ہجر نامہ
ساری رات میں رکھیاں تاہنگاں
دھمی ککڑاں دتیاں بانگاں
ملاں اُٹھ مسیت نوں جاوے
اللہ دا سد پیا سناوے
نیکاں دے ایہہ من نوں بھاوے
بُریاں وجن پیّاں سانگاں
Gender roles not only keep men and women in different spheres of family and social life but they also promote gender segregation in the education sector and professional life. There is a lot of research being conducted on women working in male dominated professions but there is scarcity of research regarding males working in female dominated professions. This study was conducted to explore the experiences of men working in female dominated professions. The first phase of this study collected quantitative data about the type female-dominated professions in Pakistan. Based on this data in-depth qualitative interviews were done with 5 professionals using snowball sampling: Nurse, Psychologist, Montessori teacher, Makeup artist/ Beautician, and Bus host. Thematic analysis was used to identify sub-themes presented in this study: (i) Reasons or motivation for joining nontraditional profession; (ii) Reaction of near and dear ones; (iii) Positive aspects of female dominated profession; (iv) Challenges of female dominated profession; (v) Professional journey; (vi) Being a minority in female majority; (vii) Struggle to maintain masculinity and (viii) Future aspirations. Study findings can be used to support male entry and retention in female dominated professions.
Title “Impact of formative evaluation and fixed interval schedule reinforcement on academic achievements of secondary school students” The study was designed to find out the impact of formative evaluation and fixed interval schedule reinforcement on academic achievements of secondary schools students. It was experimental design and completed in two phases with the duration of 120 days, 60 days for each phase. In first phase experimental group was evaluated by formative evaluation and in second phase experimental group was evaluated formatively and also was given fixed interval schedule reinforcement. In first phase 60 students were randomly selected from 9 th class of Govt. High School Fateh Jang. This sample was divided into two equal groups. One served as control group and other as experimental group. A pretest was conducted to both the groups in the subjects of Math and English. Both groups were taught by subject specialist of Math and English. Control group was only taught and was not given any treatment whereas experimental group was taught and evaluated by teacher made test during session. After completion of 60 days teaching, a post test was conducted in Math and English. In second phase 60 students were randomly selected from 10 th class of Govt. High School Fateh Jang. This sample was divided into two equal groups. One served as control group and other as experimental group. A pretest was conducted to both the groups in the subjects of Math and English. Both groups were taught by subject specialist of Math and English. Control group was only taught and was not given any treatment whereas experimental group was taught and evaluated by teacher made test and reinforcement was given with a fixed interval schedule, after every six days, during session. After completion of 60 days teaching, a post test was conducted in Math and English. It was found that formative evaluation and fixed interval schedule reinforcement has significant relationship with learning and academic achievements in the subjects of Math and English at secondary school level. It is recommended that educational institutional management may arrange capacity building programs for teachers to familiarize them with evaluation, its importance and its process. The iimanagers of educational institutions may monitor teaching learning process with a view to implementing formative evaluations policy. Curriculum designers and developers may design and develop formative evaluation tools within curriculum documents for each subject keeping in view the requirements of fixed interval schedule reinforcement in the manuals for textbook instruction.