تانیثیت کا تعلق براہِ راست عورت اور اس کے حقوق سے ہے۔تانیثی تحریک کا بنیادی مقصد عورتوں کو مردوں کے برابرسیاسی ، سماجی ، معاشرتی، معاشی اور قانونی برابری دینا۔ تانیثی تحریک عورتوں کے لیے انصاف کی طالب ہے ، معاشرے میں رائج مختلف امتیازات کے خاتمے کا اعلان کرتی ہے۔اردو افسانے میں نمائندہ خواتین افسانہ نگاروں کے ہاں تانیثی ر جحان دیکھنے کو ملتا ہے۔ جہاں عورتیں سماجی، معاشی ، سیاسی، معاشرتی اور علاقائی مسائل پر قلم اٹھا رہی ہیں اس کے ساتھ ساتھ عورتوں کے ساتھ پیش آنے والے مسائل کو بھی قلم بند کر رہی ہیں۔اس ضمن میں غور کریں تو ذکیہ مشہدی ایک معتبر نام ہے۔ انہوں نے عورتوں کی زندگی کو بڑی فنکاری سے پیش کیا۔ان کو افسانہ’’تھکے پاؤں‘‘اور’’حصار‘‘تانیثی پہلو سے ان کے بہترین افسانے ہیں۔نسائی زندگی کو بیان کرنے والی ایک اور اہم افسانہ نگار ترنم ریاض بھی ہیں۔ترنم ریاض کی عورت مشرقی تہذیب کی نمائندگی بھی کرتی ہے اور بغاوت کا جذبہ بھی رکھتی ہے۔ ان کا افسانہ’’ ہم تو ڈوبے صنم‘‘ اسی قسم کا افسانہ ہے۔ ا س کے علاوہ نگار عظیم،شائستہ فخری،غزالہ ضیغم اور دیگر افسانہ نگاروں نے عورتوں کے حوالے سے اپنے خیال کو جس طرح تخلیق کی شکل میں ابھارا ہے اس میں ہندوستانی عورت کے تمام حالات اجاگر ہوتے ہیں۔
انگارے کے مصنفین نے پہلی بار سماجی مسائل کو مغربی زاویۂ نگاہ سے دیکھا۔انہوں نے ادب اور سماج کے بندھے ٹکے اصول واقدار سے انحراف کرتے ہوئے جنسی بھوک،ذہنی پریشانیوں نفسیاتی الجھنوں کو شعورکے پردے میں اجاگر کیا۔انہوں نے سماجی لبادہ اوڑھے چہروں کو بے نقاب کیا اور ان کی گھناؤنی ذہنیت کو اپنے افسانوں میں پیش کیا ہے۔اس سلسلے میں سجاد ظہیر کا افسانہ ’’دالری‘‘ اور احمد علی کا افسانہ’’بادل نہیں آتے‘‘ پیش کیے جا سکتے ہیں۔ رشید جہاں اردو کی...
A thorough critical analysis of human history highlights that the clash of civilizations centered on themes of conflict, war, and struggle. Historical experts use the word encounter to interpret or explain these relations among civilizations. Trade played a vital role in flourishing these ties, however, conflict and encounter have also been a part of almost all the phases or eras of human history. Developing nations have always looked up to the western world as a role model of economic and military progression, but this philosophy has also resulted in the escalation of tensions among these nations. World peace faces daunting challenges and is one of the most talked-about human concerns in the present times. Islam is currently being challenged by the western world in terms of the right interpretation of religious teachings and the true message of the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Islam is still struggling to make its mark in the present world order, particularly after the 9/11 incident which painted Muslims as terrorists and fundamentalists. It is quite evident that the world is divided into factions or groups, where one group is the torchbearer of Islam and religious teachings, while the second group endorses western ideals or secularism. According to Samuel Huntington, it won’t be wrong to say that the next ideological challenge that the world faces after the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union is Islam and the prospective clash between the East and the West in the 21st century will be the most discussed topic. The present-day relationship between the East and the West is based upon rivalry. This conflict is not a new area of research and is centuries old. The only solution to this problem is to promote global peace and harmony and facilitate dialogue among nations. This would help in creating a social system that can center on values, harmony, peace, and love. Also, Iqbal’s philosophy can act as a guiding stone and can help in resolving this crisis. Iqbal’s universal social reconstruction theory highlights how different civilizations can live together and can facilitate constructive dialogue to improve civilizational ties. This article aims to incorporate the teachings of Iqbal, especially the universal social reconstruction theory to propose solutions for inter-civilizational clashes. This article aims to use the teachings of Iqbal as a beacon of light to promote constructive dialogue and peaceful coexistence among the two dominant sides of the world, resultantly leading in much prosperous and peaceful world order.
This research work is based on the synthesis of derivatives of tetrazole and benzimidazole and screening of their biological activities. Spectroscopic techniques, i.e. 1H-, 13C-NMR, EI-MS, HREI-MS, and IR spectroscopy were used to determine the structures of the synthetic compounds. This dissertation consists of three chapters depending on the different libraries of synthetic compounds. The biological evaluation of the compounds is given in summarized form. Each chapter has its own compound, table, figure, and schemes number. Chapter-1: This chapter consists of two parts. First part is about syntheses of 5-phenyl-1H-tetrazole derivatives by a newly developed methodology and their screening which resulted in identifying some lead molecules for further studies. We have synthesized twenty-six derivatives through this methodology and among twenty-six, three compounds are new. Library of synthetic compounds showed potent α-glucosidase inhibitory potential, four compounds exhibited remarkable inhibitory activity superior to standard acarbose. These tetrazoles may act as lead compounds in search of more potent α-glucosidase inhibitors. The synthetic compounds were screened for their β-glucuronidase inhibitory activity as well, three compounds showed moderate activity. These compounds were screened for their phosphodiesterase inhibitory activity too, two compounds showed excellent inhibitory activity more active than standard. Compounds were also showed good xanthene oxidase inhibitory activities as six compounds showed moderate to good activity. Compounds were tested for their antyglycation potential also, Four compounds found to be active than standard. In antileishmanial studies three compounds showed moderate to good inhibition. Moreover, this library was screened for β-cell viability assay and nine compounds showed good to moderate results. The second part of this chapter consists of twenty-nine compounds. Among the whole series, twenty-four are new and five compounds are known. Compounds have been synthesized using water as solvent using cost effective and commercially available starting materials. Synthetic compounds showed potent antiglycation activity, fourteen exhibited good inhibitory activity compareable to standard. These compounds were tested for their immunomodulatory activity too, seven compounds showed good to moderate activity showing there IC50 values close to standard. In antileishmanial potential, three showed moderate to weak activity. In β-cell viability assay only three compounds showed very weak activity. Chapter-2: We have optimized a nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction to synthesize tetrazolyl ethers by using cesium fluoride as a suitable base. The higher cost of cesium fluoride is offset by clear advantages such as higher yields, short reaction time, and small amount of reagents required and easy work-up. Thirteen compounds are new among the whole series. Evaluation of biological activities of twenty-four compounds based on tetrazole skeleton resulted in identifying some lead molecules for future studies. Compounds were evaluated for their antleishmanial activity and four compounds showed moderate antileishmanial activities. Chapter-3: This chapter consists of three series of 1H-benzimidazole which have been synthesized using DMSO as a solvent and commercially available starting material. In first series, thirteen compounds are new; these synthetic compounds showed excellent potential in antiinflammatory assay, five exhibited potent antiinflammatory activity. These compounds were also screened for their antidiabetic activity, five compounds showed very good activity. Compounds of this library were tested for their urease inhibitory activity too and two showed weak inhibition. In addition, compounds were screened for their antileishmanial activity and sixteen compounds showed good to significant activity. Other two series of benzimidazole derivatives were also synthesized and seven compounds are new while the rest are known, these are screened for leishmanicidal and glycation activity and exciting results results were found.