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Home > Nonlinear Modeling of Petrophysical Properties in Fractured Reservoirs: Application from a Himalayan Foreland Basin

Nonlinear Modeling of Petrophysical Properties in Fractured Reservoirs: Application from a Himalayan Foreland Basin

Thesis Info


Shahzada Hassan Raza


Department of Earth Sciences, QAU




Quaid-i-Azam University

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Thesis Completing Year


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Earth Sciences




Call No: Diss / M.Phil / EAR / 1404


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56



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Salt and Phosphorus Dynamics Influenced by Residue Incorporation under Direct Seeded Rice in Marginally Salt-Affected Soils

Considering the enormous benefits of incorating crop residues (CR) and directly seeded rice (DSR), two-year field studies on a permanent layout to investigate the dynamics of salts and phosphorus (P) alongwith CR incorporation and P application under DSR grown in marginal salt-affected soils were conducted during 2011-2012. Different naturally salt-affected fields (one saline-sodic having ECe=6.68 dS/m-1; pHs=.8.59; S.A.R=17.98 (m.mol.cL-.1)1/2; extractable Pi=3.92 mgramkg-1; Sandy Loamy) at Soil Salinity Research Institute, Pindi Bhattian and the other at farmers field (saline soil having the ECe=4.59 dS/m-1; pHs=8.38; S.A.R.=.6.57 (m.molcL-1)1/2; extractablesP=4.07 mgramkg-1; Sandy Clay Loam) in Hafizabad district were selected. Prior to field studies, an incubation study on P availability in the same (saline and saline-sodic) soils with and without CR was conducted for four months (120 days) under controlled laboratory conditions. A two factor factorial CRD design was executed within 3 repeats. Roughly ground dried straw of wheiat’s (.11gmkg.-1 isoil) wasth uniformly incorporated in these experimental spotts of incubation. The prepared soil was transferred to the respective pots (11kg capacity) of incubation after mixing P fertilizers@r.20,.40sands60 mgramP2O5perkg-1 ofssoils ass triple super phosphate. The soil was sampled periodically= (0, 30, 60, 90 land 120-days) after starting incubation for the analysis of ECe, SAR and Piavailabeility. Afters 60-days of incubation startng, the saline and saline-sodic both soil.s preserved 39% and 41%, respectively more P in formsswith the P application @ 60 m.gramP2O5perkg-1 under incorporating CR. Over.all, CR incorporations note only enhanced Pi availability butt reduced E.Ce (2% sand 6%) and S.AR (5% and 4%) off bother saline-sodic and saline soils, respectively. Two studies were planned under naturally salt-affected fields under splitsploteddesign having 3 repeats. The incorporating CR (with and without) @ 2 tons per ha for both crops (wheat and DSR) was in main plots while application of P2O5 (.0, 40, 80 and 1.20 m.gramkg-1) was applied in subsplots. Before sowing, booting stage and after the harvest of each crop, samples of soil were collected for the analysis of ECe, SAR and pH. After the harvest of final DSR crop grown under saline-sodic soil, a significant reduction in ECe (39%), SAR (25%) and pH (5%) of saline-sodic surface soil (0-15cm) was observed due to CR addition over control (without CR). Plant available P, K and Ca were also significantly 1 improved owing to CR incorporation while a considerable decrease in Na contents (22%) of the surface soil (0-15cm) was observed with continuous CR incorporation for consecutive 2-years. Oneant averagesoff 2-years, maximum paddy/yields (2.752 ton per ha) was harvested from saline-sodic soil with the applicationsof 80 kgramP2O5 ha-1 under C.Rsincorporation and wastcomparable with higher rate (.120 kgramP2O5ramha-1) of P application with none of the C.Rsincorporations. Conttinuous C.Rsincorporation for 2 years, 6.0% further improvement in economical yield during the next year was obtained aas compare.dsto no CRsincorporation. A similar trend in improvement of P availability and reduction in salinity (17%) of saline soil (0-15cm) after the harvest of final DSR was experienced with CR incorporation as compared to before the start of study. Overall, a significant increase (22%) over control in DSR paddy grown under saline soil was harvested with the application of 80 kgramP2O5 ha-1 and incorporating CR. Maximum total uptake of P by DSR and wheat crops grown under saline land saline-sodic soil.s were found either with the application of P2O5 @ 80 kgramha-1 + CR incorporationsor 120 kgramP2O5ramha-1–CR. The P concentration in plant tissues of DSR grown under incorporating CR in saline-sodic soil was strongly correlated (r = 0.9196 and r = 0.9237) with yield during 2011 and 2012, respectively. Similarly under saline soil its values were r = 0.8121 and r = 0.9872 for first and second years, respectively. According to economic analysis, each P-application rate along-with .CR incorporations provided the-highestenet-benefits(N-B.), marginal rate of return (MRR) and residual value beings the highest N.B for DSR (Rs.= 92754/- and Rs.=108680/-) and wheat (Rs.=70683/- and Rs.=99362/-) was achieved with .80okgramP2O5 ha-1applications alongwith incorporating CR in both saline as well as in saline.-sodic soils, respectively. Among all Pi application treat.ments without CR incorporations under saline-sodic soil, the maximum MRR (2897 and 2187) and highest residual values (49809 and 39160) for DSR and wheat respectively, wheresobtained withiextend.ed P2O5 applicationsrates (12.0okgramP2O5 ha-1) which were noteagain as mulch assthesapplication off80skgramP2O5 ha-1 along with incorporating CR. Correspondingly, application of P2O5 @180okgramha-1 withi C.R incorporating confirmed also theirhigher values of CosttBenefitedRatios(CB.R) i.e., 3.8 foreDSR lands3.4 forewheatt’ under saline-sodic soil.. A similar trend was observed under saline soil showing 4.6 and 4.0 for DSR and wheat crops, respectively which were moderately high as compared to saline-sodic soil.