مولانا محمد الحسنی
ایک عربی شاعر نے کہا ہے:
من لم یمت عبطۃً یمت ھرما
1للموت کاساًفالمرء ذائقاً
¹’’جولوگ جوانی میں نہیں مرتے وہ بوڑھے ہوکرمریں گے۔بہرحال موت کی شراب ہرشخص کے لیے چشیدنی ہے۔‘‘
افسوس ہے گذشتہ مہینہ ہمارے علوم دینیہ و عربیہ کے دومرکزوں میں چند روز کے فرق سے شعر میں مذکوردونوں قسم کی حسرتناک موتیں واقع ہوئیں، پہلا واقعہ دارالعلوم ندوۃ العلماء لکھنؤ میں مولوی محمدالحسنی کی اچانک وفات کاپیش آیا۔ مرحوم صحیح معنی میں متنبی کے اس شعر کے مصداق تھے:
وشیخ فی الشباب ولیس شیخاً
-یسمی کل من بلغ المشیبا
وہ کہنے کومولانا سید ابوالحسن علی میاں کے بھتیجے تھے مگردرحقیقت وہ مولانا کے لیے فرزند حقیقی سے بڑھ کرتھے۔مولانا نے اپنے فیض تعلیم وتربیت اورتوجہ خصوصی سے اس جوہر قابل کوایسا چمکایا کہ مرحوم عربی ادب وانشا میں مولانا کے مثنی بن گئے۔عرصہ سے’’البعث الاسلامی‘‘کے رئیس التحریر تھے، اس حیثیت سے انھوں نے جومقالات اوراداریے لکھے انہوں نے ہندوبیرونِ ہند کے اسلامی حلقوں میں دھوم مچادی۔ ان کی کتاب’’الاسلام الممتحن‘‘جوعالم اسلام اور خصوصاً عرب ممالک کے معاملات ومسائل سے متعلق اُن کے بیس برس کے اداریوں اورمقالات کامنتخب مجموعہ ہے، وہ عرب میں اس درجہ مقبول ہوئی کہ چندبرسوں میں اس کے متعدد ایڈیشن چھپ چکے ہیں۔ وہ اردو زبان کے بھی ادیب تھے۔مصنف اورمترجم کی حیثیت سے اس زبان میں بھی ان کی متعدد یادگاریں ہیں۔عمل وکردار اوراخلاق وعادات کے اعتبارسے وہ اپنے خانوادۂ والاتبار کی روایات کامکمل نمونہ تھے۔یعنی نہایت دیندار، صالح، متواضع، فقیر منش، طبیعت کے نہایت غیور و خوددار، خاموش اور باہمہ و بے ہمہ، دنیا اور اس کے زفارف عیش و عشرت سے قطعاً بے نیاز و روگرداں، عمر چالیس کے لگ بھگ ہوگی۔
خوش درخشید و بے شعلۂ مستعجل بود ۔
رحمہ اﷲ رحمۃ واسعۃ
[ جولائی۱۹۷۹ء]
One of the primary goals of this study was to explore how a budget review approach may affect Nigeria's economic development. The reasoning was that the Nigerian economy was being challenged by a variety of imbalances in budget creation and implementation. The study strategy was based on events that occurred after the study was completed, and the data used in the study came from the Central Bank Statistical Bulletin and the Federal Ministry of Finance. A model was constructed based on both empirical and theoretical investigations in order to achieve this broad goal. The HDI, which was utilized as a measure of development, was the dependent variable in the model. The government's capital budget, recurrent budget, and the speed of annual budget implementation were the other independent variables in the model. They examined data using the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model, diagnostic tests such as the test of normality, auto correlation test, and heteroskedasticity test, which proved the validity and reliability of the model they chose; inferential results reveal that the use of budget evaluation had a positive and significant impact on the Nigerian economy. According to the study's suggestions, Nigeria's government should try to increase capital and recurrent expenditures in its annual budget, both of which have a significant impact on economic development. Finally, the government should work to build budget monitoring and review infrastructure that will aid in the effective implementation of large budget expenditures while also ensuring compliance with legal procedures.
The Indian Ocean has attained significance as center stage of world politics in current century. The regions of Asia Pacific & Atlantic were the main theatres of warfare generally in World Wars and specifically in cold war .Asia has emerged as epicenter of global politics in current timeframe. Indian Ocean politics has greatly affected the US policy in post-cold war and post 9/11 period due to growing Chinese and Indian interests and presence in the region. This triangular relationship between US, China and India has great implications on regional balance of power and especially on Pakistan. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the United States Policy in the Indian Ocean during post-cold war period from year 1990 to 2014. A comprehensive research has been done to determine the implications of US approach on Pakistan’s foreign and maritime policy. Although qualitative in nature but content analysis method has been adopted for research. Analytical, historical and descriptive approach has been employed to understand strategic moves from different angles. Apart from relevant primary data i.e. official reports and documents, interviews from naval officers and experts have been effectuated in order to fathom the expert view and to ample the study vision. It has been concluded that US reframed its policy through offensive realist perspective especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. United States approach was to subjugate Pakistan through coercive diplomacy in post- cold war and post 9/11 period. US have revised its Cooperative Security Strategy of 2007 as Cooperative security Strategy for 21 century in 2012: Forward, Engaged, Ready; it has shifted its focus to Asia Pacific after declaration of Asia Pivot policy. Pakistan had no other option except to look towards China in order to counter balance the growing Indo-US synergy in the Indian Ocean. US inclination towards India has turned into a challenge for Pakistan’s foreign and maritime policy makers. The need of the hour is to re-visit maritime and foreign policy of Pakistan keeping in view changing dynamics of Indian Ocean geopolitics.