چھوٹے قد کا بڑا آدمی
قاضی سلطان محمود مرحوم کو ہم سے بچھڑے پانچ سال ہو گئے ۔میرے سیاسی استادوںمیں دو لو گ شامل ہیں ۔قاضی سلطان محمود اور سابق سینئر استاد سردار سلیم صاحب ۔جن سے نہ صرف بہت کچھ سیکھا بلکہ 1978ء میں شروع ہو نے والا مزاحمتی سیاست کا سفر ان کے ساتھ راولپنڈی اس لحاظ سے خوش قسمت شہر تھا جسے پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کی سیاست میں نہ صرف نمایاں مقام حاصل رہا ہے بلکہ سردار سلیم صاحب اور قاضی سلطان محمود مرحوم جیسی بہادر قیادت ملی دونوں بائیں بازو کی ترقی پسند سیاست پر یقین رکھتے تھے ۔ان کی سوچ فکر نے میرے جیسے سینکڑوں کا رکنوں کی سیاسی تربیت کی جنہوں نے آگے چل کر جنرل ضیاء الحق کے خلاف جمہوریت کی بحالی کی جنگ میں بھرپور کردار ادا کیا ۔
چھوٹے قد کا بڑا آدمی جنرل ضیاء الحق کے مارشل لاء کے خلاف مزاحمتی تحریک کا ایک اہم کردار سلطان محمود قاضی۔ 1979ء بلدیاتی انتخابات کا بگل بج چکا تھا راولپنڈی میں ٹکٹوںکی تقسیم ہو چکی تھی ہمارے حلقہ میں سنا تھا کہ ٹکٹ شیخ جلیل اختر مرحوم کو ملا ہے جو پی پی پی وارڈ کمیٹی ڈھیری حسن آباد کے چئیر مین تھے ۔ایک صبح دروازے پر دستک ہوئی میں نے دروازہ کھولا تو سامنے ملک الطاف حسین مرحوم کھڑے تھے ۔میرا ان سے کوئی تعارف نہ تھا لیکن بلدیاتی انتخابات کے بعد تو ملک صاحب میرے قریب ترین دوستوں میں شامل ہوئے ۔شاہی قلعہ تک اکٹھے گئے ۔ملک الطاف حسین مرحوم نے بتا یا کہ انہیں پاکستا ن پیپلز پارٹی نے وارڈ نمبر 5سے ٹکٹ دیا ہے ۔میں نے انہیں کہا کہ میری تو ابھی ووٹ بھی نہیں بنی میں میٹر ک کا طالب علم ہوں تو انہوں نے ہنستے ہو ئے...
Within the global financial system, Islamic banks have a small but growing share, and today they have become an integral part of the global financial system. Islamic banks in the world have been operating according to interest-free financing techniques, which are mainly developed on sharing of profits and losses in accordance with the difference principles between purchase and sale. However, the presentation of financial products in Turkey is conducted by ‘participation banks’ operating according to Islamic rules. Participation banks play a vital role in economic development by gaining the unused funds to the economy. This study will examine the performance of the participation banks operating in Turkey and their increasing share in the Turkish finance sector will be assessed. The work sheet will contain three demands: First: Islamic banks and the difference between them and the definition of riba-based banks. Second: The history of Islamic banks in Turkey. Third: The role of Islamic banks in the sustainable development of the Turkish economy.
Motivation is one of the key elements considered important for the enhancement of quality of an organization.It has been considered vital for the excellence in performance of individuals as well as improved standards of output.In the field of education teacher motivation has its prime importance as the teacher is a major stake holder of this system.Motivated teacher can do more for achievement of students to achieve the set objectives in a very positive, drastic and effective way. The major aim of the study was to find out relationship between teacher motivation and students’ academic achievement at secondary school. This was a co-relational research and data was collected through survey technique.Population of study consisted of 3168 male and female secondary school teachers working in rural and urban are secondary schools located in five districts of Lahore division. Sample of the study comprised of 950 secondary school teachers which was 30% of the population. Questionnaire “Motivational Orientation to Teaching Survey” (MOT-S III) developed on five point Likert scale was used to find out motivation level of the teachers and students’ academic achievement was measured from the results of students of 9th and 10th grade in annual examination of the years 2010 and 2011 conducted by Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE).The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were ensured through experts’ opinion and pilot study respectively. The reliability of questionnaire after translation and pilot testing was 0.73.Frequencies and percentages of respondents were calculated. Person ‘r’ was used to find out the relationship. It was found that significantly positive relationship existed between teacher motivation and students’ achievement at secondary school level.Statistically significant relationship was also found between the factors of teacher motivation and students’ academic achievement.The findings of the research study elaborated that increase in motivation level of teacher enhances the students’ academic achievement as well.