باب چہارم
خطۂ سیالکوٹ ۔ تنقید
(الف) اقبال شناسی
ڈاکٹر خواجہ عبدالحمید عرفانی (۱۹۰۷ء۔۱۹۹۰ء) کا اقبال شناسوں میں اہم مقام و مرتبہ ہے نہ صرف سیالکوٹ میں بلکہ عالمی سطح پر اقبال شناسی کی روایت میں خواجہ عرفانی ایک اہم نام ہے۔ اقبال کو ایران میں متعارف کرانے کا سہرا خواجہ عرفانی کے سر جاتا ہے۔ عرفانی صاحب کی ادبی خدمات بے پایاں ہیں مگر ہمیں یہاں صرف عبدالحمید عرفانی کی اقبال شناسی کا جائزہ لینا ہے۔ اقبال کو ایران میں متعارف کرانے کے لیے ’’رومی عصر‘‘ جیسی مدلل کتاب، پاکستان میں جنم لینے والی مشہور عشقیہ داستانوں کو ’’داستان پائے عشق پاکستان‘‘ کے نام سے ایرانیوں کے لیے ’’ضربِ کلیم‘‘ کا فارسی ترجمہ لکھنا اور عبدالحمید عرفانی کی بے پایاں محنت اور اقبال سے محبت کی غماز ہیں۔ خواجہ عبدالحمید عرفانی نے علامہ اقبال پر ’’اقبال ایرانیوں کی نظر میں‘‘ ،’’اقبالِ ایران‘‘ اور ’’پیامِ اقبال‘‘تین کتابیں لکھی ہیں۔
’’اقبال ایرانیوں کی نظر میں ‘‘ میں یہ واضح کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے کہ اقبال سے آشنا ہونے کے بعد اہلِ علم ایرانیوں کی اقبال کے بارے میں رائے اپنے بزرگ شعرا جیسی تھی۔ اور وہ اقبال کو حافظ ،جامی ،سعدی اور رومی کی صف میں شمار کرنے لگے تھے۔ ’’اقبال ایران‘‘ میں عرفانی نے اپنے قیام ایران کے دوران اقبال کو ایران میں متعارف کرانے کی جدوجہد، ایرانیوں کی اقبال سے آشنائی اور ایرانیوں کی اقبال اور پاکستان سے محبت کا اظہار کرنے کا تذکرہ کیا ہے۔ ’’پیامِ اقبال‘‘ میں عرفانی صاحب نے طلبا کی سہولت کے لیے اقبال کے پیغام کا خلاصہ چند صفحات میں پیش کیا ہے۔ اقبال کو ایران میں...
Before the advent of Islam, there was a strong tradition of polemic writings both among the Jews and the Christians to prove the errors of adversary. But, after the advent of Islam in general, and the conquering of Roman / Byzantine empire by the Muslims in the era of Righteous Califate in specific, due to embracing Islam by a large number of local populace, the flux of Christian polemic writing was directed towards Islam. A number of polemic writings surfaced as a resort to keep their religion alive. These writings tried to belittle all basic concepts, beliefs, and creeds of Islam, and even the personality of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the Holy Qur’ān. The contemporary orientalist polemic writers have claimed that there are several accounts originating from Jewish and Christian sources which tried to allegedly prove that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was instructed by Jewish or Christian scholars in the composition of Holy Qur’ān, and to support this claim, they not only point out to certain Jewish or Christian sources, but have parroted their arguments as well, with the similar motives. With this, they have attempted to discredit Islam by raising doubts about the origin of Qur’ān. But despite of their efforts the fact remains firm that the Qur’ān has a Divine origin and was revealed by Allah Ta‘ālā unto Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In this regard, the purpose of this article is to analyze the medieval polemic writings, their motives, and their rumination by the orientalists of the contemporary age. A critical approach is adopted in this analytical, and historical study, using published authentic data and literature including academic books, research papers, periodicals, dictionaries and reliable web sites also.
Science education has remained one of the top priority issues of developing countries for the last few decades. In this age of science and technology, the developing countries face an increasing demand for scientific and technical manpower due to the increased awareness and emphasis on rapid industrialization as well as agricultural development on the national level. It Is now well recognized that science education has a direct and very significant influence on numerous activities in the daily life and environment of both rural and urban communities. It is in this context that the natural and physical sciences, study and use of environment and local resources has been recognized as one of the basic areas of school curriculum in many developing countries including Pakistan. Keeping in view the significance, study In hand is selected to design low cost activities based on low cost materials (equipment, glassware, chemicals) in teaching chemistry at secondary school level in Pakistan. The nature of the study is experimental. Two semi standardized academic achievement tests In the selected content areas of chemistry for IX (vli)class were prepared and administered to 9th class as pretest and posttest. Sample was selected randomly. Experimental and Control Groups were formulated from the sample. Experiments were conducted to experimental group with low cost materials and to control group with high cost materials. Data was collected through pretest and posttest, tabulated accordingly and statistical analysis was carried out. On the basis of the analysis, findings, conclusions are being quoted. Recommendations have also been suggested to popularize the use of low cost materials in science education at secondary school level.