44. Ad-Dukhan/The Smoky Haze
I/We begin by the Blessed Name of Allah
The Immensely Merciful to all, The Infinitely Compassionate to everyone.
a. Ha. Mim.
a. By the Book of Divine Qur’an - clear in itself and clearly guiding to the truth.
a. WE sent it down during a night full of blessings.
b. Because with it WE had planned to warn people.
a. On that night every matter of wisdom was made distinct -
a. – by OUR Command.
b. Indeed, WE had decided to send OUR Messengers to these people for guidance -
a. - as a Mercy from your Rabb - The Lord to humankind.
b. Indeed, HE - HE is The All-Listening of their sayings, The All-Knowing of their actions.
a. Rabb - The Lord of the celestial realm and the terrestrial world and whatever is between them,
b. only if you were firm believers.
a. There is no entity of worship except HIM.
b. HE gives both life as well as death.
c. HE is your Rabb - The Lord and Rabb - The Lord of your forefathers.
a. Yet they are lost in their doubts.
a. Then be on the watch for the Time – The Last Hour - when the sky will exhale visible smoky haze -
a. – covering all people, causing them to cry out:
b. ‘This is an awful punishment!’
a. ‘O Our Rabb - The Lord!
b. Take this punishment away from...
"The Cosmic Palette: Exploring Colors in Art and Culture" delves into the profound role of colors in shaping the world of art and culture. This article takes readers on a vibrant journey through history, examining the significance of colors in different societies, their psychological impact, and the ways in which artists have harnessed them to convey emotions, ideas, and cultural narratives. From the symbolism of red to the serenity of blue, this exploration sheds light on the universal language of color that transcends boundaries and connects humanity in a kaleidoscope of experiences.
The purpose of present research was to analyse “the Quality of Educational Administration and Management especially at Secondary School Level in Punjab, Pakistan.” and mainly was to probe the performance level of district educational administrators and school heads at secondary school level and to identify their problems and to gauge the infrastructure and facilities of the schools and to evaluate their achievements level in academic and non-academic activities. The sample of the study was Executive District Officers of Education, head teachers, teachers and secondary schools of nine districts from nine divisions of Punjab, Pakistan. For studying the phenomenon of quality of administration and management of the schools a mixed method of research including a survey, an interview and an inventory was used and quantitative and qualitative techniques of data analysis were applied to reach conclusions. In survey five scales for the data collection were used, two Likert rating scales were for the head teachers, one five points scale with one open ended question was for analysing the working efficiency of their District educational administrators and other seven points scale with one open ended question was for the head teachers for analysing their own performance by their own responses and one another seven point rating scale with one open ended question and similar to head teacher rating scale was for the teachers for examining the working performance of their head teachers. One school inventory was also used for collecting the information about the infrastructure and achievements of the schools and finally an interview was conducted with the Executive District Officers of Education on the top hierarchy of the organization for summarizing the quality of good educational administrators and for highlighting the problems of district and school administrations. The results of the head teachers responses about the performance of their District Education Officer revealed that their performance was above of average level on 37% statements that were from their job descriptions and on 54% statements their performance was average and on 9% statements their performance was below of average level on scale of performance. Chi- Square test showed that male and female, rural and urban head teachers had the same opinions on majority statements and on very few statements they had different feelings about the efficiency of their District Educational officers. Majority head teachers responded on open ended question that efficient, competent, qualified and hardworking educational administrators should be appointed on their eligibility instead on their grade and on political favour. The performance efficiency of the head teachers was examined by their self-response and by the responses of their teachers. According to self-responses their performance on 90% statements was above of average level and on 8% and 2% statements that were from their job descriptions their performance was average and below of average level on performance scale respectively. On open ended question they expounded that they were facing the problem of vacant posts and shortage of posts and the lack of building. When the performance of the head teachers was inquired from their teachers on the same type of rating scale, the largest majority of teachers answered that on 69% statements the performance of their head teachers was above of average level and on 25% and 6% statements was average and below of average level respectively. Finally the responses of head teachers and teachers was compared and it was found that on 10% similar statements in both rating scales the responses of head teachers and teachers were same and on 5% similar statement the mean value of the teachers responses was higher and on 85% similar statements the mean value of head teachers responses was higher than the teachers and it exposed that the head teachers were overestimating their proficiency than from their actual performance. Performance efficiency of head teachers was also calculated on different parameter of management likely academic management, personnel management, financial management, infra-structure management, linkage and interface, student’s services and managerial excellence. Results showed that there was an obvious difference in head teachers and teachers’ responses and head teachers probably were overestimating their efficiency and teachers were not satisfied as such as they themselves were responding about their performance. Researcher calculated t-test of teachers’ responses to examine gender and area wise differences in their attitude about the efficiency of their heads on different parameter of management. P value revealed that there was significant difference in the belief of male and female teachers and according to them female head teachers were performing better responsibilities than male head teachers. For analysing the area wise difference P value exhibited no significant difference in the views of rural and urban teachers and probably the performance of rural and urban head teachers were same on majority parameters of management. Generally it was concluded that female head teachers were the best schools administrators than male head teachers. When mean score of teachers’ responses on all parameters of management were compared it was found that the performance of head teachers was between 4 and 6 mean score on performance scale and it envisioned that head teachers performance on all parameters was laid on average level and little above of average level on performance scale. The largest majority of teachers responded on open ended question and they assessed that the main cause of the failure of the school administration was the lack of teachers’ cooperation, misinterpretation of head teachers and teachers on different issues and the lack of head teachers’ interest, commitment and dedication and the attitude of head teachers. The percentage of infra-structure and facilities was calculated and for deduction Pearson correlation was applied to find the correlation between different facilities. The value of Pearson correlation was 0.874 between teachers’ filled post and students sections, 0.883 between total classrooms and total numbers of students sections and 0.817 between total numbers of students and sitting facilities and it showed 80% positive correlation between mentioned facilities and relational variables. It meant that 20% students were deprived from these facilities. Pearson correlation discovered that urban and male schools had better status in mentioned facilitates than rural and female schools. To find the gender and area wise difference in others facilities like lab, library, computer lab and audio visual resource room, t- test was calculated and it was found that rural male schools were better than rural female schools and urban female and male were same in lab, library, computer lab and audio visual resource room facilities while female urban were better than female rural schools and male urban and rural were same in these facilities. The percentage of all responses in the achievement inventory was similarly estimated and gender and area wise differences in academic and non-academic achievements were also explored. It was found that in year 2011 rural and urban schools had same academic results but female schools showed better academic result than male schools. In case of sports and speech programmes gender and area wise comparison resolved that boys and urban schools had better results in sports and speech programme than girls and rural schools. The results of interview with Executive District Officers exposed that they were partially satisfied with the working of District and School administration. The principal conclusions of the study were that the head teachers were not highly satisfied with the working of District Educational officers and similarly teachers were not highly satisfied with the performance of their head teachers. There was no difference in management level of rural and urban head teachers but female head teachers showed best performance on all parameters of educational managements than male. Mostly on all parameters of managements head teachers’ performance was average and very little above of average level on performance scale. Comparison of schools facilities and achievement showed that urban and male schools had better facilities and their performance was better in sports and speech activities than rural and female schools where facilities was fewer. But in academic achievement females’ schools were performing better than male instead of having scarcer facilities. Finally study expressed an insubstantial link of facilities with the academic achievements and resilient link with non-academic achievements." xml:lang="en_US