ڈاکٹر عبدالوہاب عزام مصری
دوسرا حادثہ دنیائے عرب کی نامور شخصیت ڈاکٹر عبدالوہاب عزام مصری کی وفات کا ہے، وہ عربی دنیا کے اکابررجال میں تھے، ان میں علم و سیاست دونوں کا جتماع تھا علوم و ادب کے فاضل، عربی، فارسی، ترکی، انگریزی، فرنچ وغیرہ متعدد زبانوں کے ماہر تھے، اردو سے بھی واقفیت رکھتے تھے، انہوں نے مصر اور لندن کی یونیورسٹیوں سے ڈاکٹریٹ کی ڈگری حاصل کی تھی، ابتدا میں مدرسہ قضاء شرعی کے استاد مقرر ہوئے تھے، پھر یونیورسٹی میں عربی، فارسی اور ترکی کے پروفیسر، پھر اسی یونیورسٹی میں شعبۂ السنہ مشرقیہ کے صدر مقرر ہوئے، اور آخر میں آرٹس کالج کے پرنسپل ہوگئے تھے، علم کیساتھ سیاست بھی ممتاز تھے، چنانچہ مختلف اوقات میں حکومت مصر کی جانب سے لندن سعودی عرب اور پاکستان کے سفیر مقرر ہوئے، تھوڑے دن ہوئے سعودی حکومت نے ریاض یونیورسٹی کے قیام و تاسیس کے سلسلہ میں ان کی خدمات حاصل کی تھیں، ابھی وہ اس کام کو انجام دے رہے تھے کہ پیام اجل آگیا، انہوں نے اپنے قلم و دماغ سے علم و فن اور دنیائے عرب کی بڑی قیمتی خدمات انجام دیں اور علمی مضامین کے علاوہ بہت سی محققانہ تصانیف اور تراجم یادگار چھوڑے، عربی دنیا میں ان کی موت سے جو جگہ خالی ہوئی ہے وہ مشکل سے بھر سکے گی، اﷲ تعالیٰ علم و ملت کے اس خادم کو اپنے دامن رحمت میں جگہ دے۔
(شاہ معین الدین ندوی، جولائی ۱۹۵۹ء)
Religion Islam has given equal rights to men and women in the field of education. For men education was compulsory and women were encouraged to seek education. Both males and females have been referred to using polygamous section for education while women are often encouraged and especially emphasized. The Prophet(SAW)arranged special seats for the gender critical in order to highlight the importance of women education. That was way the passion for special education in women grew so much that women discussed global issues with men and solved to reject men’s judgement. It was the influence of this academic moment that many Muslim women not only made a name for themselves, but also wrote books on various research topic in the field of Hadith, Commentary, Iftaa and many other Sciences. Thanks for this global revolution Muslim rulers not only provided a learning environment for their children but also established large educational institutions for ordinary women. The astonishing thing is that despite this wonderful past today Muslims are unable to provide a safe and secure opportunity for education to women.
Pakistan has been a huge recipient of Japanese economic assistance for the growth of its economy. Moreover, Pak-Japanese relations in term of economic aids and human security are strongly mature and amicable since Pakistan is one of those countries in the world which needs acute economic assistance and financial aids to develop its social, political and economic sectors so that it guarantees the human security in Pakistan. Apart from this, the human security assistance which has humanistic values and norms is directly linked with the human development and welfare. Being a staunch supporter of the notion to empower the people of the developing countries in social and economic fields, Japan has been consistently supporting Pakistan. The dissertation is qualitative in nature and would find out the provision of Japanese aids to Pakistan and would also read the impact.It is learnt that why Japan has been so much actively involved in supporting the government of Pakistan to revive its economy and bring a dramatic reduction in the ratio of poverty. The thesis aims to identify that the interests and intentions of Japan in supporting Pakistan for developing its human security. More specifically, Japan has been observed in working and developing the educational, health, agricultural, sanitation, economic sectors which are crucial and clear indications in Pak-Japanese relations in respect to human security. Developing and improving the irrigation system through applying modern techniques by Japan are also certain signs which show the commitment of Japan in the promotion and protection of human security in Pakistan. In addition, the other projects which Japan has started in Pakistan, have mainly focused on transportation service, health services and education for Pakistan in the form of various projects carried out of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). Japanese has been continuously and perpetually providing economic aids, grants and loans to Pakistan in order to ensure the protection and restoration of human security and human development in Pakistan. Japan has also helped Pakistan to strengthen and develop the markets of Pakistan and bring changes in socioeconomic development which ultimately would bring regional development and V prosperity. The Japanese economic assistance brought dramatic reforms in Pakistan.Japan’s aid to Pakistan no doubt, carries certain strings and conditions, but has purely helped Pakistan to come out from human security threats.Therefore, Pak-Japanese ties in term of human security in Pakistan is strongly mature and strong and Pakistan needsmore economic support and financial aids from Japan since Pakistan has to do a lot to come out from human crisis. Pakistan and Japan ought to seek their bilateral relations irrespective of the fact that how and what they interests they pursue in their relations with other countries.