حامد نعمانی مرحوم
مولانا شبلی نعمانی ؒ کی ایک ہی جسمانی یادگار باقی رہ گئی تھی وہ بھی مٹ گئی، یعنی ان کے اکلوتے صاحبزادہ حامد نعمانی صاحب نے ۶۲؍ برس کی عمر میں ۲؍ ربیع الاول ۱۳۶۱ھ مطابق ۲۰؍ مارچ ۱۹۴۲ء کی شب کو جونپور میں دفعتہ وفات پائی، وہ کئی برس سے مرض قلب میں گرفتار تھے، علاجوں کے سہارے سے چلتے پھرتے تھے، مگر اندر سے کھوکھلے ہوچکے تھے، ۱۹؍ مارچ کو وہ ایک ضرورت سے جونپور گئے تھے، شام کو پہنچے، اپنا کام کیا، رات کو ۳ بجے کے قریب درد دل کا دورہ ہوا،ان کے میزبان دوست ان کے کراہنے کی آواز سن کر ان کے پاس آئے، مرحوم نے کہا کہ مجھے ذرا سہارا دے کر بٹھا دو، انہوں نے اپنے سینے کے سہارے سے بٹھا دیا، اسی کے ساتھ مرحوم نے ان کو السلام علیکم کہا، اور آخری سانس لے کر نامعلوم سفر کی منزل پر روانہ ہوگئے، انا ﷲ و انا الیہ راجعون، ۲۰ کی صبح کو لاش کار سے اعظم گڑھ آئی، اور شبلی منزل میں باپ کے پہلو میں بیٹے کو ہمیشہ کے لیے سلا دیا گیا۔
مرحوم بڑے توانا و تندرست، قوی ہیکل، بلند و بالا، اور علی گڑھ کالج کے مشہور کھلاڑیوں میں تھے، گھوڑے کی سواری اور پولو میں بھی ممتاز تھے، تحصیلداری کے عہدہ پر فائز ہوکر پنشن پائی پھر ریاست منجھولی میں منیجر ہوئے، مگر صحت کی خرابی کے سبب سے مستعفی ہوگئے، پابند صوم و صلوٰۃ، نیک دل اور بہت رحیم المزاج تھے، اپنی ذاتی زندگی میں گو وہ بہت قانع اور منتظم تھے مگر اس طرح سے جو بچتا تھا، اس کو ہمیشہ فیاضی کے ساتھ نیک کاموں میں لگادیا کرتے تھے، ۱۹۲۷ء میں حج بھی کیا تھا ، زکوۃ کا پورا حساب رکھتے تھے، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان پر رحمت...
Objectives: 1. To determine the impact of duration of exposure to industrial chemical fumes on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) and blood pressure of the industrial workers. 2. To find out the association between changes in blood pressure and PEFR due to exposure to industrial chemical fumes in these subjects. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed at Aziz Fatimah Medical and Dental College, Faisalabad. The study participants were 151 males working in the chemical industries. The study was approved by institutional ethical committee and informed consent was taken from the participants. Free camp was arranged for three days in September 2020 in the industrial area of Faisalabad. Thorough history of exposure to chemicals was taken using structured proforma. PEFR values were recorded using Wrights handheld peak flow meter. Blood pressure was taken by auscultatory method using mercury sphygmomanometer. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 22. Results: Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly raised with increase in duration of exposure. PEFR levels were significantly declined with increase in duration of exposure to chemicals. Significant negative association was noted between diastolic blood pressure and PEFR (p value = 0.003). Negative correlation was observed between PEFR and systolic Blood pressure, however it was not statistically significant (p value = 0.92). Conclusions: PEFR decreased while Systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased significantly with increase in the duration of exposure to chemicals. There was a significant negative correlation between PEFR and diastolic blood pressure while there was no association between PEFR and systolic blood pressure.
Research has shown that School Management Committee (SMC) plays a key role in strengthening relationships between the schools and local communities. Having an interest to know more about the role of SMC in school improvement, I conducted a study of an economically marginalized community. The purpose of this study was to see how school management committee plays an active role in strengthening relationships between the school and local community. This study was conducted using a qualitative research paradigm. There were six primary research participants including principal, SMC members, and teachers. Focused groups of teachers, students, and parents were also involved as secondary research participants in this study. The former principal of the school and a representative of the Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan (AKES, P) were also included in the study as research participants. Interviews, observations and document analysis were used to collect the data for this study. The findings of the study revealed that SMC has a pivotal role in maximizing physical and human resources through strong linkages with parents, teachers, students, individuals and institutions. The findings also illustrated that parents, teachers, students and other key stakeholders involved in the school were aware of their roles as facilitators and supporters of the school. SMC members believed in working with collaboration and fulfilled their roles as the key representatives of the community. The findings confirmed that SMC can bring about positive changes in the school through commitment and consensus. Mutual respect and discipline is given priority and the school by-law is considered as a key document, which is to be followed. The study demonstrated that faith based community participation could bring about positive changes in schools. However, the SMC faced many problems, such as poor socio-economic status of parents, low retention of teachers and unfavorable outside school environments. Thus, SMC members act as change agents and contribute in the school governance, building strong linkages with institutions, parental involvement, monitoring of teachers and school finances, which lead to school improvement.