باب چہارم
خطۂ سیالکوٹ ۔ تنقید
(الف) اقبال شناسی
ڈاکٹر خواجہ عبدالحمید عرفانی (۱۹۰۷ء۔۱۹۹۰ء) کا اقبال شناسوں میں اہم مقام و مرتبہ ہے نہ صرف سیالکوٹ میں بلکہ عالمی سطح پر اقبال شناسی کی روایت میں خواجہ عرفانی ایک اہم نام ہے۔ اقبال کو ایران میں متعارف کرانے کا سہرا خواجہ عرفانی کے سر جاتا ہے۔ عرفانی صاحب کی ادبی خدمات بے پایاں ہیں مگر ہمیں یہاں صرف عبدالحمید عرفانی کی اقبال شناسی کا جائزہ لینا ہے۔ اقبال کو ایران میں متعارف کرانے کے لیے ’’رومی عصر‘‘ جیسی مدلل کتاب، پاکستان میں جنم لینے والی مشہور عشقیہ داستانوں کو ’’داستان پائے عشق پاکستان‘‘ کے نام سے ایرانیوں کے لیے ’’ضربِ کلیم‘‘ کا فارسی ترجمہ لکھنا اور عبدالحمید عرفانی کی بے پایاں محنت اور اقبال سے محبت کی غماز ہیں۔ خواجہ عبدالحمید عرفانی نے علامہ اقبال پر ’’اقبال ایرانیوں کی نظر میں‘‘ ،’’اقبالِ ایران‘‘ اور ’’پیامِ اقبال‘‘تین کتابیں لکھی ہیں۔
’’اقبال ایرانیوں کی نظر میں ‘‘ میں یہ واضح کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے کہ اقبال سے آشنا ہونے کے بعد اہلِ علم ایرانیوں کی اقبال کے بارے میں رائے اپنے بزرگ شعرا جیسی تھی۔ اور وہ اقبال کو حافظ ،جامی ،سعدی اور رومی کی صف میں شمار کرنے لگے تھے۔ ’’اقبال ایران‘‘ میں عرفانی نے اپنے قیام ایران کے دوران اقبال کو ایران میں متعارف کرانے کی جدوجہد، ایرانیوں کی اقبال سے آشنائی اور ایرانیوں کی اقبال اور پاکستان سے محبت کا اظہار کرنے کا تذکرہ کیا ہے۔ ’’پیامِ اقبال‘‘ میں عرفانی صاحب نے طلبا کی سہولت کے لیے اقبال کے پیغام کا خلاصہ چند صفحات میں پیش کیا ہے۔ اقبال کو ایران میں...
Many assume that people who have grown up do not have the opportunity to memorize the Qur'an because of the difficulties that will be faced in the process of memorizing it rather than in childhood. This research aims to find out (1) the application of the takrir method in Ponpes Matholib As-Suluk. (2) factors that affect students' ability to memorize by takrir method, (3) the quality of memorization of the holy verse of the Qur'an using the takrir method. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. Through the technique of interviewing, observation and documentation studies, several findings were obtained: (1) the application of the takrir method in Ponpes Matholib As-Suluk was applied through the repetition of santri memorization in four ways: individual takrir, collective takrir with friends, takrir with teachers, and takrir at prayer time; (2) there are 2 factors that affect the application of takrir methods: internal (santri mood) and external factors (pesantren environmental support); and (3) the application of this method succeeded in improving the quality of santri memorization because the students were able to improve their memorization quite quickly and they were also able to reread verses and surahs that had been memorized quite smoothly.
In the current world, price is becoming one of the major concerns for customers while making purchase decisions. Consumers are more price-sensitive in case of green products and services. As the consumers are being sensitized with the passage of time about the ecological or environmental consciousness, enterprises have also started taken the initiatives to innovate their products. These innovations are toward the provision of green products to the consumers for the preservations of natural resources. The major problem in this area is that, very little efforts have been made to address this issue. Firms perceived that green products to be an opportunity that can be materialize to achieve the objectives. This factor appeared as the main driving force for consumers to purchase green products. Subsequently, green marketing has emerged to respond to the needs of green consumers who are concerned about the environment. As a result, it is observed that the focus of consumer is shifting towards purchasing of green products. Also, environmental consciousness among consumer is increasing, making them more concerned about green and responsible purchasing of products. Prices may also impact the consumer green attitude and degree of greenness among such consumers. Philosophical paradigm about the green consumerism was started in 1986 practically in the shape of start up of “The Body Shop” but this was initiated after the launch of book in America in 1970 named as “The Greening of America”. By analyzing the relationship among varying degrees of greenness and responsiveness to price consciousness, this study has not only filled the gap in literature but also helped the industry to craft effective marketing strategies regarding pricing of green products. I have collected data from a sample of 400 consumers by using non-probability purposive sampling technique, while they were engaged in the study using questionnaire surveys; questionnaires were analyzed by using SPSS software. I have used CFA for data validation and analysis. For data reliability, Chronbach’s Alpha was xvii utilized. Regression was run by using process macros of Prof. Andrew F. Hayes, model year 2013. Findings of this study havesignificant implications for both marketers and academics. This study helps the practitioners to craft marketing strategies that affect the consumer green attitude and green purchase intention. For academics, this study demonstrates that price consciousness and degree of greenness should not be further overlooked in the study of consumer green attitude. This study is cross-sectional study in which data was collected at one point of time. This study concludes that marketers, academicians, civil society and organization should work faster to materialize the environmental friendly products.