مولانا مودودی ؒ کو اپنے رفقاء سمیت اکتوبر ۱۹۴۸ء میں گرفتارکیا گیا۔آپ کونہ صرف گرفتار کیا گیا بلکہ آپ کی جماعت کے اخبارات " کوثر" ،" جہاں نو" اورروزنامہ " تسنیم " بھی بند کردیےگئے۔ اس وقت حکمران طبقہ پر استعماری غلبہ تھا ۔جبکہ مولانا مودودیؒ کاکہنا تھاکہ پاکستان کے قیام کااصل مقصد اسلامی نظام کاقیام ہے ۔ آپ پرجہادکشمیر کے مخالف ہونے کاالزام لگایا گیا ۔اپنی پہلی قید وبند کی صعوبت کاذکر مولانا نے اس طرح کیاہے :
"میں نے اپنی پہلی نظربندی میں لکھنے پڑھنے کا خاصا کام کیا ۔مسئلہ ملکیت زمین مرتب کی ۔ تفہیم کا مقدمہ لکھا۔حدیث کی کتاب ابوداؤد کاانڈکس تیارکیا۔کتاب" سود" اور"اسلام اورجدید معاشی نظریات" بھی وہیں مکمل کیں ۔ خداکاشکر ہے کہ میراوہاں ایک دن بھی ضائع نہیں ہوا " ۔[[1]]
مولانا مودودی ؒ کی سزا پر پوری دنیا سراپا احتجاج تھی۔لیکن مولانا مودودی ؒ فوجی عدالت کے فیصلے سے بالکل بھی نہ گھبرائے۔ مولانا ؒ نے اپنے ساتھیوں کو سزا کے خلاف رحم کی اپیل نہ کرنے دی۔مولانا نے فرمایا:
" نہیں ہرگز نہیں ! میں نہیں چاہتا کہ میری طرف سے یامیرے خاندان کے کسی فرد کی طرف سے یاخود جماعت کی طرف سے کوئی رحم کی درخواست پیش کی جائے" [[1]]
مولانا نے اپنے بیٹے عمر فاروق کو تسلی دی اور گھبرانے سے منع فرمایا۔ مولانا نے سزا کے خلاف کوئی اپیل دائر نہیں کی مولاناؒ کا کہنا تھا کہ اگر میں ظالم حکمرانوں کے سامنے دب گیا تو پھر ملک سے انصاف ختم ہوجائے گا ۔
آخر کار حکومت نے خود ہی سزائے موت کو ۱۴ سال کی قید میں تبدیل کردیا۔ جیل سے رہائی کے بعد مولانا مودودی ؒ نے دین کے کام کو آگے بڑھایا ۔
The present study was conducted to probe the role of religion in mate selection among educated females of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Data for the study was collected through a pre-tested questionnaire from 278 working women from three public sector universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa i.e. The University of Agriculture, University of Peshawar and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar. Simple random method was applied to pick the samples from the study area whereas chi-square statistics was applied to get the major findings. Results reveal a contradictory type of situation as on the one hand, religion particularly the rituals were strictly followed during marriage but on the other hand, the mate selection rights of women were ignored mainly. This is practiced despite of the fact that Islam has given right/liberty in mate selection to both men and women. Female respondents attributed it to lack of Islamic knowledge on part of family members or they do it to get more say and power through following common values and culture. Religious leaders do not lay much stress on the rights given by Islam to females in mate selection in their religious sermons. The issue according to respondents was not discussed either. Females on their part, though found interested in mates from their own sect or religious groups preferred liberal males over conservative ones because believing them to be stern and inflexible. The study recommends that an awareness campaign through mass media which may include religious leaders, civil society and political parties needs to be launched in order to raise awareness among both the educated and uneducated females along with their parents regarding mate selection, the nature and impact of religious misinterpretations, and current wave of western values, materialistic outlook and idealism that affects the selected females perception about mate selection.
All counterintuitive and mysterious phenomena exhibited by the quantum theory are linked with the concept of quantum coherence in one way or the other. The best available tool to explicitly explore the in depth meaning of the quantum coherence is to utilize single-particle quantum interference under any preselected experimental scenario. Present thesis employs the themes of Delayed-Choice Quantum Eraser (DCQE) under single and double tag settings as well as the ideology of complementarity tested through Atomic Mach-Zehnder-Bragg interferometer for the purpose. For the DCQE case, our results clearly demonstrate that coherence and hence the interference fringes that get lost due to coupling with the tag ancilla can not only be retrieved back but strangely enough can also be tuned in a delayed-choice manner much later than the due data recording. This delayed-choice adjustability of the fringes shed out many controversies surrounding the quantum eraser along with the conception of the time in the quantum theory, meanings of the state vector reduction, measurement, information and the entropy as well as raises questions about the Ψ- ontic models. The second proposal suggests that quantum coherence apparently seems to lie beyond our classical space-time structure. Whereas the proposal based on atom interferometer with final beam splitter being quantum mechanical i.e. in superposition of being absent and present simultaneously, was used to observe both the wave and particle aspects under a single experimental setting, as suggested recently by Ionicioiu et.al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 230406 (2011)], and thus questioned the universality of the Bohr''s conjecture. We demonstrated it in a most realistic scenario based on an atomic interferometer with the final beam splitter taken as a high-Q cavity containing the field superposition of zero and one photon. The setup operates through first order off-resonant Atomic Bragg diffraction from the cavity fields with atom''s particle (wave) nature marked through the absence (presence) of a photon in the final cavity and explicitly exhibit wave-particle morphic behavior versus interaction variables. The thesis concludes with demonstration of experimental feasibility of the presented proposals and highlights future directions with a comprehensive philosophical discussion.