۲۔ھل استفہامیہ
جب اللہ تعالیٰ مجرموں کو جہنم میں ڈالیں گے تو پھر اس سے پوچھیں گے۔ارشادِ باری تعالیٰ ہے:
۱-"هَلِ امْتَلَاْتِ وَتَقُوْلُ هَلْ مِنْ مَّزِيْدٍ "۔[[1]]
"کیا تو بھر چکی اور وہ کہے گی کیا کچھ اور بھی ہے۔ "
اس کے دو مطلب ہو سکتے ہیں ۔ایک یہ کہ " میرے اندر اب مزید آدمیوں کی گنجائش نہیں ہے۔ " دوسرے یہ کہ " اور جتنے مجرم بھی ہیں انہیں لے آیئے " پہلا مطلب لیا جائے تو اس ارشاد سے تصور یہ سامنے آتا ہے کہ مجرموں کو جہنم میں اس طرح ٹھونس ٹھونس کر بھر دیا گیا ہے اس میں ایک سوئی کی بھی گنجائش نہیں رہی، حتیٰ کہ جب اس سے پوچھا گیا کی کیا تو بھر گئی تو وہ گھبرا کر چیخ اٹھی کہ کیا ابھی اور آدمی بھی آنے باقی ہیں؟
یہاں یہ سوال پیدا ہوتا ہے کہ جہنم سے اللہ تعالیٰ کے اس خطاب اور اس کے جواب کی نوعیت کیا ہے؟ کیا یہ محض مجازی کلام ہے؟ یا فی الواقع جہنم کوئی ذی روح اور ناطق چیز ہے جسے مخاطب کیا جا سکتا ہو اور وہ بات کا جواب دے سکتی ہو؟ اس معاملہ میں قطعیت کے ساتھ کچھ نہیں کہا جا سکتا ممکن کہ یہ مجازی کلام ہو اور محض صورت حال کا نقشہ کھینچنے کے لیے جہنم کی کیفیت کو سوال و جواب کی شکل میں بیان کیا گیا ہو، لیکن یہ بات بھی بالکل ممکن ہے کہ یہ کلام مبنی بر حقیقت ہو ۔ اس لیے کہ دنیا کی جو چیزیں ہمارے لیے جامد و صامت ہیں ان کے متعلق ہمارا یہ گمان کرنا درست نہیں ہو سکتا کہ وہ...
The following research paper is an academic and historical study of Robert Spencer’s views about Dhimmis and Jizya. According to Robert Spencer, dhimmis are treated like ‘guilty’ people and subjected to biased and stringent conditions. Furthermore, he believes that there is an entire system of regulations that institutionalize an inferior status for non-Muslims in Islamic law. This paper is an academic effort, aiming to prove that Islam does not treat non-Muslim citizens as inferior and second class citizens nor imposes unbearably rigorous taxes on them. It consists of two parts: the first deals with Robert Spencer’s views regarding Dhimmis and the second part takes into account his views about Jizya. In this connection, all his views and allegations have been taken into consideration and an attempt has been made to absolve Islam of such groundless allegations.
An effective educational leadership plays a crucial role in order to bring about sustainable change in schools. Generally, in the Pakistani context and particularly in Northern Areas, customarily, teachers are promoted as principals on seniority basis or they are selected directly before they attend any training in school leadership and management. Most of them being untrained or unaware of educational leadership, appear to be ineffective in school development, because use of personal styles of leadership. This situation does not allow principals as well as teachers to create a collaborative learning environment. Therefore, a critical study of principals and teachers' notions and perceptions about effective leadership seems to be very important. Various researchers have reached the consensus that without bringing any change in principals as well as teachers' beliefs it would be difficult to bring any change in their practices. This study was focused in a private secondary school, in Karachi. In the qualitative paradigm through in-depth interviews, the study used the case study method to explore a principal's notions of her role as an effective educational leader. The tools of exploration were interviewing, observation and documentation analysis. The study of teachers' perceptions about their principal's role as an effective educational leader proved very useful in recognizing the differences between the principal and teachers' perceptions. The data analysis reveals that the principal's conception about effective educational leadership is clear to some extent, however, in practices she appears to be an authoritarian. It seems that due to lack of intercommunication skills, the principal has not been effective in giving equal participation to staff in school leadership and management. As a result, the junior staff members seemed to be de-motivated, because they feel that they have no participation in school management. The teachers have the expectations that the principal should be a critical observer and critical motivator if better students learning outcomes are to be achieved. The teachers believe that a peaceful and secure environment enables them to work with more zeal and devotion. Overall, data suggests that a shared vision, trust, commitment and collaborative efforts play a pivotal role in making the principal's role as an effective educational leader.