سیداخلاق حسین دہلوی
شمع اردو کاایک اورچراغ بُجھ گیا،اردو کے ممتاز اہل قلم اورادیب ونقاد علامہ سید اخلاق حسین دہلوی اپنی رہائش گاہ لال محل بستی حضرت نظام الدین نئی دہلی میں تقریباً چھ ماہ کی علالت سے گذرتے ہوئے اٹھاسی سال کی طبعی عمر میں انتقال فرماکر اپنے مولیٰ کے حضور میں حاضر ہوگئے۔انا ﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون ۔
مرحوم انتہائی دیندار اوربلند پایہ کتابوں کے مصنف تھے ان کی سوانح عمری میں یہ مرقوم ہے کہ انہوں نے ۱۶ سال کی عمر میں ایک تحقیقی کتابچہ ’’عشق ‘‘ مرتب کرکے شائع کیاتھا۔ اس کے بعدتوان کی کئی کتابیں منظر عام پر آکرعلمی دینی اور ادبی حلقوں میں داد تحسین حاصل کرگئیں۔ ’ ویدک دھرم اور اسلام‘ ان کی کتاب علمی اورتاریخی دنیا میں بڑی شہرت وسراہت کاباعث بنی۔
حضرت علامہ سید اخلاق حسین دہلوی کوعلماء کرام سے بڑی ہی عقیدت تھی، مفکر ملّت حضرت مفتی عتیق الرحمن عثمانیؒ سے انہیں والہانہ لگاؤ وانسیت اور محبت تھی، اکثر ادارہ ندوۃ المصنفین دہلی کے دفتر میں مفتی صاحب ؒ سے ملاقات کی غرض سے آتے اور بڑی دلجمعی کے ساتھ ان کے خیالات سے استفادہ کرتے، مجاہد ملّت حضرت مولانا حفظ الرحمن ؒ اورسحبان الہند مولانا احمدسعیدؒ سے بھی ان کا خصوصی تعلق وربط تھا۔
دہلی کی تہذیب وتمدن کی نمائندگی کے جیتے جاگتے نمونہ تھے۔آہ !ایسی زندہ دل، متین ومخلص شخصیت بھی اب ہمارے درمیان سے اٹھ گئی:
’’اب اسے ڈھونڈ چراغ رخِ زیبا لے کر‘‘
مرحوم علامہ سیداخلاق حسین دہلوی ملّی کاموں میں بھی پیش پیش رہتے تھے۔ ان کے برادرِ خوردحکیم سید حسین دہلوی جن کا انتقال تقریباً ڈیڑھ دوسال پیشتر اپنے برادرِ کلاں کی حیات میں ہی ہوگیاتھا۔دہلی کی معاشرتی اورادبی زندگی کی جان تھے۔خلوص وایثار کے پیکر مجسم!
اﷲ تعالیٰ کروٹ کروٹ جنت نصیب فرمائے اورمتعلقین کوصبر جمیل عطا کرے...
Background and Aims: Muscle strength is the key area to measure the functional status of an individual. Different tools and techniques has been used to detect strength differences and deficits. Hand- held dynamometer is one of the most affordable and handy tools used for this purpose. This study was designed to determine intra-rater reliability of hand- held dynamometer to measure muscle strength in different muscle groups of lower extremity of young athletes. It will further explore the reliability of hand- held dynamometer.
Methodology: In this cross- sectional study young players of squash and badminton in the age group of 18-26 years were selected. The participants were recruited by non- probability convenience sampling technique. The strength of major muscle groups of lower limb was measured by a single male tester twice with gap through isometric make test of dynamometer. The intra-class correlation coefficient was then calculated for two readings of each muscle group by using SPSS version 21.
Results: The intra- class correlation coefficient showed good to excellent reliability. The hip abductors, hip adductors, hip extensors of left side, knee flexors and knee extensors showed excellent reliability. Whereas, hip flexors, ankle plantar- flexors and dorsi-flexors of both sides showed excellent reliability at 95 % confidence interval.
Conclusion: The isometric make test of dynamometer is a reliable tool for the objectification of strength of lower limb in young players participating in squash and badminton.
This study was conducted to standardize plant spacing (Exp. # 1), planning geometry (Exp. # 2) and nutrients input (Exp. # 3 & 4) for quality seed production of radish. Field experiment were conducted during 2013-14 and 2014-15. The results of 1st experiment exhibited that though the growth characters like number of branches, branch length, silique length, silique weight, number of siliques/plant, 1000 seed weight and seed yield/plant were maximum in treatment combination of row and plant spacing 75×45 cm, but seed production/plot was highest in treatment combination of row and plant spacing 60×45 cm, due to higher plant population per unit area. Up take up of NPK was maximum for treatment combination of 75×45 cm due to less inter-plant competition. So, maximum seed production can be obtained by adopting the row and plant spacing of 60×45 cm. In 2nd experiment, it was observed that ridge sowing technique was the best for seed production of radish, is optimal. While, Mino Early variety, performance was better than forty days variety in ridge sowing method. Maximum, N, P and K contents in seed were also observed in ridge sowing. Least seed production was recorded in flat sowing. The results obtained from 3rd experiment indicated that the application of N, P and K @ 100: 100: 75 kg/ha was effective for getting higher seed yield of radish under climate of Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. Plant lodging increased at higher application rates of nutrients, especially nitrogen. Maximum N, P and K contents in seed were recorded in response to NPK application @ 125:100:50 kg/ha, 125:75:75 kg/ha, 125:50:75 kg/ha, respectively. There was no significant impact of various fertilizer doses on number of seeds/silique, silique length and seed germination. The results of 4th experiment exhibited stecklings produced from healthy roots ensured higher and uniform seed production of radish crop. Addition of N, P and K @ 75: 65: 65 kg/ha were found effective for getting higher yield of radish root crop, these roots, when subsequently used for steckling preparations, gave higher seed yield than other fertilizer application rates. Plant lodging increased with increase in nutrient application rates, especially nitrogen. There was no significant impact of various fertilizer doses on seed germination. In crux, for highest seed production, steckling should be planted on ridges, keeping row to row and plant to plant spacing of 60×45 cm, and NPK should be applied @ 100: 100: 75 kg/ha under the agro climatic conditions of Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. While, addition of NPK @ 75: 65: 65 kg/ha to root crop for higher root yield and such roots produced higher seed yield than other fertilizer treatments.