عہدِ صدیقی میں حدود و قصاص کا نفاذ
رسول اللہ ﷺ کی وفات کے بعد حضرت ابو بکر صدیق کو رسول اللہ ﷺ کا جانشین منتخب کیا گیا ۔آپ ؓ کا دور خلافت 12 ربیع الاول ، 11 ہجری سے 22 جمادی الاخرٰی، 13 ہجر ی تک کا ہے۔ آپ ؓکی جانشینی کے بعد عام بیعت ہوئی ۔اس موقع پر ابو بکر صدیق نے خلافت کے بارے میں اپنے خیالا ت کا اظہار فرمایا ۔ اس کے بعض اجزاء آپ کے احساس ذمہ داری اور تصور ِ عدل پر روشنی ڈالتے ہیں۔ آپ نے فرمایا!حکومت میرے لیے باعث راحت نہیں ہے بلکہ اس سے مجھے ایک ایسے عظیم معاملے کی تکلیف دی گئی ہےجو میری برداشت سے زیادہ ہے اور اللہ تعالیٰ عزوجل کی مدد و نصرت کے بغیر اس ذمہ داری سے عہدہ برآ ہونا مشکل ہے ، میں تمہار ا امیر بنایا گیا ہوں اور میں تم سے بہتر نہیں اگر میں راہِ راست پر چلوں تو میری مدد کرو اگر بے راہ چلوں تو سیدھا کردو ۔ تم میں جو کمزور ہے وہ میر ے نزدیک قوی ہے ۔ انشاء اللہ اس کا حق دلاؤں گا اور تم میں سے جو قوی ہے وہ میری نظر میں کمزور ہے۔ اس سے انشاء اللہ حق لے چھوڑوں گا ، جب تک میں اللہ اور اوراس کےرسول ﷺ کی اطاعت کروں ، تم میری اطاعت کرو اور جب میں اللہ اور اس کے رسول ﷺ کی نافرمانی کروں تو تمہیں میری اطاعت نہیں کرنی چاہیے۔284
اپنے دور ِ خلافت میں زیادہ ترمقدمات کے فیصلے ابو بکر صدیق خود کرتے تھے لیکن جب خلافت کی ذمہ داریاں بڑھ گئیں تو حضرت عمر کو قاضی بنا دیا ۔ ابو بکر صدیق کی زندگی میں حدود وقصاص کے چندقابل ذکر مقدمات ہی...
Defending Prophet’s honor is religious and social duty of every Muslim, The Holy Prophet (r) being more valuable than our own lives and souls. The theme of love rests in its high correlation with obedience. That the one whom someone loves, his obedience and submission to him becomes easier, even to the extent of contentment and pleasure. Love of Allah and Holy Prophet (r) has been stressed upon in the article so that obedience of Allah and his Prophet and submission to them is expressed as easy and doable, and an instigation to avoid disobedience is generated. Success of a man lies in obedience of Allah and that of Holy Prophet (r). In this article, the facet of “Love” with Holy Prophet (r) has been comprehensively narrated. The prophet was deputed to be obeyed and followed to the dooms day unchecked of followers’ class, color or ethnicity. Such unconditioned following required his person to be of an extensively inclusive character, which it did, and that every single instant of his esteemed life is preserved. The most divinely of the services is moral building of nations on practical patterns. One way is of preaching, while even cultured is to assemble written material to be followed for long or elsewise forcefully bind people to follow ethical doctrines and avoid vice.
Higher Education is expanding rapidly both in public and private sector. There is growing awareness regarding performance of Higher Education Institutions.Higher Education is a must for accelerating economic development of the country. Universities in collaboration with the society are responsible to offer quality education, result oriented research and service to the community. These institutions are answerable to the stakeholders because these are the stakeholders who provide atmosphere for continued existence of the institutions, their vertical program and horizontal expansion, to make a competition at the Internationallevel quality education, result oriented consistent improvement is required which can only be provided through strong funding and performance-oriented accountability. The study aimed at improving quality education and role of stake holder at university level. Objectives of the study include major challenges, integration of stakeholder’s in higher education setup along with evaluation of quality education coupled with development of academic leadership. Selected universities were included in the population of study. These institutions represented both public and private sector, male and female universities, provincial and federal Universities etc. Sample included students, faculty, parents, civil society and senior academic leaders. Major conclusion of the study was that majority of the respondents were satisfied regarding recruitment procedure for the teachers, HOD/Senior Academicians were more satisfied regarding learning environment as compared to civil society there was substantial variance in the list of challenges among respondents. The key findings of the study revealed that quality of education at tertiary level needed more efforts to bring it up to international standard and the role of stakeholders needs to be enhanced.