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Passenger Cruise Teminal Karachi Seek to Sea More [Bs Architecture]

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UMT. School of Architecture and Planning




University of Management and Technology

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71 . CD






; Call No: TP 725.3909549183 NAI-P


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-17 21:08:06



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١۔بندھن کا بوجھ

بندھن کا بوجھ

ثمینہ سید(لاہور.پاکستان)

"اس سے پہلے کہ آپ ہمیں کہیں سیر کےلیے لے جاتے,یا ہمارے ساتھ باہر کی دنیا میں سانس لیتے.کچھ یادگار وقت بتاتے.یہ دن آگئے.اور اب........آپ بھی اس قید کے ہاتھوں بے بس ہیں.بہت شوق تھا اکیلے صبح سے شام بلکہ رات گئے تک مٹرگشتی کا. اب کیجئے جناب."

شفق نے مسکراتے ہوئے گہرا طنز کیا.تو حبیب احمد اسے گھور کررہ گئے.جزبز ہوتے اٹھے اور غصے سے بولے

"بچوں کے سامنے میری بےعزتی کرنے سے فرصت ملے تو ایک کپ چائے لاؤنج میں پہنچا دینا..اور ہاں ملازمہ کے ہاتھ بھیجنا."

"جی اچھا" شفق نے شانے اچکائے.ان رویوں نے اسے بھی لاپرواہ بنا دیا تھا.وہ اس خوش فہمی سے نکل آئی تھی کہ بیوی نہ چاہتے ہوئے بھی" ملازمہ "بنی رہے تو دل میں جگہ بنا ہی لے گی..کچھ دیر بیٹھی رہی بچوں کی کھلی کتابوں میں دلچسپی کی کوئی چیز ,کچھ نیا ڈھونڈنے کی کوشش کرتی رہی.کیونکہ پچھلے ایک سال سے یہی سب کچھ ہورہا تھا.وبا کے ہاتھوں قیدوبند کی صعوبتیں,آن لائن کلاسز,کھانے پکانے,ایکدوسرے کی ہی شکلیں دیکھنا, بےوقت چائے اور  طنزیہ بک بک.

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علاقة التربية بالتعليم والأسوة الحسنة

The bond of education and character education is like that of body and soul. In the comprehensive process of Islamic character building, education is an integral part. Character is the provision for life journey where as education is the light on the path. The recognition of distinct objectives of education and trenchant targets of character education is necessary to solve the crisis of character faced by contemporary world. Education is a lightening experience to develop the skills and awareness whereas character education helps the individual to be sincere with himself, obedient to his Lord, and compliant with the moral values which is the outcome of character education. The curricula of education, no matter how powerful and evolved may it be, need to be translated into behavior. Therefore, a role model is needed to achieve educational goals. The work of the prophet was characterized with deep insight, strong determination, firmness, honesty. These virtuous qualities caused to enlighten hearts with the right faith. Character cannot be built thorough ease and quiet, it is a process built upon a philosophy and laws, which springs from the moral values followed by the society. Islamic character education evolved from the infallible sources of Islamic Sharia: The Qur’an and Sunnah of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W) who formed the characters of his noble companions (R. A) in best manner and equipped their generation with everything they needed to lead a successful life in this world and in hereafter. This paper elucidates the connection between education and character education, and sheds light upon the importance of role model in bringing the change as well as covers the major restraints that shackle the process of education and character education.

Management of Dependency and Gender Difference in Psychotherapy in Pakistan

The present study was conducted to investigate the "Management of Dependency and Gender Difference in Psychotherapy in Pakistan". Twelve Male and Twelve Female clients in the two categories of Remainers and Terminators, in equal numbers, were included in the study.Content analysis of the first two recorded therapeutic sessions of each client was conduced.highly significant level of inter-rater reliability was obtained. Sign test was used to find out the difference between the ratio of approach and avoidance interventions of the therapist. Mannwhitney U test was applied to determine the statistical significance of the difference between the Remainers and the Terminators in the dependency and the Gender difference in the two categories with respect to approach and avoidance of therapist. The results revealed that approach interventions used in the first two therapeutic sessions led to an increase in the frequency of the dependency bids of the clients, and the clients tended to be a Remainer, while with avoidance interventions the frequency of dependency bids decreased and the client tend to be a Terminator. It was also found that the Female clients expressed more dependency than the Male Remainers but the dependency expressions of the Male Terminators exceeded the dependency expressions of the Male Remainers and the Female Terminators.The reasons are located in the interventions of the therapist. Male Remainers were more approached and less avoided than the Male Remainers and the Female Remainers and the Terminators. Female Remainers were more approached and less avoided than the Male and the Female Terminators. The Female Terminators were the least approached and the most avoided clients in the study.It appears that the interventions used by the psychotherapist play a significant role in the management of dependency and the gender difference in psychotherapy in Pakistan. Male clients require more approach approval than Female clients. Avoidance of dependency bids leads to termination of psychotherapy irrespective of sex of the client.