اردو کے نامور محققین(ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی)
ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی پاکستان کے نامور اردو نقاد، ماہرِ لسانیات، ادبی مؤرخ، سابق وائس چانسلر کراچی یونیورسٹی، چیئرمین مقتدرہ قومی زباناور صدر اردو لْغت بورڈ تھے۔ آپ کا سب سے اہم کام قومی انگریزی اردو لغت کی تدوین اور تاریخ ادب اردو، ارسطو سے ایلیٹ تک، پاکستانی کلچر:قومی کلچر کی تشکیل کا مسئلہ جیسی اہم کتابوں کی تصنیف و تالیف ہے۔
جالبی صاحب کی سب سے پہلی تخلیق سکندر اور ڈاکو تھی جو انہوں نے بارہ سال کی عمر میں تحریر کی اور یہ کہانی بطور ڈراما اسکول میں اسٹیج کیا گیا۔ جالبی صاحب کی تحریریں دہلی کے رسائل بنات اور عصمت میں شائع ہوتی رہیں۔ ان کی شائع ہونے والی سب سے پہلی کتاب جانورستان تھی جو جارج آرول کے ناول کا ترجمہ تھا۔ ان کی ایک اہم کتاب پاکستانی کلچر:قومی کلچر کی تشکیل کا مسئلہ ہے جس کے آٹھ ایڈیشن شائع ہو چکے ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ ان کی ایک اور مشہور تصنیف تاریخ ادب اردو ہے جس کی چار جلدیں شائع ہو چکی ہیں۔ ان کی دیگر تصانیف و تالیفات میں تنقید و تجربہ، نئی تنقید، ادب کلچر اور مسائل، محمد تقی میر، معاصر ادب، قومی زبان یک جہتی نفاذ اور مسائل، قلندر بخش جر?ت لکھنوی تہذیب کا نمائندہ شاعر، مثنوی کدم راؤ پدم راؤ، دیوان حسن شوقی اور دیوان نصرتی وغیرہ شامل ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ قدیم اردو کی لغت، فرہنگ اصلاحات جامعہ عثمانیہ اور پاکستانی کلچر کی تشکیل بھی ان کی اہم تصنیفات ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی نے متعدد انگریزی کتابوں کے تراجم بھی کیے جن میں جانورستان، ایلیٹ کے مضامین، ارسطو سے ایلیٹ تک شامل ہیں۔ بچوں کے لیے ان کی قابل ذکر کتابیں حیرت ناک کہانیاں اور خوجی ہیں۔
ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی نے عمر بھر لکھنے پڑھنے کا کام کیا۔ وہ وسیع المطالعہ اور...
Impact assessment of microfinance programs have been remained the foremost concern of microfinance stakeholders for optimal policy measures. The existing literature regarding the impact assessment varies from parametric to experimental methods to evaluate the performance of microfinance programs across the world however; the literature is lacking a single measure to reveal maximum possible changes in socioeconomic variables resulting from microfinance institutions’ intervention. This study aims to develop a composite index for evaluating the performance of microfinance programs in multi-dimensional contexts. The study exposes a set of eight “diverse indicators” to evaluate the performance of a microfinance program on a wider socioeconomic scale. The dimensions of the index are consist of economic (Income, saving) and socioeconomic (poverty, access to basic facilities, family empowerment) indicators. The changes in deprivations of household, based on the selected indicators, reveal the intensity of success of a microfinance program towards their goals. Finally, we have developed an index by the interaction of incidence and intensity of socioeconomic deprivations. The index is named as “Multidimensional Microfinance Deprivation Index”. This is an index developed in the same line as multidimensional poverty index. The implications of this study are three folds; firstly, it will open up a new dimension of literature in the field of microfinance including Islamic microfinance by instigating an important area. Secondly, it may provide a better alternative to microfinance’s stakeholders to investigate the impact assessment of microfinance programs on a wider socioeconomic scale rather than a few economic. Last but not the least, the study integrates diverse socioeconomic indicators, after assigning weights and adjustment to portray an overall picture of the performance of microfinance in terms of uplifting the socioeconomic conditions of the poor and financially marginalized people.
The present work is concerned with the determination of blood parameters, enzyme levels, blood chemistry and pesticide residues in the blood samples from different areas of Karachi in comparison with unexposed persons (i.e., control). Total 45 persons (exposed to pesticides) were taken in this study to assay the pesticides residues in their blood and also observed the morphological and chemical changes in the blood of affected persons. From 45 persons, only 20 persons were found positive and included in the study. Out of ten (10) standard pesticides five differentpesticides were identified in the blood of exposed persons such as cypermethrin, deltamethrin, polytrin-C, malathion and permethrin. The other standard pesticides such as DDE, DDT, match, diazinon and monocrotophos were not detected. In addition blood samples were also collected from ten (10) normal persons (not exposed to pesticides) for the determination of blood parameters, enzymes levels and blood chemistry. Regarding blood parameters approximately all the blood samples had significant variations i.e., (increase or decrease level) possibly due to the cumulative effect of pesticide residues e.g., Majid a young male aged 25 years had been exposed to pesticides for long time and therefore his TLC and platelet counts were found high in addition to low levels of RBC count, Hb, Hct and MCH which probably due to the excessive secretion of enzymes. Similarly, Ghulam Hussain another young male person aged only 08 years had low levels of RBC, Hb, Hct, platelet, MCV and MCH, which may be due to toxic effects of pesticides. In differential leukocyte count (DLC), granulocyte count was found in lower limits in 40 samples and showed normal limits in 05 samples. Lymphocyte count was xi found high in 31 samples. Low limit of lymphocyte was not found in any person. Similarly, monocyte count was found in high limits in 38 samples. Low monocyte count was not noted in any sample and the rest of the samples had normal limits of monocyte. Positive effects of pesticide residues were also observed on the enzyme levels. Regarding enzyme levels GPT, ALP, and ɣ - GT had higher levels in maximum number of samples. Cholinesterase was found high in 6 samples out of 45 samples and the highest was found in case of Farhan and Abdul Rahmanwhere as low limit of cholinesterase was noted in 15 samples out of total samples which may due to prolonged exposure of pesticides. GPT was found in high limits in all the samples. Also ɣ - GT and ALP found high in all the samples. Effect of pesticide residues were also observed on the blood chemistry. Regarding total bilirubin only one sample showed normal limit. The rest of the samples had raised total bilirubin and the highest was found in Javed a young male person aged 12 years. Similarly, in case of bilirubin direct all the blood samples showed increased level. The standard chromatograms of 10 different pesticides such as match, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, polytrin-C, diazinon, DDE, monocrotophos, DDT, malathion and permethrin were prepared on HPLC and their retention time (RT) was noted. Calculation was done for the quantity of pesticides residues from the peaks of chromatograms. Regarding pesticide residues, out of total 45 samples, only 20 persons were found positive for residues. The quantity of pesticide was determined by comparing xii the peak area of the standard pesticide with the sample peaks. After analysis, it was found that out of 20 samples deltamethrin and cypermethrin were found in noticeable amount in 6 samples. Also polytrin-C, malathion and permethrin were found in 2, 1 and 5 samples respectively. The pesticides such as match, diazinon, DDT and monocrotophoswere not detected in any sample.