آہ! مولانا حمیدالدین
الصلوٰۃ علیٰ ترجمان القرآن (مفسر قرآن کی نماز جنازہ) وہ صدا ہے جو آج سے ساڑے چھ سو برس پیشتر مصرو شام سے چین کی دیواروں تک ابن تیمیہ رحمۃ اﷲ علیہ کی نماز جنازہ کے لیے بلند ہوئی تھی، حق یہ ہے کہ یہ صدا آج پھر بلند ہو اور کم از کم ہندوستان سے مصر و شام تک پھیل جائے کہ اس عہد کا ابن تیمیہ ۱۱؍ نومبر ۱۹۳۰ء (۱۹؍ جمادی الثانیہ ۱۳۴۹ھ) کو اس دنیا سے رخصت ہوگیا، وہ جس کے فضل و کمال کی مثال آئندہ بظاہر حال عالم اسلامی میں پیدا ہونے کی توقع نہیں، جس کی مشرقی و مغربی جامعیت عہد حاضر کا معجزہ تھی، عربی کا فاضل یگانہ اور انگریزی کا گریجویٹ، زہد و ورع کی تصویر، فضل و کمال کا مجسمہ، فارسی کا بلبل شیراز، عربی کا سوقِ عکاظ، ایک شخصیت مفرد، لیکن ایک جہانِ دانش، ایک دنیا ئے معرفت! ایک کائنات علم! ایک گوشہ نشین مجمعِ کمال، ایک بینواسلطان ہنر، علوم ادبیہ کا یگانہ، علوم عربیہ کا خزانہ، علوم عقلیہ کا ناقد، علوم دینیہ کا ماہر، علوم القرآن کا واقف اسرار، قرآن پاک کا دانائے رموز، دنیا کی دولت سے بے نیاز، اہل دنیا سے مستغنی، انسانوں کے ردوقبول اور عالم کے داد و تحسین سے بے پروا، گوشہ علم کا معتکف اور اپنی دنیا کا آپ بادشاہ، وہ ہستی جو تیس برس کامل قرآن پاک اور صرف قرآن پاک کے فہم و تدبر اور درس و تعلیم میں محو، ہر شے سے بے گانہ، اور ہر شغل سے ناآشنا تھی، افسوس کہ ان کا علم ان کے سینہ سے سفینہ میں بہت کم منتقل ہوسکا، مسودات کا دفتر چھوڑا ہے، مگر افسوس کہ اس کے سمجھنے اور ربط و نظام دینے کا دماغ اب کہاں، جو چند رسالے چھپے وہ عربی میں ہیں، جن...
The value of Shari’ah Maxims is realized all over the world. These maxims keep a superlative significance over all legal maxims as their sources are based on Qur’ān and Sunnah that is the real source of islamic law. Shari’ah Maxims such a important subject of islamic law that simplifies the interpretation of shari’ah. If the Shari’ah Maxims are inculcated and conceived properly then there is no need to burn midnight oil in learning the large number of sub-titles of Shari’ah. The fiqh defines the Shari’ah Maxims as the principles organized. This article explores the Four important Shari’ah Maxims relating to peace and ethics of a muslim state towards its non-muslim residants. It includes the meanings, arguments and real life examples about these maxims. These maxims are: (الذمی من اھل دارنا کالمسلم)Zimmies are considered equalent to the muslims of state.(الامر بیننا وبین الکفار مبنی علی المجازاۃ)The relations between muslims and non-muslims countries are based on equality.(ان حرمۃ قتل المستامن من حق اللہ تعالی)Those who have the entry into the muslim state with permit and peaceful intention, must be protected and neither be killed nor be harmed.(عبارۃ الرسول کعبارۃ المرسل)Any ambassador of the state will be considered the real representative of the sender who can completely deal all the things on behalf of his sender. Today it’s the dire need of the time to implement these Shari’ah Maxims generaly for the humanity and especially for Muslims Countries to solve the critical issues, because today the world needs peace the most as it was needed never before.
A survey of five pear growing districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir i.e. Rawalakot, Bagh, Muzaffarabad, Sudhnoti and Kotli was conducted during the year 2003 and 60 accessions of distinct characters of horticultural importance were selected from 48 sites of these districts for characterization. For each accession, passport data were collected with the help of Pyrus descriptor as developed by International Board of Plant Genetic Resources. During the next two years (2004 and 2005), all the selected accessions were visited thrice each year at the time of flowering, fruit setting and fruit maturity. Data were recorded on growth habit of plants, incidence of diseases (fire blight and apple scab), precocity, intensity of flowering, fruit setting, productivity, time of ripening, fruit shape and fruit colour. Leaves and fruit of these accessions were also collected and leaf area, fruit size and fruit weight were measured. Ripe fruit were evaluated for organoleptic parameters, nutritional value (TSS, total sugars and vitamin C content) and postharvest life at ordinary room temperature (26 ± 2 oC). The accessions differed for these parameters; however, the accessions with the same local name had almost similar characteristics. All the accessions locally called as Frashishi and Desi nashpati had the excellent fruit quality and can be exploited for commercial production in the area. Most of the other accessions, also had good fruit quality except few (locally called as Btangi, Btung, Raj btung and Pathar nakh), which are mostly used as rootstocks in the area. The accessions were characterized by using protein markers based on bio-chemical analysis (SDS-PAGE). The accessions differed in number of bands which ranged from 12- 20. According to the banding pattern the accessions were divided into the various groups and sub-groups showing similarities and differences among them. Out of sixty local xxaccessions, fifty six accessions along with eight varieties (used as reference control) were also characterized using DNA based SSR markers to assess genetic diversity and relationship among them. Nine out of 12 primers revealed clear and reproducible amplification banding pattern in 41 genotypes (33 accessions and 8 control varieties). Cluster analysis based on UPGMA dendrogram, grouped the genotypes into clusters sub- clusters and groups on the basis of relatedness and variability. Most of the accessions were absolutely homogenous and were classified into two homogenous groups, despite the fact that these accessions differed in there morphological and physico-chemical traits. Attempts were also made to preserve the local pear germplasm through in vivo and in vitro methods. For in vivo preservation, a nursery was established and nine pear genotypes i.e. Khurolli, Bagugisha, Pathar nakh, Desi nakh, Kotharnul, Desi nash, Frashishi, Kashmiri nakh and Raj btung were propagated through whip grafting on Btangi seedlings. The genotypes differed for growth parameters. Apical shoots of nine pear genotypes (already mentioned above except Desi nash but including Btangi) were preserved in vitro under minimal growth conditions using low temperature treatments, modification in medium strength and adding mannitol in the basal medium and also by reducing the concentration of BAP and using growth retardants for different storage periods i.e. 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The genotype differed significantly for survival and regeneration percentages. Storage at 5 °C, MS medium containing 2.5% mannitol and MS medium with reduced concentration of BAP (0.50 mg l -1 ) were found significantly better as compared to other treatments. Storage for the minimum period (3 months) was better than other storage periods as assessed on the basis of survival and regenerability of the cultures.