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Expo Center Sialkot [Bs Architecture]

Thesis Info


Bilal Khalid


UMT. Department of Architecture




University of Management and Technology

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; Call No: TP 725.210954914 BIL-E


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-17 21:08:06





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مولانا سید عنایت احمد نقوی بدایونی

ایک صاحبِ علم کی وفات
مولوی سید عنایت احمد نقوی بدایونی
آج کل ہندوستان میں جب علوم مشرقی کے واقف کے کار روز بروز کم ہورہے ہیں، کسی پرانے صاحب علم کے سانحہ ارتحال پر دلی صدمہ ہوتا ہے، جوکہ ان کی جگہ جو آئیں گے وہ اپنے قدیم علوم کے اتنے واقف بھی نہ ہوں گے۔
بدایوں ہمیشہ سے فضل و کمال کا گھر رہا ہے یہیں ایک پرانا خاندان مولینا علاؤالدین اصولی کا تھا، مولینا ممدوح الشان علم ظاہر و باطن دونوں میں ممتاز تھے، اور یہ فخر کچھ کم نہیں کہ حضرت سلطان المشائخ نظام الدین اولیاء انکے شاگردوں میں تھے، فقہ حنفی میں قدوری مولینا سے پڑھی تھی، کہتے ہیں کہ بچپن میں وہ شیخ جلال تبریزی کے فیض سے مشرف ہوئے تھے، زہد و ورع اور فقر و فاقہ کی زندگی بسر کی، مگر کسی سے نذر و ہدیہ ضرورت سے زیادہ کبھی قبول نہیں فرمایا، اصولی کے لقب سے شہرت کے یہ معنی ہیں کہ وہ اصول فقہ میں کمال رکھتے تھے، زمانہ وفات معلوم نہیں لیکن بہر حال و ہ ساتویں صدی ہجری میں تھے۔
مولینا اصولی کی مبارک یادگار اس زمانہ میں مولوی سید عنایت احمد صاحب نقوی بدایونی تھے، افسوس ہے کہ موصوف نے ابھی پچھلے مہینہ ۲۳؍ رمضان ۱۳۵۸؁ھ کو بدایوں میں وفات پائی، ان کا بڑا علمی کارنامہ علامہ کمال الدین فارسی شاگرد علامہ محمود بن مسعود شیرازی کی تنقیح المناظر کے نسخوں کی تصحیح و مقابلہ ہے، تنقیح المناظر مشہور عالم بصریات (علم المرایا و المناظر) ابن ہیثم المتونی ۴۳۰؁ھ کے وسائل علم المناظر کی تلخیص و تشریح ہے، نواب عماد الملک مرحوم جو اسلامی علوم و فنون کے اس زمانہ میں سب سے بڑے قدردان تھے، ان کو ابھی کتاب کی اشاعت کی جو مسلمانوں کی علم نور اور علم بصر کی عظیم الشان...


This study specifically examines the implementation of gerojene in the custom of Kaili tribal marriage in terms of fiqh Munakahat. The problem raised was how to understand and implement gerojene according to the Kaili tribal wedding customary law. This research is based on the views of some cultural experts that tradition can be seen as an act and behavior that prevails in a society, both in the form of habits and rules that are worked on from generation to generation inherited from ancestors since time immemorial. The definition is that if it is associated with the Kaili tribe's marriage customs, namely gerojene, then what is meant is the actions and rules held in a marriage ceremony inherited from ancestors and have been held for a long time until today are still maintained and practiced in traditional wedding ceremonies the Kaili tribe in Central Sulawesi. This research data comes from secondary data in the form of theories quoted from books, research journals, fiqh munakahat, and other writings by quoting directly or indirectly. Primary data or data collected from the field of research. Primary data collection uses two types of methods. First observation. The researcher went to the research location. The location of this study was in two districts and one city. Donggala Regency, Sigi Regency and Palu City. This observation activity is to meet traditional Kaili figures. Both methods are in-depth interviews. This was intended to find out the understanding and implementation of gerojene customs in the Kaili tribe marriage through question and answer. The answers given will clarify the problem under study. Through this research, it is known that there are differences in the understanding and procedure for the implementation of gerojene in the Kaili tribal marriages of the past with the Kaili tribe today. The words gerojene were pronounced by the customary leader as the representative of the bride of the prospective wife. After that the prospective husband answered as his agreement. The end of this pledge of women and men has legitimately become husband and wife. This event must be attended by a mother father or representing men and women and witnessing traditional and family leaders.

Assessment of Productive Potential of Browse Species and Their Management Strategy in the Degrading Rangelands of Cholistan Desert

The Cholistan rangelands have been on decline due to various stresses and their effects can be visualized on its flora particularly on browse species. Therefore, a baseline study was carried to determine the productivity potential of browses with specific objectives of investigating their floristic composition, vegetation structure, forage productivity, and nutritive evaluation. Total 25 browse species belonging to 12 families and 17 genera were identified whereas Chenopodiaceae, Mimosaceae, and Rhamnaceae were found as dominant families that were mainly contributing to browse cover. In the investigated area two phenological seasons were recorded, first from February to April and second from September to November, whereas December to January and May to August were almost dormant phases. Further, based on economic importance of browses, maximum species were observed to be used as forage/fodder that clearly indicated that this area could serve as potential rangeland. According to phytosociological study, twenty browse communities were documented on the basis of importance value index. Multivariate analysis of twenty stands has delineated three vegetation associations inhabiting the sandunal, interdunal sandy and clayey saline habitats. Soil physio-chemical analysis revealed that texture of sandunal habitat was sandy; interdunal was sandy loam while clayey saline was clayey. Results have exposed that organic matter, and soil nutrients were better at interdunal sandy habitat whereas pH, EC, Na, and soil moisture were high at clayey saline habitat. It was estimated that browse productivity was high (8029.1 kg/ha) in wet season as compare to dry season (5422.9 kg/ha), correspondingly carrying capacity was high during wet season (16 ha/AU/Y) than dry season (24 ha/AU/Y). Moreover, during dry season, mostly stands were observed to be overgrazed while in wet season maximum stands were moderately grazed. High carrying capacity and good grazing status of stands in wet season was due to better forage production. Based on palatability classification, 22 species were found to have palatability to varying degree and 03 species were non-palatable. In palatable species, leaves of 14 species; shoot/stem of 13 species, flower of 04 species, and fruit of 03 species were grazed by livestock, whereas cattle were observed to graze on 07 species; goat and sheep like 10 species each while camel prefer 20 species. Subsequently, nutritive evaluation revealed that browse species were good source of dry matter and protein whereas; concentration of almost all the minerals (micro and macro) was less than required level for ruminants grazing therein. The findings of this study indicate that the browse productivity of Cholistan rangelands was low and fluctuate according to seasons. Therefore, they need proper protection, management, and rehabilitation through ecological approaches. This would be possible with the participation of government and local peoples to make these range resources sustainable. Key words: Cholistan rangelands, Browse species, Floristic composition, Phenology, vegetation structure, Multivariate analysis, Biomass production, Carrying capacity, Palatability, Nutritive evaluation