پیر احسان اﷲ شاہ
علمی حلقوں میں یہ خبر غم و افسوس کے ساتھ سنی جائے گی کہ چھندم گوٹ ضلع حیدرآباد سندھ کے مشہور عالم پیر احسان اﷲ شاہ صاحب جو قلمی کتابوں کے بڑے عاشق تھے چوالیس برس کی عمر میں ۱۳؍ اکتوبر ۱۹۳۸ء کو اس دنیا سے چل بسے، مرحوم حدیث و رجال کے بڑے عالم تھے، اور ان کے کتب خانہ میں حدیث و تفسیر و رجال کی نایاب قلمی کتابوں کا بڑا ذخیرہ تھا، ان کے شوق کا یہ عالم تھا کہ مشرق و مغرب مصر و شام و عرب و قسطنطنیہ کے کتب خانوں میں ان کے کاتب اور ناسخ نئی قلمی کتابوں کی نقل پر مامور رہتے تھے، مرحوم ایک خانقاہ کے سجادہ نشین اور طریق سلف کے متبع، اور علم و عمل دونوں میں ممتاز تھے، اﷲ تعالیٰ مرحوم پر اپنے انوار رحمت کی بارش فرمائے۔ (سید سلیمان ندوی، نومبر ۱۹۳۸ء)
The position of investor is always questioned once capital is handed over to a working partner (Mudarib). The concerns of investor along with series of liabilities cannot be ignored because Modarabah losses are always transferred or born by him/her. The study highlights the authoritative position of Investor and suggests that investor has full access to impose conditions on Mudarib to safeguard his interest as per shariah rulings. The study debates investor’s position to impose geographical restrictions to restrict the scope of trade, trade policy of working partner (Mudarib) and fixation of time. Besides, the study discourses the concept of limited liability in context of Islamic law where creditors hold right to personal wealth of the debtors.
Academic Social Networks are the representation of researcher?s interaction with other researchers during exchange of information and development of research work. In this research, social network analysis techniques are used to analyze co-authorship networks, and analyze the affiliation changing patterns in researchers for the discipline of business process management. Relationship between the authors, institutes/universities and hosting countries have been analyzed and key contributors have been identified by presenting aggregate analysis of academic social networks and productivity at individuals, institutes and countries is quantified. Additionally our results are compared at individual, institute and at country levels with previous work done based on research work presented in business process management conferences.The study concludes firstly, Wil M. P. van der Aalst and Technology University of Eindhoven have formed largest collaboration networks at individual and institute levels respectively. Secondly, Institutes in USA are producing more research that institutes in Europe. Thirdly, Cooperation between institutes is stronger than cooperation between individual authors.