الفصل الأول: حياة مصطفي صادق الرافعي
اسم و نسبه
هو زين الدين أبو السامي مصطفي صادق الرافعي الفاروقي العمري الطرابلسي زهرة الشعراء ونابغه كتابها وامام ادابها في العصر الحديث و يتصل نسبه بالشيخ عقيل بن عبدالرحمن بن أبي بكر بن أحمد بن عمر بن عبدالله بن عمر بن زين الدين العمري المكي ([1])،الذي يمتد نسبه إلى الصحابي الجليل عبدالله بن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنهما([2]).
ولد في بهتيم بمصر الطرابلسي الأصل و أم حلبية في الأول من رجب الأصم منتصف عام 1298ه الموافق للثلاثين من أيار /مايو سنة 1881م ([3])تنقل الرافعي بين دمنهور والمنصورة و كفر الزيات تبعا لأبيه حتى استقر به المقام في طنطا ؛ حيث تولى أبوه رئاسة محكمتها ، وهناك في حارة نشأ الرافعي و ترعرع .
ولقب الرافعي طارئ على الأسرة كان أول من لقب به الشيخ عبدالقادر المتوفي سنة 1815م([4])،لقّبه به الشيخ محمود الخلوتي حين قال له : أنت من رافعي لواء العلم([5])،ونقل العريان عن الرافعي أنه لقب بذلك لما كان له من حظ في الاجتهاد والنظر تشبيها له بالإمام الشافعي الكبير محمود الرافعي([6]).
کان والدهالشيخ عبدالرزاق هو كير القضاة الشرعيين في محفظات القطر المصري ، وقد تولى رئاسة المحاكم الشرعية في كثير من الأقإلیم ، وكان آخر أمره تولي رئاسة محكمة طنطا ، وقد كانت للشيخ عبدالرزاق-رحمه الله-مواقف مشهودة مذكورة في الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر ([7]) .
كانت الأسرة الرافعية أسرة علم و دين ، تأخذ أبناءها بالتربية الدينية القويمة ، وتغرقهم في الثقافة العربية الإسلامية الأصيلة .
والأسرة الرافعية...
Background of the Study: Multiple Physical Therapy approaches have recently been developed and reported in the literature for providing better results in the treatment regimens of tension-type headaches. The advancement in the field of Physical therapy towards the treatment approaches of tension-type headaches has become the driving force for writing this article.
Methodology: Studies comparing the effects of physical therapy management with conventional treatment approaches are included in the meta-analysis. PRISMA guidelines were used for performing the qualitative analysis and assessment of risk of biases.
Results: According to the findings of nine randomized controlled trials, the analysis of the results had revealed that physical therapy intervention demonstrated a significant improvement in reducing headache severity. In a random effect model, the pool effects of physical therapy strategies in terms of Standardized Mean Difference had an impact of 1.41, which according to a Cohen rule of thumb displays a larger effect of physical therapy management in significant decrease in pain intensity among tension-type headache patients
Conclusion: The study has concluded that physical therapy-based management strategies as provided in several RCTs analyzed in this review article revealed a pool effect of moderate size in managing the frequency of pain and a larger effect size in managing pain intensity and duration. Further, it was concluded that tension-type headaches can be effectively managed through physical therapy-based approaches.
The insecticidal efficacy of indigenous isolate of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Dipel®) and a novel insecticide of the class anthranilic diamide, chlorantraniliprole (Coragen®) was assessed in various laboratory bioassays and in field trials against one of the major okra insect pest Earias vittella (Fab.) and Earias insulana (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Initially, the field population of Earias spp. was monitored by their multiplication capacity in terms of fruit infestation and larval population under different environmental regimes in five districts of Punjab, Pakistan. In laboratory bioassays, second and fourth instar larvae of E. vittella, from three different populations were exposed to the alone and combined applications of B. bassiana, B. thuringiensis and chlorantraniliprole to investigate the effect of dose rate and insect population (strain) on the insecticidal effectiveness of all three chemicals against the test insect species. The results of current studies revealed that the maximum fruit infestation was observed in district Vehari followed by Pakpattan, T.T. Singh, Faisalabad and Chiniot, however, the maximum fruit infestation was recorded on the 5th week during both the years 2011 and 2012. The larval population was maximum in Vehari followed by Pakpattan, T.T. Singh, Faisalabad and Chiniot districts respectively, where the maximum larval population was observed in 5th week during both the years 2011 and 2012. Generally, positive correlation has been observed between temperature, larval population and fruit infestation, while negative correlation has been observed in case of relative humidity, larval population and fruit infestation in both the years. In laboratory bioassays, when B. bassiana was combined with B. thuringiensis, individually the B. thuringiensis was more effective as compared with B. bassiana alone at all the three concentrations against both the larval instars in all the three field populations. In combined treatments significant differences in larval mortality were recorded with highest mortality at higher dose rate of B. bassiana and B. thuringiensis. The combined action of B. bassiana and B. thuringiensis exhibited considerable increase in larval mortality compared with their sole application. The population from Faisalabad was most susceptible followed by T.T. Singh and Pakpattan. The maximum pupation was observed at lower dose of B. bassiana and minimum in combined treatment at higher dose rate for both the larval instars. Similar trend has been observed in case of adult emergence and egg eclosion. When B. bassiana was combined with chlorantraniliprole, individually the chlorantraniliprole was more effective compared with B. bassiana alone at all the three dose rates against both the larval instars against all the three different populations. In combined treatments significant differences in larval mortality were recorded with highest mortality at higher dose rate of B. bassiana and chlorantraniliprole. The combined action of B. bassiana and chlorantraniliprole exhibited considerable increase in larval mortality compared with their sole applications. The Faisalabad population was most susceptible followed by T.T. Singh and Pakpattan. Maximum pupation was observed at lower dose of B. bassiana and minimum in combined treatment at higher dose rate for both the larval instars. Similar trend has been observed in case of adult emergence and egg eclosion. During on farm trials higher larval population was observed in B. bassiana treated plots and minimum in combined treatment of chlorantraniliprole and B. thuringiensis for both the years 2012 and 2013, data regarding fruit infestation also followed the same trend. The average number of Spiders, Bracon spp. and Trichograma spp. were more after first spray compared with the second spray and significantly higher yield was recorded in combined treatments as compared to the alone treatments with highest Cost-benefit ratio (CBR). In both the growing year, CBR was maximum in plots treated with combined application of Bt and Coragen.