یہ آسماں جو حیرتی ہے اک ترے جمال کا
یہ حسن کیا ہے آئنہ ہے خوبی و کمال کا
یہ رنگ و نور لے رہے ہیں رہ گزار سے تری
گلاب ہو کہ چاند ہو کہ شمس ہو زوال کا
میں جنتوں کا تھا مکیں تری نگاہِ ناز سے
تاحشر مجھ سے امتحاں لیا ہے خدو خال کا
نظر سے وہ پلا کے مجھ سے کہتے ہیں کہ جائو اب
کہاں یہ حوصلہ سہوں میں لمس اُس جلال کا
میں اٹھ کے لڑکھڑا گیا تھا جب فضاؔ نے یہ کہا
یہ صورِ اسرافیل ہے، نہیں یہ پل وصال کا
Tasaw’uf(mysticism)is a branch of Islamic knowledge which focuses on the spiritual development of the Muslim. Allah sent His final messenger, Prophet Muhammad, as a source of knowledge for the entire Ummah. He was the model of spirituality for the world. His God-consciousness, deep spirituality, acts of worship, and love for Allah were preserved and propagated by an Islamic science called Tasaw’uf(mysticism). After the Prophet (SAW), the scholars carried different branches of knowledge. The aim of the scholars of Tasaw’uf(mysticism)was purification of the heart, and development of consciousness of Allah through submission to the Shariā and Sunnah. The Sofiy’ā have role model to keep the society peaceful. In this paper will be discussed about the role of Tasaw’uf(mysticism) and Sofiy’ā In the establishment of a moral and tolerant society.
This study examines the direct impact of learning organization practices on non-financial firm performance, and the individual mediating roles of knowledge creation and innovation in the learning organization–firm performance relationship. In addition, the study analyzes the indirect impact of learning organization practices on non-financial firm performance through the sequential mediation effect of both knowledge creation and innovation in the context of Pakistan’s telecommunication sector. The research model consists of nine testable hypotheses, and is based on the premises established in the four well-established management theories, namely resourcebased view theory, knowledge-based view theory, dynamic capabilities theory, and input-processoutput model. To collect data, 600 questionnaires that consisted of four self-constructed scales were randomly distributed to lower and middle managers of the five Pakistani telecommunication companies. The data generated from the 410 useable questionnaires was used to test the nine hypotheses through Structural Equation Modelling approach. The results derived from data analysis suggest that individually, both knowledge creation and innovation partially mediate the direct effect of learning organization practices on non-financial firm performance. Moreover, findings illustrate that knowledge creation and innovation sequentially mediate the learning organization–firm performance relationship. The study recommends that managers should adopt learning-supportive leadership styles, foster a learning-conducive culture, conduct appropriate training programs, decentralize and informalize organizational systems, and establish sound technological systems if they want to their company to survive, compete, lead, grow and evolve in today’s increasingly volatile, turbulent and hypercompetitive business environment.