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Urdu Speech Recognition [Mcs Programme]

Thesis Info


Adnan Yaqoob; Saeed Ahmad, Ch.


University of Management and Technology




University of Management and Technology

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Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status



101 .




Report presented for in partial requirement for MCS degree Advisor:; EN; Call No: TP 006.454 ADN-U


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-07 07:53:32



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شیخ ظہور الحسن

شیخ ظہور الحسن
افسوس ہے کہ شیخ ظہورالحسن صاحب سابق ریوینیو سکریٹری حکومت اتر پردیش نے کراچی میں انتقال کیا، وہ اپنے محکمہ کے ماہر اور اس صوبے کے لائق ترین عہدہ داروں میں تھے، حکومت میں ان کا بڑا وقار تھا، عملاً بڑے مذہبی اور دیندار تھے، مذہبی مطالعہ وسیع تھا، دینی کاموں سے بڑی دلچسپی تھی، ترک وطن سے پہلے دارالمصنفین کی مجلس انتظامیہ کے رکن تھے، کئی سال ہوئے ریٹائرڈ ہوچکے تھے، ان کے لڑکے پاکستان میں بڑے عہدوں پر تھے، لیکن وہ خود ہندوستان ہی میں مقیم رہے، ۱۹۶۵؁ء کی جنگ سے کچھ پہلے لڑکوں سے ملنے کراچی گئے تھے، اسی دوران میں جنگ چھڑگئی، اس لیے لڑکوں کے اصرار سے وہاں مستقل قیام اختیار کرلیا، اور وہیں قلبی دورے میں وفات پائی، مسلمان عہدہ داروں میں ایسے لائق اور دیندار کم ہوتے ہیں، اﷲ تعالیٰ اس مرد مومن کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی، جنوری ۱۹۷۲ء)

دلالة النص على مبادئ الشريعة الإسلامية في الدساتير العربية وأثره في تنظيم مبدأ المساواة بين المواطنين

This research is about the effect of text meaning on the constitutional rule that related to the Islamic Sharia principles. The Islamic Sharia principles are the source of legislation in the Arab constitutions. It will also look in the impact of this constitutional rule on organizing the principle of equality among citizens in various fields; equality in front of the law and judicature, and equality in rights and freedoms. In particular, this research highlights how the impact of text on the constitutional rule affects on organizing the equality between Muslim and non-Muslim citizens, also between men and women of Muslim citizens. Thus, this research has been split into four topics that addressed respectively as follows: First, what is Islamic Sharia and Legislation in Islamic Fiqh (doctrine). Second, the semantics of multiple formulations of the Islamic Sharia principle as a source of legislation in the constitution. Third, the principle of equality in both, the Islamic Sharia and the positive law. Finally, the impact of the text on the Islamic Sharia principle of Arab constitutions in organizing the equality principle among citizens. The research concluded with set of results that can be summarized as follows: Every formula that has been used in the constitutional rule of the Islamic Sharia principle in the Arabic countries has a different semantics and results that lead to different obligations in the way of organizing the equality principle in the legislative bodies either in constitution's document or in ordinary laws. Also, the research concluded that the Islamic Sharia as a public principle doesn't conflict with the positive law in recognizing the equality principle among citizens in different fields, but the conflict is in the understanding and application of some fields of equality among citizens in different religions and genders. The researcher came with set of recommendations including clarifying wording of the text that related to the Islamic Sharia principle in the Arab constitution rules. These clarifications should prevent any other interpretations. In addition, the researcher suggested to adopt this formula: the original principles of Islamic Sharia is the main source of legislation. Also, formulations of equality principle among citizens in all its manifestations in the constitutions must be consistent with the original Islamic Sharia principle. Also, all the texts that related to the equality among citizens, and between men and women should included the sentence "with no conflict with the original Islamic Sharia principles".

School Practices to Reduce Student Absenteeism: A Case of a Boys Public Secondary School in District Tando Allahyar, Sindh

Students’ absenteeism from their schools has been a big issue in Sindh Province. There are various studies done on students’ drop out from elementary school level. The reason found for these drop-outs was students’ constant absenteeism from school. This study was conducted to explore the school practices to reduce the students’ absenteeism. A qualitative case study was conducted in a government Islamia Boys’ School (Pseudonym) of District Tando Allahyar, Sindh. Research participants were selected from different stakeholder groups. Altogether, data were collected from nine participants including: One head teacher, four teachers, four students, and two parents. Data collection tools for this research were semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, observations, and document analysis. Findings of the study revealed the good practices of stakeholders that control students’ absence from the school, which include, collaboration among stakeholders, teacher empowerment, engaging and interactive teaching and learning and co-curricular activities in the school. The study also revealed the challenges that are faced by the school in controlling the absenteeism. Because of poverty some parents prefer their children to generate income rather than sending them schools or support their mothers in taking care of their younger sibling and let their mothers work. Lack of resources in school also makes some students stay at home. The study put forward the suggestions that school should have basic facilities so that students can comfortably carry out their classroom activities and also there should be strong means and channels of communications between parents and the school.