مشہود اویس
افسوس ہے کہ ۱۸؍ رمضان المبارک کو دارالمصنفین کے پرانے اور مخلص خدمت گذار مشہود اویس صاحب نے داعئی اجل کو لبیک کہا، ان کے والد مولوی محمد اویس صاحب دارالمصنفین کے ابتدائی معماروں میں تھے، جو عرصہ تک اس کے دفتر اور پریس کے انچارج بھی رہے، مشہور اویس بھی آخر دم تک دفتری کاموں کو انجام دیتے رہے، انتقال کے روز بھی دفتر آئے تھے، وہ بڑے خوش مزاج تھے، دوسروں کا کام کر کے خوش ہوتے، ان کی صحت برسوں سے خراب تھی، دمہ کا عارضہ تھا، اﷲ تعالیٰ مغفرت فرمائے، اور متعلقین کو صبر جمیل عطا کرے، آمین۔ (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی، مئی ۱۹۸۹ء)
The Oneness of Allah is the most important belief in the Islamic faith. Allah SWT is one in His Self, His attributes, and His acts. His self is neither composite nor divisible in any way. The effort to understand how the unity and uniqueness of God is compatible with the diversity of His attributes produced many explanations and doctrines throughout the Islamic History. The most famous doctrine is the Asha’riah position, that the attributes neither identical to the self of Allah nor different from it. The Mutazilah deny the divine qualities in order to maintain the unity of God. This article attempts to explain the position taken on this question by Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi – one of the most famous Sufi scholars. He tried to resolve the problem in his own way, based on his conception of “nisab”.
Novel is considered to be one of the most famous genres of Urdu literature. These genres come from West, got popularity and rapidly made progress. Due to comprehensiveness of topics and diversity in styles in the twentieth century, many aspects of thought and art emerged and surfaced. Urdu novel has a vast canvas. It deals with all aspects of life like political, social, psychological, romantic and historical. It also discusses the individual aswell as social aspect of life. In short nothing is outside the ambit of this genre. Amongst all these aspects, the most important is historical aspect. History is the most precious asset of any nation. In a novel, the importance of characters can''t be underestimated but the importance of a hero is so much conspicuous that he stands prominent like a moon amongst the stars or like a pearl in the heap of stones. Hero is the central character of any novel but in historical novels, his importance becomes manifold. Along the historical events, the presentation of historical characters is also very important. No one can deny the importance of secondary and flat characters, but the importance of a hero is worth-maintaining. Different treaties on the topics of novel-writing, its art and different styles have written in University of this genre have helped illuminate deferent hidden aspects. However, the role of a hero in historical novels, his merits and demerits, judging and evaluating different aspects of his personality also constitutes important topics. But in the historical novels of Urdu , on the topics of the role of hero, his critical and competence , evolution, no worth-maintaining research has been made, so for on this topic no thorough, comprehensive, in-depth research has been carried out. Realizing this lack of research on this topic, I decided to choose this topic. It is also a fact that important personalities attached to historical events are later on presented in stories. While casting them in stories, this work is to be done with great insight and care. That is the reason that as compared with other heroes of the novels, for the making of a hero of a historical novel, all capabilities and abilities are to be collected and mustered.