ڈاکٹر ہادی حسن
افسوس ہے پچھلے دنوں علی گڑھ میں ڈاکٹر ہادی حسن کابھی انتقال ہوگیا۔ مرحوم مسلم یونیورسٹی میں فارسی کے بڑے دیرینہ پروفیسر تھے،انگریزی اورفارسی دونوں زبانوں کے بڑے خوش بیان مقرر اورفارسی شعروادب کے نامور محقق تھے، حافظہ بلاکاتھا ،کسی کتاب کے صفحہ کے صفحہ بلا تکلف اپنی یاد سے پڑھ دیتے تھے۔ مسلم یونیورسٹی کے علاوہ ملک کی دوسری یونیورسٹیوں میں بھی ان کے علم وفضل اور تقریر وخطابت کی دھوم تھی۔ متعدد بلند پایہ کتابوں اورمقالات کے مصنف تھے۔ان کے فیضِ تعلیم وتربیت نے سینکڑوں نوجوانوں کو علم و فن کااستاذ اورماہر بنا دیا۔ بیوی کی وفات اور یونیورسٹی کی ملازمت سے سبکدوش ہونے کے بعد بالکل گوشہ نشین اورزندگی سے بیزار ہوگئے تھے،مگر مطالعہ اور تصنیف وتالیف کا شغل پھر بھی جاری تھا۔خوداُن کاذاتی کتب خانہ بڑی تعداد میں اہم اوربعض نادرالوجودکتابوں پر مشتمل ہے۔اﷲ تعالیٰ مغفرت ورحمت سے نوازے!
The Holy Qur’ᾱn is the Last book of Allᾱh and a great miracle of the Holy Prophet (SAW) the like of which could not be produced by any of all times. The Language of the Qur’ᾱn is Arabic known for its brevity and eloquence. The reality of the Arabic Language can be summoned by acquaintance with “Tadhīīl” and eloquence. Neology is a part of eloquence and communication is a component of neology, encompassing many discernments and points of wisdom. The same is corroborated in galore in poetry along with Qur’ᾱn and Hadîth. This illustrates the text and defines the aim and purpose. The purpose aimed at embraces eneomism and eulogy, didactics and exhortations and felicitations. The dictionary and literary meaning of “Tadhīīl”, types of “Tadhīīl” and use of places has been stated. The examples of Qur’ᾱn, prose and poem have also been given, Where the word “Tadhīīl” has been used.
This study was conducted for the detection and evaluation of antibiotic residues in poultry products. This research work completed in three different phases. In the first-phase sample, survey was done in different farm houses in and around Faisalabad, and antibiotic residues were detected by microbiological assay. In the second phase, withdrawal period of fluoroquinolone antibiotics was investigated in experimental birds. Samples of liver and muscles of these experimental birds were cooked by electric and microwave ovens. All samples (serum, muscle, liver, kidney and eggs) were extracted for fluoroquinolones and quantified by HPLC with fluorescent detection. Health biomarkers of all samples were analyzed by their reference methods. Percentage of positive samples for antibiotic residues was calculated during a survey. This indicated the wide-spread use of antibiotics in most farm houses and high residue persistence in liver, heart and lung tissues. Seasonal variations were also investigated, and residue prevalence was observed in rainy season. In phase 2nd withdrawal time study, the mean concentrations (mean±SE) of fluoroquinolones were calculated. Analysis of variance and Duncan multiple range test was applied. Significant differences were observed in concentrations (in serum, muscle, liver and kidney) of fluoroquinolones in different days after slaughter. The concentrations were significantly high at day 01 and then decreased and disappeared at day 03 and day 04, respectively. Fluoroquinolones level also depleted after cooking of meat. Health biomarkers were significantly affected by fluoroquinolones in treated birds. Deposition of these antibiotic residues in edible tissues causes many hazards to human as well as animals. In phase III of this experiment, muscles and liver that were positive for their residues during different days of the washout time were subjected to two different cooking methods i. e. by electric oven and by microwave oven. On each experimental day, muscle and liver residues, concentration did decrease significantly with microwave and electric oven cooked samples, and were below the maximum residue limit (MRL) value. Left over residue in meat below MRL’ s value cause allergic or anaphylactic reaction, toxicity, killing of beneficial bacteria in animal and human intestine and occurrence of resistant strains of bacteria in human. In addition aftermath of this will affect economy as well as health of the individuals.