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Entrepreneurship Education [M. Phil Program] [+Cd]

Thesis Info


Iqbal Khan, Muhammad


Usman Khalil


University of Management and Technology




University of Management and Technology

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status



118 .






Report presented in partial requirement for M. Phil degree Advisor: Usman Khalil; EN; Call No: TP 371.01095491 IQB-E


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56



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مجید احمد تاثیرؔ

مجید احمد تاثیرؔ (۱۹۱۲ء۔۱۹۸۶ء) کا اصل نام مجید احمد اورتاثیرؔ تخلص کرتے تھے۔ آپ سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے ۔ میٹرک مادرِ علمی علامہ اقبال سے پاس کیا۔ ۱۹۳۳ء میں امر تسر کے ایم اے اوکالج کے طالب علم بھی رہے۔ جہاں ان دنوں ڈاکٹر رشید جہاں اور میاں ڈاکٹر محمود الظفر اُستاد تھے۔ مجید تاثیرؔ امر تسر کی ادبی محفلوں میں شعر و شاعری کرتے رہے۔ فیضؔسے ان کے پرانے تعلقات تھے۔طب کی تعلیم کے لیے تاثیر طبیہ کالج دہلی چلے گئے۔ اس زمانے میں نظم کی طرف توجہ ہوئی اور جوش ملیح آبادی سے دوستی ہوئی۔سیالکوٹ میں تاثیر نے بڑے بڑے مشاعرے کروائے۔ جن میں جوشؔ اور جگرؔ جیسے شاعروں کو مدعو کیا گیا۔(۵۸۴)

لاہور آکر تاثیر نے کچھ عرصہ ملازمت بھی کی۔ آپ نے انار کلی میں ہمدرد مطب قائم کیا۔ جو ش ملیح آبادی جب بھی لاہور آتے تھے ان کے ہمراہ جو چند اصحاب موجود رہتے تھے۔ ان میں تاثیر بھی تھے جوش صاحب مجید تاثیر کی رباعیات کی بہت زیادہ تعریف کرتے تھے۔(۵۸۵)

اُن کا شعری مجموعہ ’’رباعیات تاثیر‘‘ الوقار پبلی کیشنز لاہور نے ۲۰۰۰ء میں شائعکیا۔ یہ مجموعہ کلام رباعیات ،رومانی نظموں اور غزلیات پر مشتمل ہے۔ اس مجموعے کے دو سو سات صفحات ہیں۔اس کتاب کے آغا ز میں ڈاکٹر وحید قریشی نے ’’پیشِ لفظ‘‘ احمد ندیم قاسمی نے تعارف’’مجید احمد تاثیر‘‘ ناہید سلمیٰ نے مضمون’’ تجھے اے زندگی لاؤں کہاں سے‘‘ ڈاکٹر سید عبداﷲ نے تعارف کتاب’’رباعیاتِ تاثیر ‘‘ ڈاکٹر عبادت بریلوی نے تعارف’’رباعیاتِ تاثیر‘‘ اور جوش ملیح آبادی نے ’’تعارف مجید تاثیر ‘‘پیش کیا ہے۔ جوش نے تاثیرؔ کے تعارف کے ساتھ ایک رباعی بھی لکھی ہے۔ جو درج ذیل ہے:

چرخ شعر و ادب کے تارے تم ہو


;جوئے قند و شکر کے...

Bystander Apathy –An Enquiry Into The Expression Of Humanity And Empathy In China (2013-2014)

Aim To explore the apparent lack of personal concern for the welfare of others in China? To develop concepts to understand this  social phenomena in natural  settings using ethnographic and participatory research. Research Question How can the knowledge derived from qualitative research be used to improve the welfare of the poor in Shanghai? Ethics The study was carried out within the guidelines of the declaration of Helsinki. The study was characterised by anonymity, beneficence, non maleficence, and the  maintainence of  the dignity of participants Method Collection of data. The principle data source was “observation” spot observation”(Baksh 1990)”, participant observation”(Hammersley and Atkinson 1983)vignettes(Finch 1987, Sani Bin Gabi 1990), oral history(narrative) Conclusion The study was conducted ethically. It was a worthwhile study attempted to deal with current problems. The publication of this paper can be used to stimulate further enquiry into the problem of those in need of social welfare in Shanghai and China, in the hope it will improve services where they are needed. Suggested solutions In a country where intergenerational family ties are so strong and “guanxi” exists it is paradoxical there is  little empathy for others. Confuscian values, changed family beliefs, and education at school and  university may assist in increasing empathy. Learnt conditioning, to ignore or dissociate, from another human being in   need of help, can be slowly overcome by implementing universal and improved changes in societal living conditions. This can be achieved  by improving social welfare programs, spearheaded by a compassionate government. There is a view that it is an egregious and transparent fiction, to promulgate and publically promote, the philosophies and policies of communism, yet allow these curable social ills to remain. ”Rex ipsa Loquiter”. The healthy should help the sick, the rich should help the poor and the employed should help the unemployed, Proportionately, in accordance with what they have they should give. The promotion of a “ forward thinking, humane, listening and open society, rather than a closed, narrow, opaque, inward looking “weltanschaung” would assist societal reform. We “bystanders”, we must all try to imagine we are in the  place  of those in need, and  feel aas they do, in their situation. We must follow the advice of Mencius (372-289BC) and develop and use “empathy” As Mencius  said, ”a  developed  human heart is the basis  of a moral life”

Onshore Offshore Software Process Model

Offshore software development model is one of the most successful development models being adopted by different worldwide organizations. The main reason behind the offshore development is the higher cost of the software development in the local industry. So the organizations take the projects from the local industry and send their projects to their offshore offices where development cost is significantly lower. In countries like Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Philippines etc, most of the software companies are working as offshore development offices. These software companies are using different software development methodologies like Waterfall, Spiral, Iterative, Incremental and Agile. The projects developed by these software companies face time, cost and quality constraints because of opting inappropriate software development lifecycles. A detailed study is conducted by gathering data from different offshore software companies in Pakistan and then based upon this data their common problems are identified. The major problems faced by the software companies in Pakistan include non static and ambiguous nature of requirements which cause the software developers to make certain assumptions. There is no direct interaction between the software developers and the clients, so the product developed is not an exact match of the client requirements and expectations. These issues are major bottleneck in delivering the quality software products in case of offshore development in Pakistan. We propose a new process model that addresses the needs of the onshore/offshore software development industry.