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Solving Higher Order Differential Equations

Thesis Info


Abdul Jabbar


Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Nilore




Quaid-i-Azam University

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vii, 73


Engineering & Applied Sciences




Call No: DISS/M.Sc PIEAS/137


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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سید عبدالرحمن بافقیہ تھنگل

سید عبد الرحمن با فقیہ تھنگل
آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ کے صدر سید عبدالرحمن با فقیہ تھنگل مرحوم کی وفات قومی و ملی حادثہ ہے، اور ان کی موت اس لحاظ سے ہر مسلمان کے لیے قابل رشک ہے کہ حج سے فراغت کے بعد وہ سعودی عربیہ کے دارالحکومت ریاض گئے تھے، وہیں ایک مختصر علالت کے بعد انتقال کیا، حرم محترم میں نماز جنازہ پڑھی گئی اور مکہ معظمہ کی سرزمین میں سپرد خاک کیے گئے، اس طرح گناہوں سے پاک و صاف ہوکر لبیک کہتے ہوئے اپنے رب کے حضور میں حاضر ہوگئے۔
خوش حال آنکہ دید ترا و سپرد جان
آگہ نشد کہ ہجر کدام و وصال چیست
تھنگل مرحوم اگر چہ مسلم لیگ کے صدر تھے لیکن ملکی قومی خدمات میں بھی ان کا قدم پیچھے نہ تھا، اس لیے بلا تفریق مذہب و ملت سب ان کو مانتے تھے، اور ان کی موت پر جنوبی ہند کے ہندو مسلمان دونوں نے یکساں ماتم اور ان کی موت کو قومی نقصان تصور کیا، ارض مقدس میں ان کی موت خود مغفرت کا ذریعہ ہے ،اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کے مدارج بلند فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی، فروری ۱۹۷۳ء)


اسلامی فلاحی ریاست کے اساسی تصورات اور عوامی فلاح میں اس کا کردار ریاست مدینہ کے تناظر میں

The natural worth of anything consists in its fitness to supply the necessities and serve the conveniences of human needs. The welfare state always strives to put in place the necessary impetus that will ensure the material and spiritual well being of people in its domain. Islamic welfare state shapes the social, economic, cultural and political engagements as a complementary whole guided by the basic principles (Sharia), to establish a society where justice, equity, and economic prosperity are prominent, as well as rape the benefits of this life and the next. This article explains the concept of the welfare state and its basic foundations in the light of Riyast-e-Madinah, which is considered to be the first welfare state. Furthermore, this article enlights the role of the state in social welfare and humanity.

Investigation on the Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Potential of Selected Indigenous Medicinal Plants.

The present study has been designed to investigate the antioxidant and antimutagenic potential of hydrolyzed and non-hydrolyzed extracts of twenty medicinal plants belonging to different plant families like Amaranthaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Labiatae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Poaceae, Malvaceae and Zygophyllaceae. Hydrolyzed extraction was carried out using acidified methanol and non-hydrolyzed extracts were obtained with aqueous methanol. Both types of extracts were evaluated for phenolic contents, antioxidant, mutagenic and antimutagenic potential and genoprotective activity. Hydrolyzed extracts of all plants represented higher phenolic contents, antioxidant and antimutagenic potential as compared to non-hydrolyzed extracts. Mentha longifolia (402.8±1.9 mg GAE/g dry extract), Citrullus colocynthus (396.4±1.9 mg GAE/g dry extract) and Mimordica dioca (354.4±1.9 mg GAE/g dry extract) showed highest phenolic contents. Cassia angustifolia (230.4±2.6 mg AAE/g dry extract), Mimordica dioca (132.6±0.8 mg AAE/g dry extract) and Mentha longifolia (131.7±1.5 mg AAE/g dry extract) presented largest reducing power in terms of ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE). Highest free radical scavenging was shown by Citrullus colocynthus (96.21±1.0%; IC50 2.11±0.12 µg/mL), Achyranthus aspera (93.1±0.4%; IC50 6.5±0.10 µg/mL), Mentha longifolia (92.4±1.0%; IC50 14.3±0.1 µg/mL). Citrullus colocynthus (96.21±1.0%; IC50 2.11±0.12 µg/mL), Mimordica dioca (91.91±1.0%; IC50 17.22±0.36 µg/mL) and Mentha longifolia (92.4±1.0%; IC50 14.3±0.1 µg/mL) exhibited highest antioxidant activity in terms of inhibition to lipid peroxidation. Lowest cytotoxicity was observed for Citrullus colocynthus (2.65±0.09%), Achyranthus aspera (2.95±0.14%) and Mentha longifolia (3.95±0.08%) by evaluating haemolytic activity. Highest antimutagenic potential was calculated for hydrolyzed extracts of Citrullus colocynthus (75.79±0.69%), Mimordica dioca (73.02±1.37%) and Achyranthus aspera (72.22±0.69%). Also, Citrullus colocynthus, Mimordica dioca and Achyranthus aspera showed considerable protection against oxidatively damaged DNA plasmid i.e. pBR322. Finally, it has been concluded that Citrullus colocynthus, Mentha longifolia, Mimordica dioca and Achyranthus aspera were the most bioactive plants of all selected medicinal plants as represented by the results of LCMS analysis that exhibited the presence of high concentrations of bioactive compounds in the extracts of these plants.…………………………………