مولوی محمد امین زبیری
افسوس ہے کہ گزشتہ مہینہ اردو کے ایک پرانے اہل قلم مولوی محمد امین صاحب زبیری نے کراچی میں انتقال کیا، ان کا وطن مارہرہ تھا، لیکن ان کی عمر کا بڑا حصہ بھوپال میں گزرا وہ ریاست بھوپال کے شعبۂ تاریخ کے مہتمم تھے اور بیگم صاحبہ بھوپال کے تحریری اور تصنیفی کاموں میں بھی مدد دیتے تھے، مولانا شبلی مرحوم سے خاص تعلقات تھے، چنانچہ مکاتیب شبلی میں ان کے نام بہت سے خطوط ہیں، بیگم صاحبہ بھوپال نے سیرۃ النبیؐ کی تالیف کے لئے دوسو ماہوار کی جو امداد مقرر کی تھی اس میں امین زبیری صاحب کی کوشش کو بھی دخل تھا، پھر مولانا شبلی کی وفات کے بعد انہی کی کوشش سے یہ امداد دارالمصنفین کی جانب منتقل ہوگئی اور ان کے تعلقات دارالمصنفین سے بھی برابر قائم رہے، مگر وہ سرسید ان کی پالیسی اور علی گڑھ تحریک کے بڑے پرجوش حامیوں میں تھے، اس کے خلاف کوئی بات سننا گوارا نہ کرتے تھے، اس لیے حیات شبلی کی اشاعت کے بعد ان کو دارالمصنفین سے شکایت پیدا ہوگئی تھی، مگر پھر وہ خود ہندوستان سے ہجرت کرگئے، ان کی پوری زندگی تالیف و تصنیف میں گزری، نواب محسن الملک، نواب وقار الملک، ڈاکٹر ضیاء الدین اور آغا خان کے حالات میں انھوں نے مستقل کتابیں لکھیں، ان کے علاوہ متعدد تصانیف ان کی یادگار ہیں، انتقال کے وقت نوے سال کی عمر تھی، ان کی موت سے ایک پرانی یادگار مٹ گئی، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی، اکتوبر ۱۹۵۸ء)
West generally blames the Muslim world on the grounds that it does not accede to freedom of expression. But in fact, Islam gave the right of freedom of expression for the first time in history. In Rome before Islam was introduced, the rulers used to enslave the masses. Greek ministers, Roman Catholic pastorates, Spanish Inquisitions and the ministerial experts used to rebuff the individuals who used to articulate unapproved religious perspectives. The British Parliament passed a Bill of Rights in 1689. This bill proclaimed the right to speak freely. It returned amid the French Revolution of 1789 which declared speaking freely as a natural right of each person. As indicated by Holy Quran there might be no impulse in acknowledgment of the religion which is also proved from Sunnah and through the actions of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Blasphemy law is a law related to blasphemy, or irreverence toward holy prophets, or beliefs or religious traditions. In the provisions of Article 18 and 19 of the U.N. Charter, no limitations were made for expression which has left the room open for the defamation on name of freedom of speech. According to Islam, maintaining the honor and respect of all people is essential for regional, national and universal peace. Any articulation which abuses peace, honor and pride of any individual, race, religious gathering or any minority assembly as a rule and so forth cannot be incorporated into the meaning of flexibility of articulation or freedom of speech.
Alternative conceptions are the ideas which children and adults use to explain various scientific concepts which do not match with the generally accepted scientific explanation of those concepts. The focus of this qualitative research study was to explore the alternative conceptions of science teachers and their origins about basic concepts of current electricity. The concepts were taken from the science curricula of classes VI and VII and mainly include the concepts about the nature and flow of electric current, conductors and insulators, electric current in a simple circuit and electric current in a series and a parallel circuit. The sample included six middle school science teachers from three private schools in Karachi. Three different tools were used to explore teachers' conceptions and their origins about the selected concepts. The tools were (a) observation of classroom teaching while current electricity was being taught, (b) two questionnaires namely Learning Experience Sheet' and Task Sheet', (c ) an in-depth interview session. Learning Experience Sheet helped me to investigate how teachers had learnt about current electricity. Classroom observations and the Task Sheet explored the teachers' existing conceptions about electricity. The interview sessions provided me with an opportunity to discuss with the teachers their ideas in detail about electric current and the origins of these ideas. Open ended questions and probes were mainly used in the interview. The data obtained from all these sources was analysed and it was found that middle school science teachers of my sample hold several alternative conceptions about the basic concepts of current electricity. Many of their alternative conceptions are similar to those of children. For example, the teachers believe that a battery is a store of electrons which gives a fixed amount of electric current to any circuit in which it is placed, charge is used up by electrical devices, and electric current constitutes of the electrons which are produced in the battery. This study also explored that teachers' own rote learning of science as students, textbooks, daily life experiences, and lack of hands on experiences in current electricity are the main sources of teachers' alternative conceptions.