ٹیلی ویژن کی اہمیت
نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہ الکریم امّا بعد فاعوذ بااللہ من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
معزز سامعین اور میرے ہم مکتب شاہینو!
آج مجھے جس موضوع پر اظہار خیال کرنا ہے وہ ہے:’’ٹیلی ویژن کی اہمیت‘‘
جنابِ صدر!
ترقی انسان کا مقدر ہے، یہ انسان ہمیشہ سے آگے بڑھتا آیا ہے مختلف قسم کی ایجادیں ہوئیں، مختلف حوالوں سے ترقی ہوئی ،مختلف شعبوں میں انسان نے ترقی کیلئے سرتوڑ کوشش کی اور پھر اس میں کامیابی حاصل ہوئی، انسان کو وہی کچھ ملتا ہے جس کے لیے جتنی کوشش کرتا ہے ،جتنی کدوکاوش کرتا ہے، اس کو اس کی محنت کا پھل اللہ تعالیٰ ضرور عطا فرماتا ہے۔
صدرِذی وقار!
کچھ عرصہ قبل کی بات ہے کہ ریڈ یوکی ایجاد نے دنیا کو ورطۂ حیرت میں ڈال دیا، اس میں ترقی ہوئی تو ٹیلی ویژن ایجاد ہو گیا، ٹیلی ویژن کی ایجاد ایک اہم ایجاد ہے ، ریڈیو نے کائنات کی وسعتیں اور فاصلے سمیٹے اور انسانی آوازوں کو ہزاروں میلوں تک پہنچایا توٹیلی ویژن نے اس سے بڑھ کر کام کیا ، اس نے ایک قدم اور آگے بڑھایا۔ آپ ٹیلی ویژن میں انسانوں کو گفتگو کرتے اورمتحرک دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔
صدرِ محترم!
ہم ٹیلی ویژن میں انسانوں کو اپنی آواز میں ، ان کی اپنی شکل وصورت میں، ان کے اپنے رنگ ڈھنگ میں، ان کے اپنے طور طریقوں میں دیکھ سکتے ہیں، ٹیلی ویژن کی ایجاداس جدید دور میں ایک نعمت سے کم نہیں ہے۔ مختلف پروگرام پیش کرتا ہے۔ مختلف علاقوں کی ثقافت سے متعارف کرواتا ہے، مختلف علاقوں کے خوبصورت مناظر سے قاری کی قوت بصارت کوتقویت دینے کا سبب بنتا ہے،تفریح کے مواقع پیش کرتا ہے۔
معزز سامعین!
پاکستان میں ٹیلی ویژن کی ابتدا1964ء میں ہوئی ، ٹیلی ویژن کے...
The ECE teaching in pre-primary schools is enhanced by the Government in primary schools the student must be 3-8 years’ classes of Pakistan. This subject is a source of learning to know the things as well as to familiar with the school environments and connected to schools same time will be a responsible citizen, so the mosques are playing very important role in teaching of little kids from beginning of Islam to till date. It is more successfully working in our mosques and provide basic education for learner, so in this study found out the effectiveness of mosques for ECE pre-primary education SBA, Sindh Pakistan for this study sample was selected from the school teachers which were consist on 100 hundred and five like rate scale questioners were distributed among them to know the effectiveness of mosques for ECE education according the finding most the respondent were agreed that the mosques will be the suitable place for little kids learning place because mostly every colony, muhalla, village, street had a mosque and almost one or two rooms are also connected to mosques only few mosques where this facility is not avail able otherwise mostly these mosques is also a big class room if it is used carefully so this all was effective conclusion for the effectiveness of ECE as well as for the learners learning point of view. So it is also recommended for Government as well as policy makers to revisit polices of teaching ECE classes and their effectiveness in regards to mosques where all facilities have been already present must be included in streamline of Pakistan
Asking questions is central to intellectual effort. The questions which one asks play a significant role in bridging the gap between the known and unknown. Teachers in Pakistan use questioning as a major strategy to teach science in the primary classroom. However, most of these questions check the memory of their students, keep them on task, or check the instructions the teachers have given usually for class work or homework. Science teachers are the sole owners of questions and therefore students in Pakistani science classrooms have been positioned as the people who answer questions which have been posed by the teacher. The growing dominance of active learning environments in the developed world has done much to challenge this positioning but in our context, still, there remains an immensely strong institutional presumption that being a successful student is tested by the capacity to answer questions. This study was conducted to try out different strategies a teacher can use in a primary science classroom to promote students' questioning skills. The study revealed that a variety of 'hands-on, minds- on' activities with an appropriate level of difficulty can help to promote students' questioning skills. A gradual increase in the level of difficulty of stimulating activities, a friendly environment and acceptance of students' ideas helped them to overcome their fear of 'being wrong' and instead nurtured their innate curiosity. This resulted in the students' ability to create their own learning strategies which were all used as part of the science lesson. Several challenges to this approach in the learning of science were identified. They include completion of syllabus, time allocated for science lessons, product oriented assessment, school culture, individual accountability in the classroom and creativity on the part of teacher. Growing evidence from existing literature and my study seem to suggest that, primary science teachers in Pakistan need to review their role in the teaching/learning process. Any attempt to change the educational policy regarding the teaching of science would be useless if the implementers (teachers) of the policy do not realise their changing role. They are on the cutting edge and responsible for promoting students' curiosity, to help students to be autonomous learners.