احقرؔ بہاری مرحوم
(معین الدین اور دائی)
بہار کی سرزمین جس قدر مردم خیز ہے، اسی قدر مردم خوار بھی ہے، خدا جانے کیا بات ہے کہ وہاں کے لوگوں کو شہرت طلبی سے شرم آتی ہے، اہل وطن بھی قدرشناسی نہیں کرتے، اس لئے یہاں کے اچھے اچھے جوہر قابل بلبلہ کی طرح ابھرتے اور دب جاتے ہیں، اگر بہار کے کچھ لوگوں کے نام زندہ ہیں تو یہ وہی ہیں جن کا آوازۂ کمال دوسرے صوبوں تک پہنچا اور وہاں کے لوگوں نے قدرشناسی کرکے ان کو شہرت بخشی، بہار کے ان گمنام اہل کمال میں ایک احقر بہاری مرحوم ہیں، یہ بہار کے ایک پرانے کہنہ مشق استاد سخن تھے، شعر و شاعری کے بڑے بڑے معرکے طے کئے تھے، پچاس ساٹھ برس کے ریاض میں دیوان یادگار چھوڑا ذیل کے صفحات میں ناظرین کو اسی گمنام صاحب کمال سے روشناس کرنا ہے۔
مختصر حالات: بشارت حسین نام، احقر تخلص، ضلع عظیم آباد پٹنہ کے ایک گاؤں بڑا ڈیہہ میں پیدا ہوئے، سال ولادت ۱۲۷۶ھ ہے، ان کے والد ماجد شیخ اکبر حسین اس قریہ کے ایک ممتاز متمول اور ذی عزت رئیس تھے، وہ وہیں پیدا ہوئے اور اپنی تمام زندگی وہیں گزار دی۔
احقر مرحوم کی ابتدائی تعلیم اسی گاؤں ہی میں ہوئی، فارسی اور عربی کی ابتدائی کتابیں وہاں پڑھا کر ان کے والد نے تعلیم کی غرض سے ۱۲۸۸ھ میں ان کو پٹنہ بھیجا، مولوی خدابخش صاحب جو اس وقت کے ایک لائق عالم تھے، ان کی تعلیم کے لئے مقرر کئے گئے، کچھ عرصہ ان کے زیر تعلیم رہنے کے بعد وہ بہار چلے آئے اور یہیں متعدد علماء کے زیر سایہ علم کی خوشہ چینی کرتے رہے، باایں ہمہ ان میں عربی کی کوئی ایسی اچھی لیاقت نہ تھی، لیکن فارسی اچھی جانتے تھے۔
۱۲۹۵ھ میں ان نکاح...
Accountability is essential for proper working of government and its institutes. If it the head and other members of government are not hold accountable then they can cross their limits and rights of people may not be preserved. Authoritative persons may take advantage of their position. Western political thinkers are of mix opinion, some of them think it necessary to be held accountable but a few deny this. Islam strictly prohibit the miss use of authority so accountability is its essential part. Since the reign of Holy Prophet (PBUH) as the head of first Islamic state, special focus has been put on accountability. People were appoint for this purpose. Caliphates put themselves in front of their masses to ask whatever their want to ask. They are only be obeyed until they order according to the Islamic law.
Modern technological systems consist of many components with strong interactions between them. Faults may cause an unacceptable loss of the system functionality, instability, or fatality. Systems capable of automatically detecting, diagnosing faults, and maintaining the overall functionality are desirable. Fault diagnosis (FDD) is a process that detects, locates, andnds nature of fault. Fault tolerant control (FTC) system has the ability to tolerate faults. Among dynamical systems, switched systems (SS) have numerous applications in control of robotics, automotive industry, aircraft and air tra c control, industrial electronics (power converters) etc. A typical SS is composed of a family of subsystems and a rule that governs the switching among them. Ideally, the FDD/FTC systems are designed on the basis of assumption that it is switching synchronously with corresponding subsystems of SS; that is; FDD/FTC system switches exactly at the time of switching in the switched system to be monitored. However, in practice, the switching in FDD/FTC system lags the switching of the switched system to be monitored. This creates a particular interest in the design of FDD/FTC systems especially when there is event-based switching. In this dissertation, the term\asynchronous" is used to illustrate this situation. This thesis studies the design of FDD and FTC systems of SS under asynchronous switching scenario, in the presence of disturbances and noise (unknown inputs). In therst part, a framework for fault detection and isolation (FDI) is proposed. The residual (symptom signal) is so generated that it is sensitive to faults and robust against disturbances. A multi-objective problem is formulated based on H?=H1ltering. Using the average dwell time approach and the piecewise Lyapunov function technique, su cient conditions are suggested in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to guarantee the stability and desired performance. In addition, the proposed framework has also been extended to design FDI strategy for uncertain SSs. A norm-bounded uncertainty is considered. To improve the FDD capability adaptive threshold scheme is developed. xiii In the second part, fault estimation (FE) and FTC schemes are proposed. The proposed framework is based on unknown input observer (UIO) and H1 optimization. On the basis of FE, recon guring control law approach is utilized to tolerate faults. To this end, an integrated approach for FE/FTC is proposed for SSs. The last part of this dissertation addresses another very important problem of highly practical interest; that is, the design of fault detection (FD) scheme for switched system with state delays, under asynchronous switching. The tools from robust control theory, Lyapunov stability theory, and linear matrix inequality are used to propose the schemes. To demonstrate the e ectiveness of the proposed schemes, the algorithms have been tested on the dynamics of highly maneuverable aircraft technology (HiMAT) and battery converter unit (BCU) of hybrid electric vehicle.