پرنس کائتانی ؍ پروفیسر گویدی ؍ پروفیسر اسنوک ہرخردنئے
امسال مرحوم مارما ڈیوک پکتھال کے علاوہ ن کو ہم سب جانتے تھے، کئی نامور مستشرقین نے وفات پائی، اٹلی کے پرنس کائتانی اور پروفیسر گویدی اور لائڈن کے پروفیسر اسنوک ہر خردنئے نے امسال ہماری دنیا کو الوداع کیا، پرنس کائتانی تاریخ اسلام کے عالم اور گویدی عربوں کے ریاضیات اور جغرافیہ کے ماہر اور اسنوک ہر خردنئے ’محمڈنزم‘ نامی کتاب کے مصنف ہیں جس کو انھوں نے خطبہ کی صورت میں امریکہ کی ’’مجلسِ تاریخِ مذاہب‘‘ میں پیش کیا تھا اور بھی دوسری کتابیں اور مضامین ان کے قلم سے نکلے تھے۔ (سید سلیمان ندوی، اکتوبر ۱۹۳۶ء)
Aims of Study: The purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of positional release technique and muscular energy technique on low back pain.
Methodology: It was a single blinded randomized controlled trial. Participants were enrolled using envelop method of simple random sampling technique. A total n=30 clinically diagnosed LBP patients with between 26 to 40 y/o were recruited and randomly divided into two groups. Group-A MET (n=15) patients receiving muscle energy technique and Group-B PRT (n=15) patients receiving Positional Release Technique for two weeks.
Results: Between groups analysis was performed using independent t test as the data was normally distributed. The results revealed statically significant results in both the groups. However, group A show more significant results with mean value of 2.0±0.53, 10.73±1.79, and 2.80±0.14 for NPRS, ODI, and Modified Schober’s Test Score respectively as shown in table 3.
Limitations and Future Implications: The study may have had a limited number of participants, which could affect the generalizability of the results. Secondly, the study might have focused on short-term outcomes, assessing the immediate effects of the interventions.
Originality: The study has used and compared new technique and have identified the efficacy between the two physical therapy intervention based study.
According to the findings of this study, both therapy options are successful in treating low back pain. The effectiveness of the patients in the muscle energy technique group, however, showed a substantial difference.
Home environment plays important role in the overall development of a child. It provides a child with a lot of opportunities to develop socially as well as cognitively. Keeping in mind the importance of home environment for various aspects of a child's development, this study explored the influence of home environment on numeracy skills development of grade 2 students in one of the private schools in district Ghizer of Gilgit-Baltistan. A qualitative research paradigm was used to explore the topic. Two parents, two mathematics teachers and two children studying at grade 2, through purposive sampling were selected from one of the union councils of Gupis tehsil in district Ghizer. Data was collected using interviews, home environment observations, and document analysis of the children. The study has produced some key findings such as beliefs of parents about home environment and numeracy skills development, children's numeracy skills experiences at home, different aspect of the home environment like social, emotional and physical environment. Also, Social, economic and educational background of the parents and home school relationship were reflected as major findings of the study. It was found that home environment plays vital role in developing children numeracy skills development because children undergo certain formal and informal experiences at home. Role of parents is also of paramount importance to develop children's numeracy skills in home context. It was also evident that stable social economic and educational background of the parents is a supporting factor for development of mathematical concepts. Besides, home school strong relationship plays key role in supporting children to develop their numeracy skills. Thus, the finding of the study will be helpful for the teachers of mathematics as well as the head of the school in order to bring change in teaching and learning processes particularly in mathematics learning by involving parents and considering home environment important for the children development.