مولانا محمد بن موسیٰ سملکی
جوحضرات دارالعلوم دیوبند سے عموماً اورحضرت الاستاذ مولانامحمد انورشاہ الکشمیری سے خصوصاً تعلق ورابطہ رکھتے ہیں، اُن کویہ معلوم کرکے بڑاصدمہ ہوگا کہ پچھلے دنوں مولانا محمد بن موسیٰ میاں سملکی کاانتقال جوہانسبرگ (جنوبی افریقہ) میں ہوگیا، موصوف گجرات کے ایک نہایت معزز اورمتمول خاندان کے چشم وچراغ تھے، اﷲ تعالیٰ نے اس خاندان کودولت اور دین دونوں نعمتوں سے مالا مال کیاہے، چنانچہ تجارت کے سلسلہ میں یہ خاندان ایک عرصہ سے جوہانسبرگ میں مقیم ہے اوردین داری کے تقاضہ سے اس خاندان کو دارالعلوم دیوبند اوراس کے اکابر سے دیرینہ وپختہ عقیدت و ارادت مندی کا تعلق رہا ہے، اسی تعلق کا نتیجہ تھاکہ مرحوم دارالعلوم دیوبند آئے، اورچند سال رہ کر علومِ دینیہ و اسلامیہ کی تحصیل وتکمیل کی۔راقم الحروف بھی اس زمانہ میں دیوبند میں زیرِ تعلیم تھا اور مرحوم ہم درس وخواجہ تاش تھے۔ مرحوم کا مقصد صرف رسمی طور پر پڑھنا پڑھ لینا نہیں تھا بلکہ روحانی اوراخلاقی تعلیم وتربیت حاصل کرنا بھی تھا،اس لیے اوقاتِ درس کے علاوہ وہ حضرات اکابر کی خدمت میں حاضر رہتے اوراُن کافیضِ صحبت اُٹھاتے تھے۔اس سلسلہ میں اُن کو حضرت شاہ صاحب ؒ سے خاص تعلق پیدا ہوا، جس نے بڑھتے بڑھتے یہ صورت اختیار کرلی کہ گویا مرحوم حضرت الاستاذ کے خاندان کے ایک فرد ہی تھے۔ اُن کو حضرت کے ساتھ صرف عقیدت وارادت نہیں بلکہ درحقیقت عشق تھا، اور اس تعلق کی بناپر حضرت الاستاذ کے تمام تلامذۂ خصوصی کے ساتھ بھی اُن کا معاملہ اور برتاؤ بالکل برادرانہ تھا۔ قدرت نے انہیں سب کچھ دے رکھاتھا،اس لیے انھوں نے خود حضرت ؒ کی زندگی میں آپ کی اور آپ کی وفات کے بعد آپ کے متعلقین کی دل وجان سے عمربھر وہ خدمت کی کہ کسی شاگرد نے کم کسی استاد کی ایسی خدمت کی...
Being the natural religion, Islam demands peaceful, liberal and civilized society. To achieve this goal Islam introduces two types of laws; permanent and Transitional law. Permanent law are those which are abide by every person of the Muslim society i.e Marriage laws, economic laws, political laws, Family laws, heir ship laws, social laws and other such laws. On the other hand there are some temporary or Transitional laws; i.e War laws, Divorce laws, laws for Slave or laws to end slavery, Criminal Laws (Qis┐s, Diyat, Rajam and Lashes etc), there laws are put into practice only in conditional situations. After achieving the goal these Transitional laws are no more in practice. Islam is complete code of life and gives Laws and Rules for any situation. Islam is natural and liberal religion, its laws since beginning are very much practicable and result oriented. Whenever and where ever Islamic laws have been put into practice society has got its fruits. In this article Islamic Transitional Law are briefly discussed to understand the background of transitional laws. Detail of these laws can be seen in Hadith and Fiqah books.
Cooperative Learning is considered an instructional strategy that encourages students to learn from one another working in groups and pairs. The Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development (IED) through its teacher education programmes promotes this strategy in schools particularly in developing countries like Pakistan. The Visiting Teachers Programme (VTP) is one of the examples of IED's attempts to promote cooperative learning. The VTPs are planned, executed and evaluated by the Professional Development Teachers (PDTs) who are graduates of Master of Education (M.Ed) programmes at IED. As a course participant of the M.Ed (2000) programme, I was interested to know about the impact of Cooperative Learning' on two visiting teachers (VTs) who attended the VTP. I decided to conduct an impact study on the above topic. Two VTs of an IED cooperating school of Karachi were selected. Other sample members included, four students (two each) of both the VTs classes. Students were identified for the study with the help of VTs. Head Teacher of the school and the Professional Development Teacher. The study explored ;The impact of cooperative learning on two primary school teachers who attended the primary education Visiting Teacher Programme at IED. This was a case study and literature suggests that for case studies a qualitative research paradigm is more appropriate. Therefore I used the qualitative paradigm and I collected data through interviews, classroom observations, document analysis, field notes and writing memos. Interviews were audio recorded and important points were jotted during interviews. Before entering the field, I went through the programme document which informed me that one of the objectives of the programme was that the VTs understand and practice cooperative learning in their classroom. The programme exposed VTs to alternate teaching methods and instructional strategies. They were taught the basic elements of cooperative learning, lesson planning and teaching, group / pair work and reflections and further were encouraged to use the cooperative learning strategy in the theory practice component of the programme. The study found that teachers have acquired knowledge about cooperative learning. They have tried their best to implement their learning in the classrooms. This includes some elements of cooperative learning in other strategies according to the needs of the students and schools. The findings reveal that teachers have developed good relationships with their students and the students taught by VTs seemed different from other students in terms of social skills. It was also found