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Home > Some Studies on the Production, Purification and Characterization of Proteases from Thermophilic Actinomycetes

Some Studies on the Production, Purification and Characterization of Proteases from Thermophilic Actinomycetes

Thesis Info


Maryam Shafique


Deptt. of Microbiology, QAU.




Quaid-i-Azam University

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Call No: DISS/Ph.D BIO/2493


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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[ مفتی محمد کفایت اﷲ دہلوی]
واحسرتا!۳۱/دسمبر۱۹۵۲ء کو شب کے ساڑھے دس بجے یعنی ٹھیک اس وقت جبکہ ایک سال شمسی اپنی حیات ِدوازدہ ماہ کی مقررہ مدت پوری کرکے ہمیشہ کے لیے گوشۂ عدم میں آسودۂ سکون ہوجانے کی تیاری کررہاتھا علم وعمل کے آسمان کاایک آفتاب عالم تاب غروب ہوگیا۔یعنی حضرتنا الاستاذ مولانا الحاج المفتی محمد کفایت اﷲ دہلوی نے اسّی (۸۰) سال کی لگ بھگ عمر میں داعی اجل کو لبیک کہہ کرجان جان آفریں کے سپرد کی!انا ﷲ واناالیہ راجعون۔
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Allah setup the system of education and training for human beings by his Messengers. Training is the name of reform of humanity to its peak. But in the present era there are several problems which are hurdle in the training of children. Parents and teachers are now materialistic they have no time for the couching of children and do not give them religious theology. Educational system and social environment also responsible for it as these are under the influence of the West. Social and electronic media and Company of children are also responsible in this regard. But in the light of teachings of Islam parents and teachers should accept their responsibilities and adopt the way of Prophet (PBUH) to be a good trainer as His (PBUH) is role model for everyone. Trainers should have a look over the company of children and give them religious education on account of their good training. They should also avoid harshness to educate the children.

Design, Development and Performance Evaluation of Biomass Gasifier for Power Generation

The current study reveals various features that can affect the gasification process to improve syngas quality and yield. A comprehensive study was carried out using a 24 kW downdraft gasifier to evaluate the effect of uniformly distributed air in the oxidation zone, additional throat on the gasifier internal thermal profile distribution and the overall gasification process. The effect of biomass moisture, equivalence ratio, gasifying agent type and pre-treatment of the gasifying agent on producer gas yield and composition were also evaluated. The gasifier unit was equipped with cyclone separator, wet scrubber, water gas separator, biomass filter, auxiliary filter, cooling tower and vapour compression refrigeration system. The maximum flow rate of producer gas was found to be 90-104 m3h-1 under the biomass feeding range of 30-40 kgh-1. When corn cobs and waste wood (carpenter waste) with moisture content from 5-30% were used as feed stock, with 70ºC air as the oxidizing agent, the energy value of the producer gas obtained was 6.31 and 6.66 MJm-3, respectively. The heating value was improved to 6.72 and 8.43 MJm-3 when using 150ºC air-steam mixture as the gasifying agent, with the optimum equivalence ratio of 0.30. The Methane, Hydrogen and Carbon monoxide concentration (on volume basis) were found to be 6.20, 19.32 and 21.00%. The average amount of syngas produced from one kg of corn cobs and waste wood were 2.94 and 2.62 m3, while the average amount of tar produced was 2.2 and 1.8 gNm-3 respectively. The efficiency of cleaning and cooling system were found to be 86.81 and 92.06%. The experimental research concluded that uniformly distributed air in the combustion zone as an interconnected parameter with biomass moisture level, type of gasifying medium and pre-treatment/pre-heating of gasifying agent played a vital role in affecting the syn gas production and composition. Keywords: Gasification, Gasifier, Equivalence ratio, Gasifying agent, Pre-treatment, Syngas.