آہ ! شاہ نصر احمد پُھلواروی مرحوم
معارف کا یہ رسالہ چھپ رہا تھا کہ اخبار کے ذریعہ شاہ نصر احمد کی انتہائی المناک وفات کی خبر ملی اس سانحہ کی خبر سننے کے لیے بالکل تیار نہیں تھا، ان کی عمر مشکل سے تیئس (۲۳) چوبیس (۲۴) سال رہی ہوگی، یہ تحریر لکھتے وقت ان کا چہرہ یاد آرہا ہے جس پر معصومیت، طہارت، مذہبیت، محبت، مروت اور اخلاق کے جتنے آثار ہوسکتے تھے، ان سب کے انوار ان پر جھلکتے نظر آتے تھے، وہ خانقاہ مجیبیہ پھلواری شریف کے جناب مولانا شاہ عون احمد قادری کے بڑے صاحبزادے تھے، اس تعلق کے علاوہ وہ دارالمصنفین میں بھی آکر دو سال رہے، اپنی نیکی اور اخلاص کا جو نقش یہاں کے لوگوں پر چھوڑ گئے ہیں، وہ مدت مدید تک یاد رہے گا، وہ یہاں اس غرض سے آئے تھے کہ یہاں رہ کر کچھ سیکھیں، لیکن اپنی کم سنی کے زمانہ میں انھوں نے معارف میں امام الحرمین پر تین قسطوں میں جو مضمون لکھا، اس پر برصغیر کے تمام اربات فن کی نظر اٹھی، اور ان کا خیال تھا کہ یہ کسی تجربہ کار اہل قلم اور دیدہ ور عالم کا لکھا ہوا ہے، لیکن جب ان کو بتایا جاتا کہ اس کے لکھنے والے کی عمر کیا ہے، تو ان کو یقین نہیں آتا، اس مضمون سے اندازہ ہوگیا تھا کہ آئندہ علم کی ایک بے پناہ قوت، ہندوستان کی علمی دنیا میں ابھر کر رہے گی، لیکن ان کو خود خیال رہا کہ ان میں ابھی بہت کچھ کمی رہ گئی ہے، اس لیے اس کو پورا کرنے کے لیے وہ دارالعلوم ندوۃ العلماء مزید تعلیم کے لیے چلے گئے، جہاں انھوں نے تین سال رہ کر وہاں کی تعلیم کی تکمیل کی اور ادب میں تحضص کیا، اسی زمانہ میں ان...
*یاَیُّهَا الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْۤا اَطِیْعُوا اللّٰهَ وَ اَطِیْعُوا الرَّسُوْلَ وَ اُولِی الْاَمْرِ مِنْكُمْۚ* On a wide scale There is a need for an ideal leader and his leadership. If a believer talks about leadership, he will only have the concept of Islamic leadership. To which the verses and hadiths indicate, in this category there will be leaders and leaders who will be able to lead their supporters and followers towards physical and spiritual development. All kinds of leadership were given to the Prophet ﷺ. Whatever qualities he had within him were of a perfect level. The principles of Islamic guidance that the Prophet ﷺ had explained were followed by the Companions and the pious people and any leadership in the whole universe that we see. have also adopted it in full stubbornness, they emerged as the Ameerul Momineen and Caliphate of the Muslims of that time, and the principle of following the leadership of the Prophet ﷺ, an Islamic state and society, equally for both Muslim and non-Muslim minorities.While the principles and laws of the current situation are completely opposite. The question is what are the goals and demands of the leadership of the present age and how is prophetic leadership helpful in the improvement of the current leadership?Are following the principles of leadership mentioned by Karim ﷺ? In the paper under discussion, contemporary leadership principles and their analyzes will be examined in the light of Prophet Muhammad keeping in mind the requirements of the time.
With the advent of social media many consumers have changed the way they seek and process information for their decisions. Social media, due to its features seems to have growing influence on consumers? buying decision process. As with the number of social media users escalating, businesses are also engaging more with it. Its convenience of use, interactivity and accessibility makes it most cost effective tool. Fashion industry in Pakistan is also flourishing. In this study researcher is trying to explore the impact of social media on consumer buying behavior and decision making process for fashion apparels in one of the major cities of Pakistan (Lahore City).
This study, being an explanatory research based on extensive literature review, has tried to study the influence of social media on consumer behavior decision-making process. Primary data was collected through questionnaires survey with the sample size of 350; respondents belong to the Lahore city. Data was collected from main markets, constituted in nine geographical areas of the city Lahore. Data from the survey was statistically analyzed by using Pearson product correlation and Regression analysis.
Results indicated important findings about the influence of social media to the each individual phase of consumer decision making process. Positive correlation was found between variables of study, which means social media do influence the consumer decision making behavior at each stage with a differing degree. The findings of this study provided valuable insights for academic practitioners and fashion clothing marketers into consumers decision making practices in terms of fashion apparels of the residents of Lahore.Moreover it also provides a basis for academic practitioners for investigating new upcoming phenomena influencing the original studies of consumers? decision making process.