مولانا مسعود علی ندوی
افسوس ہے گزشتہ ماہ اگست کی۲۷ کومولانا مسعود علی صاحب ندوی اسّی (۸۰) برس کی عمر میں کئی سال کی علالت و ازکار رفتگی کے بعد رہ گزائے عالم جادوانی ہوگئے۔مرحوم ندوۃ العلما کے فارغ التحصیل اورمولانا شبلی کے تلامذہ میں سے تھے۔دارالمصنفین اعظم گڑھ جو آج ایشیا کاعظیم الشان اسلامیات کاادارہ ہے اُس کے علمی سربراہ اورروح رواں اگر مولانا سید سیلمان ندوی تھے توتنظیمی اور تعمیری حیثیت سے مرحوم اس کے میرکارواں تھے۔ قدرت نے انھیں انتظامی صلاحیتیں اعلیٰ درجہ کی بخشی تھیں اورانھوں نے ان صلاحیتوں کودارالمصنفین کے لیے وقف کردیا تھا۔چنانچہ ادارہ کی مطبوعات کی اعلیٰ کتابت وطباعت، اُس کی شاندار اورخوشنما تعمیرات اورکاروباری حیثیت سے اُس کاخودکفیل ہونا، یہ سب مرحوم کی کوششوں اورحسن سلیقہ وانتظام کانتیجہ ہے۔یوں بھی بڑے خوش مزاج، مہمان نوازاور موقع شناس انسان تھے۔ملک کے مشہور ہندومسلم زعماسے ان کے گہرے تعلقات تھے۔ ادھر چند برسوں سے مسلسل علالت کے باعث عضو معطل سے ہوگئے تھے۔ لیکن جب تک دارالمصنفین قائم ہے اُن کانام زندہ اورروشن رہے گا۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ انھیں مغفرت وبخشش کی نعمتوں سے سرفراز فرمائے۔
[اکتوبر۱۹۶۷ء ]
Before the advent of Islam, there was a strong tradition of polemic writings both among the Jews and the Christians to prove the errors of adversary. But, after the advent of Islam in general, and the conquering of Roman / Byzantine empire by the Muslims in the era of Righteous Califate in specific, due to embracing Islam by a large number of local populace, the flux of Christian polemic writing was directed towards Islam. A number of polemic writings surfaced as a resort to keep their religion alive. These writings tried to belittle all basic concepts, beliefs, and creeds of Islam, and even the personality of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the Holy Qur’ān. The contemporary orientalist polemic writers have claimed that there are several accounts originating from Jewish and Christian sources which tried to allegedly prove that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was instructed by Jewish or Christian scholars in the composition of Holy Qur’ān, and to support this claim, they not only point out to certain Jewish or Christian sources, but have parroted their arguments as well, with the similar motives. With this, they have attempted to discredit Islam by raising doubts about the origin of Qur’ān. But despite of their efforts the fact remains firm that the Qur’ān has a Divine origin and was revealed by Allah Ta‘ālā unto Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In this regard, the purpose of this article is to analyze the medieval polemic writings, their motives, and their rumination by the orientalists of the contemporary age. A critical approach is adopted in this analytical, and historical study, using published authentic data and literature including academic books, research papers, periodicals, dictionaries and reliable web sites also.
The increased incidence of crop resistance to large number of insecticide has led to the development of new active ingredients which have been successfully applied to control pests in different agricultural and food commodities. Due to increased demand of food, research has been focused regarding the risks of food contaminated with pesticide residues. Hence, current study was designed to optimize and validate HPLC based determination of neonicotinoid residues including imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam in selected fruits and vegetables and their effect on antioxidant potential and mineral profile. The selected fruits (guava and citrus) and vegetables (cauliflower, tomato and okra) were treated with neonicotinoid insecticides at a concentration of 0.5 mg/plant. The samples were harvested at different time intervals (0, 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days) after foliar spray and extracted using acetonitrile for neonicotinoid residues. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) based method was validated successfully to analyze neonicotinoid residues. The antioxidant potential of selected fruits and vegetables was assessed at different harvest intervals in terms of their potential to hunt DPPH free radicals, ability to inhibit peroxidation in linoleic acid system and reducing power. The results regarding method validation evaluated that optimized HPLC-DAD method was linear over broad range of selected neonicotinoid concentrations. The residual levels of insecticides in selected fruits and vegetables at different time intervals revealed the decline in concentration (0.95-0.01μg/g) of neonicotinoids with the passage of time. Determination of neonicotinoid concentrations (0.5-0.95 μg/g) on the same day (after one hour of foliar spray) was higher than recommended Maximum Residue Limit (MRL), established by Codex Alimentarius Commission. After 7 days of foliar spray, only okra samples contained imadacloprid and acetamiprid residues (0.66 ± 0.02 and 0.58 ± 0.01) above than MRL (0.5μg/g). But these residues were not detected or found below MRL after 21 days of foliar application. The antioxidant behavior speculated that all fruits and vegetable contained good amounts of phenolic (2.53 ± 0.05 -63.18 mg Gallic Acid Equivalents (GAE)/g of extract) with substantial level of antioxidant activities following inclusive order as citrus > guava > okra > cauliflower > tomato. Overall, it was concluded that residues of neonicotinoid insecticides were within permissible limits after 21 days of foliar practices. However, neonicotinoids utilization in selected food commodities depleted the mineral profile but improved antioxidant character at the end of harvest interval (28 days). The study further suggested pre-harvest interval of 14 days for selected fruit and vegetables that would be optimistically safe according to health point of view.