ڈاکٹر محمد مصطفےٰ زرقاء
گزشتہ دنوں عالم عرب کے ممتاز ماہر فقہ ڈاکٹر محمد مصطفےٰ زرقاء نے بھی اس جہاں فانی کو خیر باد کہا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
ڈاکٹر صاحب اسلامی فقہ وقانون میں سند کا درجہ رکھتے تھے، ان کی کتاب المدخل الفقھی العام اصول فقہ میں نہایت بلند پایہ خیال کی جاتی اور مرجع و ماخذ کی حیثیت رکھتی ہے، وہ اپنی غیر معمولی فقہی بصیرت کی بنا پر شام میں وزیر انصاف کے عہدہ پر بھی فائز ہوئے۔ ان کے عالمانہ و محققانہ مضامین کے اردو رسالوں میں ترجمے برابر چھپتے رہتے تھے معارف کو بھی ان کے مضامین کے ترجموں کی اشاعت کا فخر حاصل ہے۔ مجلہ البعث الاسلامی لکھنو میں ان کے متعدد مضامین شایع ہوئے ہیں۔ فقہ کے علاوہ دوسرے اسلامی علوم خصوصاً تفسیر و حدیث سے بھی ان کو خاص مناسبت تھی۔ الولدسرلابیہ کے مصداق ان کے فرزند ارجمند ڈاکٹر محمد انس زرقا بھی فقہ اسلامی کے ممتاز اسکالر ہیں جن کے بعض مضامین کا ترجمہ معارف میں شایع ہوچکا ہے۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ علم و دین کے اس خادم کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ آمین!! (عارف عمری، اگست ۱۹۹۹ء)
This study aims to identify the significance of driver’s socioeconomic demographics (SEDs) in the decision to speed and crash involvement. A questionnaire was designed consisting of a driver’s SEDs, speeding propensity, and crash experience. This questionnaire was conducted with the students and employees of the University of Nizwa and other drivers at the selected locations. A total of 604 usable samples were obtained. Simple frequency distribution and discriminant multivariate analysis were conducted on the driver’s responses. Survey results revealed that about 47.7% of the drivers have experienced a crash. The driver’s gender nationality, profession, age, type of vehicle drive, driving experience, and past crash experience are significant attributes of the driver’s speeding behavior. Ordered probit analysis for speeding behavior and simple probit regression analysis for crash involvement was conducted. The male drivers and those who are under the age of 30 years and have driving experience of more than 3 years have more likelihood to exceed the speed limits than other drivers. Similarly, the driver’s gender, age (≤ 30 years), and those who are employees have a significant correlation with the propensity of crash involvement. Male and young drivers have more likelihood to be involved in a crash.
In most of the Pakistani schools, it has been seen that there are inadequate practices for English language teaching and learning, particularly as relates to writing skills (Khan & Khan, 2016). Developing English Language writing skills requires teachers to be familiar with writing strategies that can facilitate students (Khan, 2011). In Pakistani schools, it seems that English language writing skills are neglected in classroom teaching because the English language teachers are not acquainted with the “new practices of teaching English language in general, and teaching of writing skills in particular” (Siddique, 2007, p. 20). The need to enhance effective writing skills in learners, therefore, requires introduction/ exposure to various writing strategies to teach writing skills in an interesting way (Omar, 2016). This study was conducted in the context of Karachi, Pakistan, to explore how mind-mapping technique can be used to help improve students’ writing skills of grade 3. It was a qualitative action research study carried out to design an action so as to attempt to bring a change. The data were collected in three main phases: reconnaissance phase, intervention phase and post-intervention phase. Data collection tools were pre and post-test, observations, focus group discussion, semi-structured interview and field notes. In the light of data analysis of the reconnaissance phase, there were several problems identified as they related to students’ ability to generate, organize and independently write on a given topic. One of the important tools to support learners in this regard is to use pre-writing strategies in writing tasks (Buzan, 2002). In addition, pre-writing strategies can help to boost students’ motivation and engagement with writing and develop them as independent writers (Keen, 2017). Based on the reconnaissance findings, I planned an intervention and conducted three teaching cycles on teaching students mind mapping and how to use their mind map to produce independent texts. The study outcomes suggest that students’ exposure to a pre-writing strategy such as mind-mapping technique did help to improve students’ writing skills. The study participants were able to think, generate and organize their information about a given topic. Study outcomes also reveal that the use of mind maps seemed to boost students’ motivation, their engagement with writing seemed to increase and they were able to function as independent writers. Therefore, this suggests that using a pre-writing strategy such as mind-mapping technique can support learners in improving their writing skills.