مہاراجہ سرکرشن پرشاد
پچھلے مہینہ ملک میں کئی افسوس ناک موتیں ہوئی یمین السلطنت مہاراجہ سر کرشن پرشاد جنہوں نے پورے ۳۷ برس تک دکن کے سیاسی و انتظامی معاملات کی سربراہی کی، وفات پائی، ۱۹۰۲ء میں وہ دولت آصفیہ کے پیش کار و صدر اعظم مقرر ہوئے، اور تھوڑے تھوڑے وقفہ کے ساتھ برابر اپنے عہدہ پر فائز رہے، وہ راجہ ٹوڈرمل کی یادگار تھے، اصلی وطن لاہور اور پھر دہلی ہوا، اور یہاں سے آصفجاہ اول کے ساتھ ان کا خاندان دکن کو منتقل ہوا، اور ہمیشہ شاہان آصفیہ کے سیاسی ومالی مہمات میں کار پرداز بنا رہا۔
مہاراجہ سرکشن پرشاد عربی، فارسی اور انگریزی تین زبانوں سے واقف تھے اور تینوں میں باتیں کرتے تھے، علمی مذاق صاف ستھرا تھا، شعر و سخن کا چسکا رکھتے تھے، تصوف میں وحدۃ الوجود کے عقیدہ کے نہایت سخت معتقد اور حامی تھے، اور اسی کو ہندو مسلم اتحاد کا ذریعہ سمجھتے تھے، سرکار رسالتﷺ کی بارگاہ میں بھی کبھی کبھی عقیدت کا اظہار کرتے تھے، ان کی ایک نعت کو یہ شرف حاصل ہے کہ مدینہ منورہ میں مسجد نبویؐ کے پیچھے کتب خانہ شیخ الاسلام کی ایک دیوار پر آویزاں ہے، مرنج و مرنجان، شریف، وضعدار، اورپرانی شریفانہ خصوصیات کی اپنی آپ مثال تھے۔ (سید سلیمان ندوی، جولائی ۱۹۴۰ء)
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the Sharia’h appraisal of House Building Finance Corporation Limited. The House Building Finance Corporation was established in 1952 under the act of parliament to finance construction of houses in the urban areas of Pakistan. In this research Ghar Aasān (Flexi) product of HBFCL is examined from Sharia’h perspective and a comparison is made with Islamic Banking (Meezan Bank Limited) and Conventional Banking United Bank Limited (UBL). This study also comprises the opinion of Sharia’h experts for the shariah compliance of Ghar Aasān (Flexi) scheme.
In this study I have researched the curriculum enrichment process. By enriching the curriculum I mean enhancing, deepening, improving and developing not only the syllabus but also other phases of curriculum objectives, like the teaching methodology, and the development of resources. Enriching the curriculum is a never-ending process; during the process I reflected critically on the implementation of the curriculum. The process progresses from evaluating the existing teaching practice in the classroom, to designing an effective teaching, to implementing new teaching practices and back to evaluating the revised teaching practice. I worked with one teacher from a government school in Karachi, Pakistan. My work experience has been in the government sector schools, so I believed it would be better if my personal experiences were included in developing the education system. If I enhanced my studies through research in enriching the curriculum in the government school, I would be able to develop my own context, as the focus of my research is the process of curriculum enrichment and its effects on teachers' classroom practice. Another reason for selecting a government school was that government sector teachers have been teaching mathematics using the traditional methods. Also the existing system of the assessment in schools is product-oriented examinations. Teachers have to complete the syllabus irrespective of whether they comprehend the content. On the basis of my experience as a teacher and teacher educator, I realized that teaching mathematics effectively in the classroom has been neglected, therefore mathematics curriculum needs to be enriched in such a way that students understand the problem, take interest, and solve it cognitively, not by rote memorizing. The data is qualitative in nature. I used observations of classroom teaching learning process, semi structured interviews, and pre and post conferences with the teacher. My research findings show the curriculum enrichment is a complicated interconnected process. It has a positive effect on the teacher's classroom practice. The findings also reveal significant factors, which act as barriers to curriculum enrichment factors.