عارفؔ عباسی
عارف عباسی بھی اﷲ کو پیارے ہوگئے، وہ اس دور کے ممتاز غزل گو اور جگر کے طرز کے کامیاب مقلد تھے، انہوں نے اپنی ظاہری وضع و قطع بھی انہی کی جیسی بنالی تھی، ان کا مکان اعظم گڑھ سے متصل ضلع ملبا میں تھا اس لئے اعظم گڑھ میں اُن کے پرانے تعلقات تھے اور یہاں برابر اُن کی آمدورفت رہتی تھی پہلے جب اعظم گڑھ آنا ہوتا تھا تو دارالمصنفین ضرور آتے تھے، اور اپنے تازہ کلام سے محظوظ کرتے تھے، مگر ادھر کچھ دنوں سے اس وضعداری میں فرق آگیا تھا، عرصہ تک اُن کی غزلیں معارف میں چھپتی رہیں، اُن کے تعزل میں بڑی لطافت و پاکیزگی تھی ابتدا میں راجہ صاحب نانپارہ کے لڑکوں کے اتالیق رہے تھے، اس لئے درباری آداب اور علم مجلس کے بڑے ماہر تھے، اُن کی عمر ساٹھ باسٹھ سال کی رہی ہوگی، ادھر کچھ دنوں سے کچھ قلبی شکایت ہوگئی تھی، اسی نے مرض الموت کی شکل اختیار کرلی، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی،نومبر ۱۹۷۱ء)
Music and the instruments used for it are forbidden clearly in Quran and Sunnah. The Prophet Muhammad SAW warned us about its punishment in hereafter. Along with it due to its attraction to human’s interests, Music is often added to various programs. Besides listening it in songs, it is used as background in various audios and videos. The aim of this background music is to make the program more effective and attractive to the audience. As nowadays TV and Radio are also being used as means of preaching Islam, especially in the current age of social media many web and social media channels have been emerged to propagate Islam. One of the main problems been faced by these channels is forbidden of music in Islam, due to which the public does not take enough interest in them as compared to other entertainment channels. In this paper after discussing shariah status of Music I have tried to come up with various alternate ways to make the religious and Islamic Programs more attractive and effective to the people.
The study is carried out on the gross anatomy, biometry and radiographic analysis of tarsal bones in twenty specimens of male and female adult Chinkara (Gazella bennettii) at the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore, Pakistan. The tarsus of Chinkara comprises of five bones both grossly and radiographically, settled in three transverse rows viz, tibial and fibular tarsal in the proximal, central and fourth fused tarsal in the middle row, while, the first, second and third fused tarsal in the distal row. The fibular tarsal is the largest and longest bone of the hock, situated on the lateral side and had a bulbous tuber calcis "point of the hock" at the proximal extremity which projects upward and backward. The tibial tarsal bone is the 2nd largest bone of the proximal row, lies on the medial side of the tarsus and bears trochlea at either end. The central and the fourth tarsals are joined to form a large bone which is extended across the entire width of the tarsus and articulates with all bones of the tarsus. The first tarsal is a rectangular piece of bone sited on the posteromedial surface of the hock. The second and third fused tarsal bone resembles the central but is smaller and wedge-shaped. It is situated between the central tarsal bone proximally and the large metatarsal bone distally. The average maximum height and breadth for fibular tarsal, tibial tarsal, central and fourth fused tarsal, first tarsal, second and third fused tarsal are (5.61±0.23 cm and 2.06±0.13 cm), (2.79±0.05 cm and 1.74±0.01 cm), (1.51± 0.13 cm and 2.08±0.07cm), (0.61 ±0.01 cm and 1.10±0.06 cm) and (0.98±0.01 cm and 1.49±0.01 cm), respectively. GROSS AND CLINICAL ANATOMY OF THE SKULL OF ADULT CHINKARA (GAZELLA BENNETTII) The objective of this study was (1) to study gross morphological, osteometric and clinical important landmarks in the skull of adult Chinkara to obtain baseline data and (2) to study sexual dimorphism in male and female adult Chinkara through osteometry. For this purpose, after performing postmortem examination, the carcass of adult Chinkara of known sex and age was buried, after a specific period of time the bones were unearthed. The shape of the Chinkara skull was elongated and had thirty two bones. The skull was comprised of the cranial and the facial part. The facial region of the skull was formed by maxilla, incisive, palatine, vomar, pterygoid, frontal, parietal, nasal, incisive, turbinates, mandible and hyoid apparatus. The bony region of the cranium of Chinkara was comprised of occipital, ethmoid, sphenoid, interparietal, parietal, temporal and frontal bone. The foramina identified in the facial region of the skull of Chinkara were, infraorbital, supraorbital foramen, lacrimal, sphenopalatine, maxillary and caudal palatine foramina. The foramina of the cranium of the Chinkara skull were the internal acoustic meatus, external acoustic meatus, hypoglossal canal, transverse canal, sphenorbital fissure, carotid canal, foramen magnum, stylomastoid foramen, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale and jugular foramen, and the rostral and the caudal foramina that formed the pterygoid canal. The measured craniometric parameters did not show statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between male and female adult Chinkara except palatine bone, OI, DO, IOCDE, OCT, ICW, IPCW, and PCPL were significantly higher (p>0.05) in male than female Chinkara and mean values of the mandibular parameters except b and h were significantly (p< 0.5) higher in male than female Chinkara. Sexual dimorphism exists in some of the orbital and foramen magnum parameters, while high levels of sexual dimorphism identified in mandible. In conclusion, morphocraniometric studies of Chinkara skull made it possible to identify species specific skull and use clinical measurements during practical application.