سید سبط علی صبا(۱۹۳۵ء۔۱۹۸۰ء) کا اصل نام سبطِ علی اور صباؔ تخلص کرتے تھے۔ آپ سیالکوٹ کے قصبہ کوٹلی لوہاراں میں پیدا ہوئے۔ سبط علی صباؔ ابتدائی تعلیم کے بعد پاکستان فوج میں بھرتی ہو گئے۔ ۱۹۶۵ء کی جنگ میں لاہور محاذ پر بھارتی فوجیوں کا ڈٹ کر مقابلہ کیا۔ پاک بھارت جنگ کے دوران بھی آپ نے چند بڑی نظمیں لکھیں جو ہفت روزہ’’واہ کاریگر‘‘ واہ کینٹ اور ہفت روزہ’’ہلال‘‘ راولپنڈی میں شائع ہو چکی ہیں۔ آپ نے ۱۹۶۸ء کی عوامی جمہوری تحریک اور مقامی مزدور تحریکوں میں بھرپور حصہ لیا۔(۸۹۰)صباؔ کا شعری کلام ماہنامہ’’فنون‘‘ ماہنامہ’’ہلال‘‘ مجلہ’’ہماری زبان‘‘ دہلی’’ماہ نو‘‘ لاہور اور دیگر ملکی رسائل و جرائد میں شائع ہوتار ہا ہے۔ مجلس تصنیف و تالیف واہ کینٹ نے ۱۹۸۶ء کو سبط علی صبا کا شعری مجموعہ ’’طشت مراد‘‘ شائع کیا۔ سید سبط علی صباؔ نے پچاس کی دہائی میں باقاعدہ شاعری شروع کی تھی۔ صباؔ ابتدائے شاعری سے ہی طبقاتی اور رزمیہ طرز فکر کے حامل فنکا ر تھے۔ صبا ؔکی غزل کے مطالعہ سے معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ ان کے ہاں کسی تحریک یا نظریہ سے وابستہ طبقاتی شعور نہیں بلکہ وہ پوری دنیا کو ظالم اور مظلوم ،حاکم اور محکوم ،جابر اور مجبور ،امیر و غریب ،جاگیر دار اور کسان اور آجر اور مزدور کے حوالے سے دیکھتے ہیں۔ ان کی شاعری کرہ ارض کے ہر مظلوم کے ساتھ غیر مشروط و فاداری کا اعلان کرتی ہے۔ احمد ندیم قاسمی اس حوالے سے رقم طراز ہیں:
وہ اپنے آنگن سے باہر کی دنیا تک چار طرف جب چھینا جھپٹی کے مناظر دیکھتا تھا اور زر پرست معاشرے میں پسنے والے کروڑوں عوام پر نگاہ ڈالتا تھا تو ایسا ایسا قیامت کا شعر کہہ جاتا تھا کہ تجربات اور محسوسات کی اتنی صداقت اور ساتھ ہی خیال کی اتنی...
Abstract the phenomenon of the current disruptive era makes technology develop fast paced. The rapid progress must be matched with the ability of human resources as the executor of the organization. This study aimed to find out the management innovation in Islamic education institution that nowadays becomes a serious concern to face the global competition. The abilities of empathy and design thinking are the skills that need to be had by headmasters in facing the disruptive era. Innovation in Islamic education management is essential to do considering that the success of education goals is seen from how to manage an organization. This study is the result of literary research sourced from indexed scientific journals, books, and news on the internet. The procedures used included three phases, namely organize, synthesize, and identify. The result of content analysis showed the concept of design thinking as the process to obtain problem solving which is relevant to the education field namely the formulation of new policy and analysis towards a problem by collecting analyses so that it is helpful to obtain right and effective decision making. Abstrak Fenomena era disruptif saat ini menjadikan teknologi berkembang serba cepat. Pesatnya kemajuan harus diimbangi dengan kemampuan SDM sebagai pelaksana organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali inovasi manajemen di lembaga pendidikan Islam yang saat ini menjadi perhatian serius untuk menghadapi persaingan global. Kemampuan empati dan design thinking adalah skill yang harus miliki oleh kepala sekolah dalam menghadapi era disruptif. Inovasi dalam manajemen pendidikan Islam penting dilakukan mengingat keberhasilan tujuan pendidikan dilihat dari cara mengelola organisasi. Penelitian ini merupakan hasil riset kepustakaan dengan referensi jurnal ilmiah terindeks, buku dan berita di internet. Prosedur yang digunakan meliputi 3 tahap, yaitu organize, synthesize dan identify. Hasil analisis isi menunjukkan konsep design thinking sebagai proses menghasilkan problem solving relevan dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya perumusan kebijakan baru dan analisis terhadap suatu permasalahan dengan mengumpulkan analisa-analisa sehingga membantu dalam upaya pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dan efektif.
Gorals belong to family Bovidae and Genus Naemorhedus. Himalayan goral (Naemorhedus goral) is one of three species of goral, one sub-species, the Grey goral (Naemorhedus goral goral) occurs in Pakistan. It is classified as Near Threatened globally (IUCN Red List) and Vulnerable in Pakistan. This subspecies is threatened primarily by illegal hunting and competition with livestock, resulting in small and fragmented populations in its current distribution range in Pakistan. Machiara National Park (MNP) falls under distribution range of grey goral in Azad Jammu and Kashmir where the present study was conducted. The objectives of the study were to determine distribution range of grey goral in the park in order to assess habitat use, population density, diet composition and grazing pressure in grey goral habitat in MNP, so that its current population status and the extent adverse impacts of grazing pressure could be assessed. Grey goral was found distributed in two sites of MNP, Machiara and Sarli Sacha on the basis of reconnaissance survey and secondary information from park staff and local people. I conducted vegetation survey in which 42 plant species were recorded in grey goral habitat in MNP. At Machiara, by vegetation sampling 40 plant species were identified, whereas at Serli Sacha only 17 plant species were recorded. At Machiara, grey goral inhabited areas between 1970 m and 2600 m elevation during winter and 2400 m and 2900 m in summer. At Serli Sacha, it occupied areas between 1970 m and 2200 m during winter and 2600 m and 2800 m during summer. During both seasons, south and southeast-facing slopes at Machiara and at Serli Sacha were used by goral relatively more frequently than other aspects. Both at Machiara and Serli Sacha, grey goral were most commonly found on moderate xvi (30–40°) slopes during winter but on steeper (40–60°) slopes during summer. The vegetation type most preferred by grey goral was herbs and grasses (Ivlev Electivity Index (IEI) = 0.14), followed by shrubs (IEI = 0.03), while trees were avoided (IEI= -0.54). The overall mean population density of grey goral in MNP was 2.66 individuals / km² based on visual scans. The range of encounter rate (No./Scan) was 0.00 to 2.9. The population density of grey goral in Machiara site was higher (4.57/ km²) than Serli Sacha site (0.76/km²). The minimum herd size recorded was two while maximum herd size was six. Mean herd size was 4 animals where larger groups were frequent in less disturbed areas (38%) in contrast to highly disturbed areas (12%). Number of fawns / female was highest during May (1.12) and June (0.71). Diet composition of grey goral was determined through microhistological analysis of fecal pellets. A total of 145 pellet groups, 105 from Machiara (summer=52, winter=53) and 40 from Serli Sacha (summer=19, winter=21) were collected from study area. A wider range of dietary items were utilized by grey goral in Machiara (21) as compared to Serli Sacha (15). Average diet breadth was lower during the winter season in both study sites. Livestock grazing pressure in grey goral habitat was assessed through field sampling and questionnaire survey. Based on Adult Cattle Units (ACU), Serli Sacha had higher density of grazing livestock in grey goral habitat (105/ km2) than Machiara (81/ km2). At Machiara, a total of 295 livestock heads (cattle, sheep and goats) while in Serli Sacha, 413 livestock heads were recorded during grazing in grey goral habitat. There was a significant negative correlation between number of grey goral individuals observed and livestock units recorded both at Machiara and Serli Sacha. Future management of Park would require protection of core habitat of grey xvii goral ranging from 1950 m to 2900 m elevation in MNP. Preferred forage species of grey goral, Geranium wallichianum, Poa annua, Themeda anathera, Cymbopogan martini, Persicaria nepalensis and Plectranthes rugosis need to be conserved and enhanced in its habitat in the park. Park management should initiate measures to reduce livestock population in areas identified as core habitat of grey goral for its conservation. Effective measures are particularly required for limiting the livestock grazing and wood cutting activities in MNP through awareness raising campaigns and cooperation of local communities.