مولانا محمد اسمعٰیل نانا
افسوس ہے کہ گزشتہ ماہ رمضان میں جانسبرگ(جنوبی افریقہ)کے ایک جید عالم اورنہایت مخیر بزرگ مولانا محمد اسمعٰیل کاانتقال ہوگیا مرحوم اصل باشندہ ڈابہیل یاسملک ضلع سورت گجرات کے تھے۔ہم لوگ جب ڈابہیل پہنچے ہیں اس وقت مدرسہ میں متوسطان پڑھتے تھے۔ مفتی صاحب اورراقم الحروف دونوں کے اسباق میں پابندی سے شریک ہوتے اورصبح وشام کمرہ میں حاضر رہتے تھے۔ اس زمانہ میں گاندھی جی کی تحریک سول نافرمانی چل رہی تھی۔حکومت نے اس میں شریک ہونے والوں کی جائیدادیں ضبط کرکے ان کوفروخت کرنا شروع کیا تھا۔اس پرمولانا مفتی عتیق الرحمن صاحب عثمانی نے اپنا مشہور اورمعرکتہ الآرا فتوی دیا کہ ان جائیدادوں پرحکومت کاقبضہ ناجائز اورحرام ہے اس لیے کسی مسلمان کے لیے ایسی جائیداد کاخریدنا جائز نہیں ہے۔ اس فتوی سے ایوان حکومت میں زلزلہ آگیا اور فتوی ضبط کرلیا گیا۔ اس موقع پر مرحوم مولوی محمد اسمعٰیل نانانے بڑی جرأت مندی اور دلیری کاثبوت دیا، اس فتوے کاگجراتی زبان میں ترجمہ کیا،ہزاروں کی تعداد میں طبع کیا اور پھر راتوں رات خفیہ طورپر دورہ کرکے اسے ایک ایک مسلمان کے گھر پہنچایا۔مرحوم نے جو کچھ پڑھا تھا شوق،محنت اوردلچسپی سے پڑھا تھا، مطالعہ کے خوگر تھے۔اس لیے علمی استعداد پختہ تھی۔طبیعت کے شروع ہی سے نیک اوردین دار تھے۔فراغت کے بعد جنوبی افریقہ چلے گئے اور کاروبار شروع کیا تولکھ پتی بن گئے۔ نہایت مخیر اورسیرچشم تھے، عربی مدارس کی امداد بہت دل کھول کر کرتے تھے۔ کتنے ہی مولوی صاحبان اورحاجت مندوں کے مستقل ماہانہ وظائف انھوں نے مقرر کررکھے تھے۔بصرف زرِکثیر متعدد دینی کتابوں کااردو سے انگریزی میں ترجمہ کرایا اور بڑے اہتمام سے چھاپ کر انھیں شائع کیا۔ دیوبند اوراس کے علماء کے نام کے عاشق تھے۔ کئی سال سے فالج کے شدید مرض میں مبتلا تھے اورصاحب فراش ہوگئے تھے لیکن اس عالم میں...
According to Islamic Jurists the main objectives, or purpose of Islamic Law (Shariah) are the preservation of faith, life, intellect, progeny, and wealth. These five purposes are designated as necessities of life and these are the primary purposes of the Shariah (Islamic Law). Protection of faith is the first and foremost objective of the Islamic Law as the Quran clearly mentions worship of Allah as the purpose of creation of human being. Protection of life is the second purpose and according to Islamic teachings human life is sacred. The Quran clearly forbids taking human life of a person without justification. Protection of Intellect is the third purpose as human being has been given superiority over other creatures by virtue of intellect and reason. A Person with sound mind and intellect can think, act, react well, this is why Islam prohibits all kinds of intoxicants because they are harmful and may disturb faculty of reasoning. Protection of Progeny is the fourth purpose as Islam emphasizes on the establishment of lawful relationship between man and woman. It is the foundation for the establishment of a value-based society. Islam considers unlawful relation harmful for individuals and community. This is the reason that Islam prohibits adultery. Protection of wealth is the fifth purpose and the Islamic teachings’ emphasis on acquisition of wealth by lawful means. While the Quran enjoins that one should not earn wealth by unlawful means. These dharurat (necessities are followed by the hajat (needs) and thasinat (complementary values). However the scope of these purposes goes beyond them and they include protection of civilization, culture, establishing peace, harmony, security, elimination of violence, maintenance of equality, and so on. In this article all these five kinds of dharurat (necessities) have been elaborated while in the last portion a review has been carried out for their relevance and implementation in the contemporary era.
The present study was designed to evaluate the protective/ameliorative ability of different adsorbing agents like bentonite clay (BC), distillery sludge (DS) and milk thistle (MT) against ochratoxin A (OTA) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) induced toxicopathological, serum biochemical, immunological, antioxidant and tissue residual alterations in broilers. For this purpose, a series of experiments were conducted in which OTA was used at the rates of 0.15, 0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg feed while different adsorbing agents were used at the rates of 5, 10 and 20 g/kg (Experiment 1-3). However, AFB1 was used at the rates of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.6 mg/kg feed while different adsorbing agents were used at the rates of 5 and 10 g/kg feed (Experiment 4-6). The parameters studied were toxicopathological parameters (clinical signs and behavioral parameters, mortality, FCR, body weight gain, relative organ weights of liver, kidney, spleen, bursa of Fabricius and thymus, gross lesions and its scoring and histopathological studies of liver, kidney, bursa of Fabricius and thymus, serum biochemical parameters (ALT, Urea, Creatinine, total protein, albumin and globulin), immunological parameters (antibody response to sheep RBCs, lymphoproliferative response to PHA-P and phagocytic index determined by carbon clearance assay), total antioxidant capacity of birds in liver, kidney, muscles and plasma) and tissue residue analysis in liver. Results of these experiments showed that feeding BC with OTA did not cause any amelioration in OTA induced alterations yet some improvement of these parameters was observed when compared with individual OTA groups however, feeding 5 and 10 g/kg DS ameliorated OTA induced alterations at 0.15 and 0.3 mg/kg OTA levels while partial amelioration was observed by DS at 1 mg/kg OTA level. Feeding 5 g/kg MT showed amelioration at 0.15 mg/kg OTA only while 10 and 20 g/kg MT showed ameliorations at all levels of OTA used. Regarding aflatoxicosis feeding 5 and 10 g/kg BC ameliorated 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg AFB1 induced deleterious effects while partial amelioration was observed when these BC levels were fed alone with 0.6 mg/kg AFB1. Feeding 5 and 10 g/kg DS caused amelioration at 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg AFB1 while partial amelioration was observed when 0.6 mg/kg AFB1 was used however, feeding 5 g/kg MT caused amelioration at 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg AFB1 while 10 g/kg MT showed amelioration at all levels of AFB1used.