احمد سعید اعوان
لائلپور/فیصل آباد کی سب سے قد آور شخصیت جن کی خطابت ،عوام دوستی،ایمان داری ، سیاسی فہم و فراست ،قائدانہ تدبر انھیں ماضی ،حال اور مستقبل میں فیصل آباد کے سب سے معتبر و ممتاز سیاست دان کے مقام پر فائز رکھیں گے ۔انہوں سیاسی کارکن کی حیثیت سے پی پی پی کے قیام کے فوری بعد بھکر اور بعد ازاں لائلپور میں جس جدو جہد کا آغاز کیا تھا وہ وزارت اور ملک کی سب سے بڑی سیاسی جماعت کے اہم عہدوںکی ذمہ داری کے ملنے تک ایک تسلسل سے جاری رہی ۔ 1977میں شہید بھٹو کی گرفتاری کے بعد جنرل ضیاء الحق نے اکتوبر میں عام انتخابات کے انعقاد کا اعلان کیا تو انتخابی میم کی قیادت کا فریضہ بیگم نصرت بھٹو نے انجام دیا وہ شہر شہر جلسے کر رہی تھیں ۔ فیصل آباد کے جلسے کے لیے ملک احمد سعید اعوان کی تجویز پر شہید محترمہ بے نظیر بھٹو کو عملی سیاست کے آغاز کے لیے فیصل آباد مدعو کیا گیا ۔اس طرح شہید بی بی نے اپنے سیاسی کیرئیر کے سب سے پہلے تاریخ ساز جلسہ سے خطاب کیا جس کا کریڈت اعوان صاحب کو جا تا ہے ۔ضیاء دور میں انہیں قید و بند کی صعوبتیں کے ساتھ کوڑوںکی سزا کا سامنا کرنا پڑا مگر ان کی استقامت اور پارٹی سے وفادار ی میں کمی نہ آئی ۔ایم آر ڈی کی احتجاجی تحریک کو فیصل آباد ڈویژن میں منظم کر نے کے لیے بھی انہی کا کلیدی کردار تھا ۔اس ضمن میں 1985ء میں ایم آر ڈی کا ایک بہت بڑا جلسہ کروانے میں ان کی شب و روز کی محنت شامل تھی ۔13اپریل 1986ء میں لاہور کے بعد سب سے بڑا جلسہ فیصل آ باد میں ہوا تھا شہید بے نظیر بھٹو نے اس...
Islamic education curriculum has central value for education process, as education vision direction. Islamic education mission is how to create religious people by leaning perfectly. Curriculum becomes one of success applications and quality in education institution most. Curriculum will develop based on global world and people life style existency. Therefore, education should view people life style increased as learning source that is becomed a value for curriculum step making. Beside that, islamic education curriculum development also becomes teacher’s choice to implement learning manner in class. In where, it’s implementation should be arranged and systematically to make maximal learning either in development vision, indicator, lesson teory, lesson model proccess, learning evaluation or teacher’s development skill. The process of islamic education curriculum development must be done good and awesome also seeing several factors as supports and obstacles of it. In other to get an education result based on such the plan made before(education planning).
Behaviour management of students is an important aspect of school life and an integral component of the leadership practice of the school leaders. The behaviour of students reflects the school's norms, culture and priorities where the school leadership plays its vital role in formulating strategies aimed at institutionalizing the desired set of behaviours. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the influence of school leadership on behaviour management of the students. It further aimed at investigating the views of the teachers and students about the school leadership's influence on behaviour management of the students. Precisely speaking it intended to investigate how and to what extent does school leadership influences students' behaviour management in a private secondary school of Karachi. Within a framework of a case study design, data was collected in two phases. In the first phase, the influence of school leadership on student behaviour management was explored through semi-structured interviews from the school leadership, observation and document analysis. Based on the themes generated in the first phase, a survey questionnaire was developed and administered to the entire teaching staff of the secondary section and to a group of randomly selected students, to understand their views about school leadership's influence on students' behaviour management. This study explored that school leadership influences students' behaviour through initiating and maintaining various policies and procedures. They enact certain support mechanisms both for students and teachers with regards to student behaviour management. The school leadership involves parents and maintains certain procedures of awards for encouraging positive behaviours and consequences for discouraging negative behaviours. They also considerably influence students' behaviour through their own personal practices. This study can prove beneficial to the participating school as well as to other school leaders in understanding how they can manage their students' behaviour. Furthermore, it may help them in knowing teachers' and students' perceptions on the effectiveness of these strategies. The findings of this study may provide useful insights for the teacher educators in planning and designing teacher and school leadership training programmes in the area of student behaviour management.