ڈاکٹر محمد ضیاء الدین انصاری
ڈاکٹر محمد ضیاء الدین انصاری میرے مخلص اور عزیز دوست تھے، مجھے ان کے انتقال کی خبر بہت دیر سے ملی، وہ علی گڑھ مولانا آزاد لائبریری میں ڈپٹی لائبریرین تھے، وہاں جاتا تو مطلوبہ کتابیں فوراً حاضر کرتے اور چائے سے خاطر تواضع کرتے، اصرار کرکے گھر بلاتے اور پرتکلف دعوت کرتے، خدابخش لائبریری کے ڈائریکٹر ہوکر وہ پٹنہ گئے تو اسے ترقی دینے کے لئے متعدد کام کئے اور کئی سمینار کرائے جن میں مجھے مدعو کرتے، وہاں سے ریٹائر ہوکر علی گڑھ آئے تو مولانا حسین احمد مدنیؒ پر ایک سمینار کا پروگرام بنایا مگر وہ نہ ہوسکا، ضیاء الدین صاحب کو علم و ادب سے بڑا شغف تھا اور وہ اچھے منتظم بھی تھے، کئی کتابیں لکھیں لیکن اشاریہ نگار کی حیثیت سے انہوں نے اپنا خاص سکہ جمایا، وہ بڑے شریف، نیک طینت، خوش خلق اور مرنجان مرنج شخص تھے، اﷲ تعالیٰ انہیں جنت نعیم عطا کرے اور پس ماندگان کو صبر جمیل عطا فرمائے، آمین۔
(ضیاء الدین اصلاحی، اپریل ۲۰۰۷ء)
This study explores the dynamics of nuclear politics in Indo-Pakistan relations. The events after the nuclearization of South Asia aroused an extensive discussion about the basic reasons of countries becoming nuclear. Deterrence idealists have put forward the Nuclear Peace Theory advocating that nuclear arms make war terribly expensive and evade conflict among atomic opponents and thus generate constancy among them. Deterrence cynics have debated that the new nuclear-powered countries would not be able to accomplish the rudimentary requisites for deterrence stability as they would be disposed to defensive and preventive war tactics, construct susceptible atomic weaponries that would disposed to illicit usage. While discussing both stability and instability of nuclear weapons, the intellectuals disregard the importance of nuclear doctrines of the nuclear states which can cause deterrence disappointment or guaranteeing its strength. The author has used primary and secondary data. The primary sources are news bulletins and websites and secondary sources are books, journals etc.
The dissertation entitled “Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan 1988-1999” presents a comprehensive account of four elected governments during the period 1988 and 1999 - a period of topical significance sand-witched between two long military rules (Zia: 1977- 88 and Musharraf: 1999-2008). The emphasis of the study is on uncovering the factors that created bottlenecks in the democratic process and premature dissolution of the elected governments. The focus is on working relationship between elected and nonelected institutions as well as on functioning of the elected institutions. The elected institutions variables include the Parliament, Provincial Assemblies, Local Bodies and Federal/Provincial Governments. The non-elected institutions variables comprise Media, Caretaker Governments, Military, Bureaucracy and Judiciary. It also takes into account human rights, law and order situation and executive-judiciary relationship. Besides introduction and conclusion, the thesis includes five chapters. The first chapter is a brief review of the political history of Pakistan during the period 1947-1988. It is intended to provide background framework to facilitate discussion and analysis of the theme of the thesis, namely, uncovering the factors that impeded the functioning of the elected governments during 1988-1999. This eleven year period is covered under four chapters; each coinciding with elections, and formulation and dissolution of Assemblies and governments (i.e., 1988-90; 1990-93; 1993-96; and 1996-99).The chapters provide details of political trends; power game; and factors that led to frequent derailment of democratic process. Besides published material, interviews of some important politicians and civilmilitary bureaucrats are used to gain first hand knowledge as also to understand and analyse the issues. This is not only intended to obtain information but also to seek ideas and suggestions for ensuring sustained and effective working of parliamentary democracy in the country.