مولانا صفی الرحمان مبارک پوری
بہ روز جمعہ یکم دسمبر ۲۰۰۶ء کو مرکزی جمعیۃ اہل حدیث ہند کے سابق امیر اور صاحب الرحیق المختوم مولانا صفی الرحمان مبارک پوری نے داعی اجل کو لبیک کہا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
ضلع اعظم گڑھ میں مبارک پور پارچہ بافی کی صنعت کے لیے ایک مشہور قصبہ ہے جو علمی و تعلیمی حیثیت سے بھی ممتاز ہے اور یہ بعض بڑے علما و مصنفین کا مولد و مسکن بھی رہا ہے، مبارک پور سے متصل جانب شمال میں حسین آباد کی بستی میں مولانا صفی الرحمان صاحب ۱۹۴۲ء میں پیدا ہوئے۔
انہوں نے جامعہ فیض عام مؤ سے درس نظامی کی تحصیل کی اور اسی دوران الٰہ آباد بورڈ کے امتحانات مولوی اور عالم بھی پاس کئے، تعلیمی مرحلہ ختم کرنے کے بعد کئی مدارس میں تدریسی خدمات انجام دیں، ۱۹۷۱ء کی ہند و پاک کی جنگ کے زمانے میں وہ جامعتہ الرشاد سے وابستہ تھے، اس زمانے میں دارالمصنفین اکثر آتے اور کتب خانے سے استفادہ کرتے، مجھ سے اور مولوی ابوعلی عبدالباری صاحب مرحوم سے بہت بے تکلف ہوگئے تھے اور مختلف علمی ،دینی اور قومی و سیاسی مسائل پر گفتگو کرتے، اس سے ان کی ذہانت، قوت گویائی، اچھی صلاحیت اور مسائل حاضرہ سے باخبری کا انداز ہوتا، ہونہار بروا کے چکنے چکنے پات۔
مگر جامعۃ الرشاد سے ان کا تعلق بہت کم عرصے تک رہا اور بالآخر وہ اپنی اصلی جگہ پہنچ گئے یعنی جامعہ سلفیہ بنارس میں درس و تدریس کی خدمت انہیں تفویض کی گئی، یہاں ان کی مخفی صلاحیتیں جلاپانے لگیں، تقریر و خطابت کا ملکہ تو پہلے ہی سے ان میں نمایاں تھا، یہاں آکر قلم نے بھی گل کاریاں شروع کیں تو جامعہ کے ماہانہ رسالہ ’’محدث‘‘ کی ادارت کی ذمہ داری ان کو سپرد کی گئی جسے انہوں نے حسن...
The major theme of this paper is exploration of new dimensions of marketing leadership effectiveness. These dimensions are discussed in theoretical perspective but the main contribution of this research is their empirical testing. The four intellects namely business, spiritual, emotional as well as political intelligence of marketing leaders are taken for measuring marketing leadership effectiveness and their impact on change management is analysed. The data was collected from manufacturing sector of Pakistan from the marketing leaders who are involved in the process of change management through purposive sampling technique. The sample size for current study was 200. Reliability of items is checked through Cronbach’s Alpha test. Results of correlation and regression analysis of study found positive and it is concluded that four selected intellects can act as measures of marketing leadership effectiveness which help in managing change successfully in organizations. This research has significant implications for industry experts as they can judge the ability of marketing managers while assigning them leadership role after measuring the four intellects as proposed in this research. For academia point of view, researchers who are interested to measure marketing leadership effectiveness can gain insight from present research.
The Glorious Qur‟an is a Book revealed on our Prophet (S.A.W), a complete guide book for entire humanity which covers all spheres of human life. Since the creation of Adam(A.S), human thoughts have been continuously passing through an evolution. The Creator of the Universe bestowed human beings with knowledge and reasoning. On the basis of which he ponders over creation of the Lord and in its light and guidance he explores new vistas of life. It has been ingrained in his nature to investigate mysteries of this Universe. To seek the consent and obedience of Allah is also part of all human beings‟ nature. In order to fulfill this natural desire, Almighty Allah sent His Prophets and Holy Books. The Qur‟an is the last of such revealed books which has been guiding human beings for the last one thousand and four hundred years. Human thought is liable to faults and errors. The Holy Qur‟an, being an explicit text, also gives the road map to faulty and erratic thinking and beliefs so they might adopt an enlightened path for the success in this world and the Hereafter. In all ages or eras, the Ulama always played a vital role to sort out problems of human beings and tried to guide them by explaining the teachings of the Holy Qur‟an in the light of the explanation given by the Prophet (S.A.W), his followers and the succeeding generations respectively. After dominance of western thoughts and culture, human thought has appeared in altogether different grab than the past. The present age is replete with the specimens of western hegemony in the field of science and technology. The western civilization, at present, rules over the muslim world, in terms of political, social and economic context. The modern western thought treats religion as something “additional” or “irrelevant”, whereas previously, the existence of God as an unseen supreme power, the soul, and the life after death – were considered as three vital points of human thought and struggle. The clergy played the dominant role in determining the sources of the blessings and bounties of God, as well as the interpretation of religious text. But very soon a change occurred and the clergy was replaced by the advent of “Modernism”, “Liberalism”, “Marxism”, etc. These new movements raised a lot of questions even the existence of God was also questioned by the philosophers. Now, Universe, human existence and worldly life all three have become the centre of attention for the modern man. To provide material goods and luxuries to human body and getting happiness is now the central point of modern philosophy. The right of interpretation and explanation of religious text is given to individuals. The welfare or prosperity of human beings has been relocated. Now it is based on “rationalization” rather than “religion”. This modern thinking of the west also raised a challenging question before whole muslim world whether Islamic teachings are useful for the present modern age. Egypt was one of those leading muslim countries where this question seemed most crucial. This reinforcement of the western thought took place in Egypt in the nineteenth century. As a result of this increasing hegemony of westernized thought, the Muslim Scholars and Ulama explained that Islam is relevant and applicable for all times and ages. One aspect of their struggle has been the explanation of the Holy Qur‟an as a vibrant source for solving new emerging situations and problems. A social reformer, an erudite scholar and a thinker Mufti Muhammad Abduhu played a pioneer role by pronouncing that the Holy Qur‟an has potential for revival of Islamic Thought. The topic of this research is based on analytical study of Mufti Muhammad Abduhu‟s explanation of the Qur‟an. The research aims at: (a) Whether pioneer modern exegete Muhammad Abduhu has guided the muslims in contemporary problems. (b) Does his exegesis of the Qur‟an show any impact of western thought and ideology? This exegesis of the Qur‟an is analyzed by dividing the thesis in two sections. These two sections are dealt logically. First section deals with the history of exegesis, its origin, evolution as well as rules pertaining to the acceptance or rejection of exegesis. Second section deals with the rules applied or followed by Mufti Muhammad Abduhu and his methodology. I have tried to describe and analyze the viewpoint and approach of Muhammad Abduhu regarding the Uloom-ul-Quran which are necessary for an exegete, such as Asbaab-ul-Nazool, Nasikh-o-Mansookh etc. In the last I have tried to present the descriptive and analytical study of Muhammad Abduhu‟s explanation of the verses pertaining to Islamic beliefs (Aqaid) as well as social, political and economic affairs (Ahkam).