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2-D Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Time Section of Line 12-B, Mianwali East Area

Thesis Info


Nasir Khan


Deptt. of Earth Sciences, QAU.




Quaid-i-Azam University

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year


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Earth Sciences




Call No: DISS/M.Sc ES/610


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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مولانا سید منت اﷲ رحمانی مرحوم
دارالمصنفین میں یہ خبر نہایت غم و ندوہ کے ساتھ سنی گئی کہ امارت شرعیہ بہار و اڑیسہ کے امیر، مسلم پرسنل لا بورڈ کے جنرل سکریٹری، مسلم مجلس مشاورت کے بانی ممبر، دارالعلوم دیوبند و ندوہ کی مجلس انتظامیہ کے رکن اور خانقاہ رحمانی کے سجادہ نشین مولانا سید منت اﷲ رحمانی کا انتقال ۳ رمضان المبارک ۱۹؍ مارچ کی شب میں ہوگیا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
ان کا مرثیہ صرف ایک عالم کا نہیں بلکہ ایک عالم کا ماتم ہے، ہندوستانی مسلمانوں کے لیے ان جیسی ستودہ و صفات ہستیاں اس دور قحط الرجال میں نعمت سے کم نہیں اور اس نعمت کے چھن جانے سے حرمان و نقصان کی کیفیت اور شدید ہوجاتی ہے۔
انھوں نے ایسے ماحول میں آنکھیں کھولیں جو علم و معرفت اور شریعت و طریقت کی دولت سے مالا مال تھا ان کے والد ماجد مولانا سید محمد علی مونگیریؒ، شاہ فضل رحمن گنج مراد آبادیؒ سے تعلق، رد عیسائیت، تحریک ندوۃ العلماء اور ردقادیانیت میں اپنے کارناموں کے سبب نمونہ سلف اور طبقہ علماء و مشائخ میں ممتاز حیثیت رکھتے تھے، ان کی اقامت کانپور میں تھی لیکن ہدایت و ارشاد کے لیے وہ مونگیر اور اس کے اطراف میں برابر تشریف لے جایا کرتے تھے، جب وہاں قادیانیت کا فتنہ زیادہ سنگین ہوا تو اس کا مکمل قلع قمع کرنے کے لیے ۱۳۲۰؁ھ میں انھوں نے مستقل طور پر مونگیر میں اقامت اختیار کی، مولانا منت اﷲ رحمانی ۱۳۳۲؁ھ میں پیدا ہوئے، اپنے بھائیوں میں وہ سب سے چھوٹے تھے، مولانا مونگیریؒ کے انتقال کے وقت ان کی عمر تقریباً دس برس تھی، ان سے بیعت تو حاصل ہوئی لیکن استفادہ کا زیادہ موقع نہ ملا، انھوں نے بعد میں دیوبند اور ندوہ میں بھی تعلیم حاصل کی، ندوہ میں وہ...

نبی کریم ﷺ کے تعدد ازواج کے سماجی اثرات

The seerah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) is a diversified combination of various traits. Among hundreds of the aspects of seerah if analysed various such dimensions appear before us in accordance with the educational and cultural evolution and criticality of time. One of these many is the sociological aspect of the holy seerah of the Prophet (SAW). According to the teachings of the Holy Prophet SAW Islam n Society are quite compatible to each other where marital element holds foremost importance in social circles. There is complete guidance about it in the seerah. The Prophet of Islam himself provided practical model of polygamy which was subjected to severe censure by the non-believers on account of their prejudice, ignorance and dishonesty and which the research scholars of seerah responded to n refuted on logical, convincing and solid grounds. The objective of this thesis is to highlight various positive effects of the polygamy of the Prophet SAW on society and its value in eradicating a number of social evils. Among manifold positive effects of this practice of polygamy include such benefits as the well-being and social elevation of widows, the eradication of the frequent custom of adoption, the extinction of social distinction and discrimination, the removal of tribal n social enmities, the following of the Prophet's model of women's education, the recognition of social work and social workers, and the upbringing of orphans.

Holography Based Optical Super Resolution

This thesis presents techniques on optical superresolution based on holographic recording. Optical 4f imaging system has been discussed to describe the superresolution techniques. An object transparency placed in the 4f system is illuminated with different plane waves where different spectral parts are allowed to pass through the limiting aperture placed at the Fourier plane of the 4f imaging system. A reference beam is added to the image plane and a CCD is placed to record the object hologram. The recorded holograms are processed using computer in Fourier domain. In this way, different spectral parts are retrieved and joined together to synthesize the super-resolved spectrum, which is inverse Fourier transformed to obtain super- resolved image of the input object. The designing of illumination system is the main part of this thesis. This thesis has presented four techniques of super resolution. In all the four techniques, different illuminators have been described. In the first technique, a planar array of fibers arranged in the form of a matrix, is described where each fiber is used once at a time to illuminate the object with one plane wave. The input object is therefore illuminated with a large number of plane waves from different directions to pass different spectral contents of the object through the optical system. The number of holograms recorded is equal to the number of fibers used to illuminate the object. The post processing of the recorded holograms gives the super resolved image. In the second technique, a simplified illumination array of fibers is used at the expense of object in-plane rotations with angular step of p/2 for each set of fibers. The object is illuminated sequentially by fibers and spectral parts of the objects are recorded in the vi form of holograms. The recorded holograms are processed to obtain super resolved image of the input object. In the third technique, Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) is used as illumination source to redirect the higher spatial frequencies of the object spectrum into the pass band. Initially a diverging lens function is assigned to the SLM, which sequentially illuminates the object with large number of beams from different directions. As a result, two types of holograms: with object and without object are recorded at the CCD plane. All these holograms are processed further to obtain the phase and amplitude of object, which constitute the super resolved image. In the fourth technique, the object is illuminated simultaneously with multiple beams produced by SLM. Different object spectral parts simultaneously pass through the pass band. In this technique, the reference beam is eliminated and the image is recorded as a result of mutual interference of illuminating beams. A set of constant phases is also assigned to illuminating beams to retrieve the correlation terms during post processing. The recorded images are processed further to obtain the super resolved image.