔جو افراد تعلیمی میدان کوفتح کرلیتے ہیںتو وہ دیہات میں رہنا پسند نہیںکرتے ،بوریا بستر سمیت شہروں کی طرف نکل پڑتے ہیں۔جیسے وہ پڑھائی ہی اس لیے کرتے ہیں کہ وہ شہروں کی طرف زندگی کو لے جاسکیں۔
ناطق نے بھی کہانی کے آغاز میں قاری کی توجہ اسی طرف مبذول کرائی ہے کہ دیہاتی زندگی بہت سادہ ہوتی ہے۔جہاں قابل ڈاکٹروں کا فقدان ہوتا ہے قابل ڈاکٹرز کا اس لیے کہ وہاں جو کوئی سیانا ہوتا ہے تو اسے علاج معالجے کیلئے مقرر کر لیا جاتاہے۔وہ اب چھوٹی موٹی بیماریوں بخار،زکام ،گلہ خراب جیسے امراض کا تو علاج کر سکتا ہے مگر بڑے مسائل کو حل کرنا اس کے لئے ناگزیر ہوتا ہے۔
دیہات میں خواتین اور ان کے نومولود بچوں کے حوالے سے بھی بہت سے مسائل کاسامنا رہتا ہے اور پورے علاقے میں زچگی سینٹر نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے اکثر انہیں جان سے بھی جانا پڑتا ہے۔ناول نگار نے بھی کہانی میں ایک سیانی عورت کا ذکر کیا ہے جو کہ دراصل خود کی پناہ کیلئے اس علاقے میں بسی اور پھر وہاں لوگوں کا علاج معالجہ کر کے گزارا شروع کردیااوراس علاج معالجے کا تجربہ اس عورت کو اس لیے تھا کہ اس کی ماں نرس تھی اور ماں کو دیکھ کر وہ کافی کچھ سیکھ چکی تھی۔
’’میری بیوی کا سارا علاج معالجہ اس نے کیا۔تمہیں تو ہماری مشکلوں کی خبر نہیں پر یہاں...
Islam is a complete code of life and it provides complete guidance in every field of life. Islamic law provides protection to the human wisdom, race and respect. Spiritual purity, sacred heart and environmental cleanliness, is one of the important persistence of Islamic sharia. Every act which leads us towards ignorance, contradiction, ambiguity and vulgarity is prohibiting in human societies. Zina has destroyed the spiritual values of individuals, families, societies and even nations. This ruthless deed is not only prohibited and sentenced in Islam, but also rather detested by other heavenly religions as well. Without discrimination of any religion, many scholars considered this hated act as the source of unrest and anarchy. Physically, ethically, medically, socially and even religiously zina has infinite hindrances in the society. Islam has provided various teachings and precautions to shun from this major sin for the protection of greatness and superiority of humanity. One of the important teachings is punishment for committing this sin, which is known as “Hadd” in Islamic sharia. In the current book, the punishments of married and unmarried (Fornicator) zani have been described in the light of Sunnah and Quran. The important purpose of Qisas and Hadd is the correction of societies, protection of life, respect and wealth, not the humiliation of people. To punish the criminals is the source of rectification for others.
Interpersonal mistreatments at workplace is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon . This study used a four dimensions of interpersonal mistreatments i.e. ostracism, incivility, interpersonal conflicts and harassment. This study aims to investigate the relationship of interpersonal mistreatments and interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors in the workplace. Employees are frequently faced with interpersonal mistreatments at the workplace. Consequently, employees do not perform by utilizing their best potentials. The purpose of this study was to encompass the interpersonal mistreatments at workplace literature by proposing and hypothesizing a comprehensive model of outcomes associated with interpersonal mistreatments in the form of interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors under the theoretical lens of Social exchange theory. Moreover, this study investigates job burnout as mediator between interpersonal mistreatments and counterproductive work behaviors. Additionally, this study examines the role of emotional intelligence as a moderator among the interpersonal mistreatments, job burnout and counterproductive work under the affect theory of social exchange. This study has used self administered questionnaires to collect data from two employee groups, i.e. white collar and blue collar job holders from the higher educational institutions, Punjab, Pakistan. The stratified random sampling was used to collect the data from white collar and blue collar job holders. Moreover, both blue collar and white collar job holders face deviant behaviors of individuals at different levels and at different designations. Therefore, this study addresses the need for rigorous research on academic workplaces. On the basis of the conceptual model, hypotheses were developed and tested using multiple regression, mediation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and mediation moderation analysis. The findings reveal that there is a significant and positive association between interpersonal mistreatments and job burnout in both white and blue collar job holders whereas interpersonal mistreatments counterproductive work behaviors shows insignificant relationship except ostracism and counterproductive work behaviors in the case of both white and blue collar job holders. Multiple Regression Analysis indicated that job burnout partially mediates the relationship between interpersonal mistreatment (ostracism, incivility, interpersonal conflicts, and harassment) and counterproductive work behaviors in the case of white and blue collar job holders and full mediation exists in case of incivility and xvii counterproductive work behaviors of white collar employees. Further, the results proved that emotional intelligence significantly moderates the relationship between interpersonal mistreatments and counterproductive work behaviors. Moreover, emotional intelligence indicates insignificant mediation moderating effect of job burnout and counterproductive work behavior in WCW and BCW. Besides, there exists a difference between white and blue collar job holders regarding interpersonal mistreatments and counterproductive work behaviors except harassment and job burnout. It is also shown to be more effective in the case of blue collar workers as compared to white collar job holders. This study makes a sound theoretical contribution to the literature with respect to the relationship between interpersonal mistreatment and counterproductive work behavior in the higher education sector of Pakistan. The study also provides the insight to HR professionals and managers working in the higher education sector of Pakistan that emotional intelligence can be used to reduce the employees‘ negative emotions that may result in damaging retaliatory behaviors.