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Home > Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B Hbv and Hepatitis C Hcv Viral Infections in Patients With Liver Disease and the Normal Population

Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B Hbv and Hepatitis C Hcv Viral Infections in Patients With Liver Disease and the Normal Population

Thesis Info


Naheed Sultana


Deptt. of Biological Sciences, QAU.




Quaid-i-Azam University

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year


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Biological Sciences




Call No: DISS/M.Phil BIO/428


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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ڈاکٹر علامہ محمد اقبالؒ

ڈاکٹر علامہ محمد اقبالؒ
ڈاکٹر علامہ محمد اقبالؒ (۱۸۷۷ء ۔ ۱۹۳۸ئ) سیالکوٹ کے محلہ چوڑی گراں میں پیدا ہوئے۔ ’’اسرارِ خودی‘‘ علامہ کی پہلی شعری تصنیف ہے جو ۱۲ ستمبر ۱۹۱۵ء میں شائع ہوئی۔ یہ کتاب فارسی زبان میں فلسفہ خودی کے موضوع پر لکھی گئی ہے۔ کیمبرج یونیورسٹی کے پروفیسر ڈاکٹر نکلسن نے اس کا انگریزی زبان میں ترجمہ کیا۔ دوسری کتاب رموز بے خودی ۱۰ اپریل ۱۹۱۸ء میں شائع ہوئی۔ یہ کتاب اسرارِ خودی ہی کی توسیع تھی اور تسلسلِ خیال۔ علامہ نے اسے اسرارِ خودی خودی کا حصہ دوم قرار دیا۔(۱۹۴) ’’پیامِ مشرق‘‘ علامہ اقبال کی تیسری تصنیف ہے۔ یہ شعری مجموعہ فارسی زبان میں ہے جو ۹ مئی ۱۹۲۳ء میں شائع ہوا۔ جرمنی کے شہرت یافتہ مستشرق ڈاکٹر ہانسی مائنکے نے اس شعری مجموعے کا جرمنی زبان میں ترجمہ کیا۔ اقبال کا چوتھا شعری مجموعہ ’’بانگ درا‘‘ اردو زبان میں ۳ ستمبر ۱۹۲۴ء میں شائع ہوا۔ ’’بانگِ درا‘‘ میں اقبال کا ابتدائی اردو کلام ہے۔ پہلے حصے میں ابتداء سے ۱۹۰۵ء تک کا کلام اور دوسرے حصے میں ۱۹۰۵ء سے ۱۹۰۸ء تک کا کلام ہے۔ ’’زبورِ عجم‘‘ اقبال کا پانچواں شعری مجموعہ ہے جو جون ۱۹۲۷ء میں شائع ہوا۔ یہ مجموعہ فارسی زبان میں ہے۔ ’’جاوید نامہ‘‘ اقبال کا چھٹا فارسی شعری مجموعہ ہے جو فروری ۱۹۳۲ء میں شائع ہوا۔ ’’مسافر‘‘ (مثنوی) کا آغاز اقبال کے سفرِ افغانستان سے واپسی پر ہوا۔ اس کی اشاعت ۱۹۳۴ء میں ہوئی۔ ’’بالِ جبریل‘‘ اقبال کا ساتواں اردو شعری مجموعہ ہے جو جنوری ۱۹۳۵ء میں شائع ہوا۔ یہ مجموعہ غزلیات اور مختلف عنوانات پر نظموں پر مشتمل ہے۔ اقبال کا آٹھواں شعری مجموعہ ’’ضربِ کلیم‘‘ جولائی ۱۹۳۲ء میں شائع ہوا۔ یہ مجموعہ مختلف عنوانات پر نظموں پر مشتمل ہے۔
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The Analytical Study of Medication During Fasting in the Perspective of Shariah Rulings

The beauty of religion Islam is not only to provide the complete life style and charter for one to lead his life smoothly but it flourishes the human life with its eternal directions and commands full of hidden pleasures coupled with physical and spiritual care of human body. In fact, the everlasting religion comprised of such rulings that help individuals in every walk of life until and unless these rulings are implemented and executed in a proper way according to the prescribed codes of Almighty Allah and his Messenger, Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The thorough study of Shariah rulings reveals the fact that to protect the man’s life or even to make it in comfort and ease, the gradual and steady relaxation has been observed like the one unable to perform prayer in standing position, legitimate for him to sit or even through gestures according to the status of his illness and disease. Similarly, the fasting is important part of Worship, obligation upon Muslim to observe fasting during Ramadan with intentions to get Allah’s pleasure and piousness. This research study emphasis on highlighting the shariah rulings about the medication during fasting in order to know the extent of use, specification in drugs like injections and drips along with some relevant discussion about the spirit of medicine permission. The study will be the real addition to the knowledge and will be fine guidance for the Practiced Muslims.

Effect of a Voice Recognition System on Paediatric Outpatient Medication Errors

Background: Medication errors have potential to cause harm and death; especially children who are three times more vulnerable than adults. Risk of medication errors is higher in out- patient settings due to a stressful work environment with less familiarity of individual patients. This problem in sub-Saharan Africa is however largely undetermined. A Voice Recognition System that converts verbal messages into text and stores it in a database in a retrievable format could impact on reduction of medication errors. Objectives: The primary objective was to compare medication prescription and dispensing errors in written prescriptions with those from a Voice Recognition System. Secondary objectives were to determine the types and frequency of medication errors, determinants of medication errors and acceptability of routine use of a Voice Recognition System to make medication prescriptions. Study design: A before -after Intervention study to determine the impact of introduction of a Voice Recognition System on the occurrence of medication errors. Methods: Prescriptions issued from the Paediatric Accident and Emergency Department at Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi over a six month period were randomly selected and analyzed for errors. Patient‟s bio-data, diagnosis, prescriber‟s specialization and time of prescription were retrieved from outpatient medical records and documented in a standard study tool. A Voice Recognition System was installed and doctors and pharmacists consenting to use Voice Recognition were trained to enhance proficiency in its use. During consultations, doctors enrolled patients who provided written informed consent to have their prescriptions made using Voice Recognition. Prescription and dispensing records were analysed to determine the occurrence of medication errors. Questionnaires were issued to pharmacists and doctors to rate the use of Voice Recognition in the medication process. Results: During the VRS phase the proportion of female patients reviewed were 56.9% compared to 40% in the pre VRS phase. (OR= 0.5 (95% CI 0.37-0.69), P<0.001). The top five conditions diagnosed at the pediatric A&E department were upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and gastroenteritis. Incidence was similar in both pre VRS and VRS phases. (51.5% and 58.3% OR=0.74 (95% CI 0.53-1.01), P=0.063.) Overall, there was a 19.5% reduction in prescription errors from 86.1% in the pre Voice Recognition phase to 69.3% in the Voice Recognition phase (P<0.001). Among prescription errors analysed, there was a 31.9% reduction in omitted drug route (P <0.001) and a 64.8 % reduction in incorrect drug dose (P<0.001). Analysis of dispensing errors revealed the greatest