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Carbon Nano Scroll

Thesis Info


Adeel Ahmed Mughal


Department of Physics, QAU




Quaid-i-Azam University

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Thesis Completing Year


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Call No: Diss M. Phil / PHY / 1040


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56



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سید صادقؔ حسین

سید صادقؔ حسین (۱۸۹۸۔۱۹۸۹ء) نام اور صادقؔ تخلص کرتے تھے۔ آپ کھادڑ پاڑہ (کشمیر) میں پیدا ہوئے۔ آپ کے والدین نے کشمیر سے ہجرت کر کے شکر گڑھ (سیالکوٹ) میں سکونت اختیار کی۔ آپ کے والد صفدر کاظمی نے وفاقی سیکرٹری کے عہدے پر کام کیا۔ تعلیم مکمل کرنے کے بعد آپ نے ظفر وال سے وکالت کا آغاز کیا۔ آپ تحریکِ پاکستان میں کارکن کے طور پر کام کرتے رہے۔ ۱۹۳۶ء میں آپ صدر مسلم لیگ شکر گڑھ مقرر ہوئے۔ آپ کا واحد شعری مجموعہ ’’برگِ سبز‘‘ کے نام سے شائع ہوا۔ (۲۷۶)

صادق کو صرف ایک شعر کی وجہ سے اردو شاعر ی میں شہرت ملی۔ بعض حضرات اس شعر کو علامہ محمد اقبال سے منسوب کرتے ہیں۔ یہ شعر ان کے شعری مجموعے ’’برگ سبز‘‘ کی ایک غزل میں موجود ہے۔ شعر ملاحظہ ہو:

تندیٔ بادِ مخالف سے نہ گھبرا اے عقاب                       یہ تو چلتی ہے تجھے اونچا اڑانے کے لیے          (۲۷۷)

صادقؔ نظم اور غزل کے شاعر ہیں۔ نظم پر اقبال کے اثرات ہیں اور غزل میں روایت کی جھلک نظر آتی ہے۔ ان کی شاعری میں قرآن مجید کے منظوم تراجم بھی موجود ہیں۔ انہیں اسلام سے سچی محبت ہے۔ اس محبت کا اظہار وہ خدائے بزرگ و برتر کی حمد و ثنا سے کرتے ہیں۔ وہ قرآن پاک کا ترجمہ کرتے ہوئے عام فہم اور سادہ زبان استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ ان کا اسلوب اتنا اچھا ہے کہ وہ ترجمہ معلوم نہیں ہوتا۔ سورت فاتحہ کی کچھ آیات کا منظوم ترجمہ ملاحظہ ہو:

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تری ہی...

Critical Study of Moral Teachings of Islam and Buddhism for Promotion of Global Peace

All ancient and contemporary religions of the world like Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Jainism and Islam emphasizes and attempts to uphold the highest moral and ethical values in human society in order to produce discipline and good will. Some of the religions strictly command for proper observance and submission to the laws and cannons", whereas the other religions do not stipulate strict allegiance to its principals, yet they nourish and treat human emotions and direct them for the general good of the society. On the whole, all religions aim at moral and ethical uplift of human beings, to install positivity in them and imbues the spirit of sacrifice, equality, affection, brotherhood and justice in mankind. Thus, these all facts testify that all religions, with some differences of pattern, propagate the message of love, Peace, equality, brotherhood, justice, Harmony and equity in the material age and greed-ridden epoch where individual profits and benefit overwhelm collective cause and general welfare of mankind. What we have done here in this paper is not to establish that one religion is better than the other but to demonstrate that almost all world religions stand for love, peace and harmony. There is no doubt, that all religions preach and advocate positive harmony among human beings but the message of Holy Prophet (SAW) is the only example who gave practical aspect of these theories. However, this paper elaborates this reality by a detailed comparison of Islam and Buddhism.

Pollination Efficiency and Role of Managed Honeybees Apis Mellifera L. in Yield Response of Canola under Rainfed Conditions

Canola (Brassica napus L.) is an important oil seed crop in Pakistan having the potential of bridge gap between consumption and production of edible oil in the country. Canola has high potential of yield but due to many limiting factors, farmers in Pakistan are getting three times less production than developed countries. One of these factors is the insufficient crop pollination. Pollination is an essential ecosystem service andcan be provided by managed pollinators (honeybees and other insects). A two year study was designed to assess the possible role of Apis mellifera managed pollination to enhance the yield of Brassica napus in Gujar Khan, Rawalpindi during 2015 and 2016. Pollen sources of A. mellifera during blooming period of B. napus comprised of 11.11% ornamentals, 33.33% weeds, 22.22% shrubs, 22.22% herbs and 11.11% crops. Quantification of pollens transported by A. mellifera reflected maximum pollens of B. napus followed by Calendula officinalus and Sonchus asper. Studies about determination of colony level pollination efficiency of A. mellifera on B. napus crop depicted that on average maximum colony foraging rate of A. mellifera foragers with pollen loads (281.2 bees/ ten minutes) was observed at 1200 hours on 10-02-2015 (6th weekly interval). Weather factors influenced the activity of A. mellifera colony foraging rate in the field conditions. A. mellifera foragers with pollen loads attained maximum colony foraging activity on 10-02-2015 (6th weekly interval) when the temperature was 21.5 ̊C and average R.H. was 60%. Colony condition of A. mellifera varied throughout the blooming period of B. napus. Maximum brood and stored food area of bees were observed at the end week of B. napus blooming period. xxiv Observations were made about insect pollinators’ visited B. napus throughout the blooming period. Out of thirty five species belonging to five orders and twenty families were recorded. A. mellifera was most frequent visitor comprised 87.66%. Managed A. mellifera had significant effect on yield of B. napus in response to two different treatments. The results about total numbers of pods plant-1, numbers of seeds plant-1 and seed weight pods-100showed significant differences between treatments and revealed that treatment T2 (Open plot free visit of bees+ other pollinators) gave maximum yield as compared to treatment T1 (Cages plants without honeybees). Seed quality parameters of B. napus crop also affected bytwo different treatments (T1=Cages plants without honeybees, T2= Open plot free visit of bees+ other pollinators). Hive distances also affected on colony level pollination efficiency in A. mellifera on B. napus. Colony foraging rate at different hive distances from the B. napus crop proved that colony foraging rate of A.mellifera started to decrease after 200m hives distance. Maximum foraging rate of A. mellifera was at 100m hives distance from B. napus. Effect of beehives distance from B. napus on brood and food stored area of A. mellifera showed that maximum brood and stored food area was found in hives placed at 100m distance from B. napus crop. Overall recommendation for using managed A. mellifera as an important pollinator of B. napus proved that seed yield of B. napus increased with managed pollination of A. mellifera as well as brood and stored food area of A. mellifera also increased with blooming progression of B. napus.