مولانا اسلم صاحب جیراج پوری
مولوی اقبال احمد خاں صاحب سہیل کی وفات کا حادثہ ابھی تازہ تھا کہ اعظم گڑھ کی ایک اور نامور شخصیت اٹھ گئی، اور ملک کے مشہور مصنف اور صاحب قلم مولانا اسلم صاحب جیراج پوری نے ۲۸؍ دسمبر کو انتقال کیا، ان کا وطن اعظم گڑھ کا مشہور گاؤں جیراجپور تھا، ان کے والد مولانا سلامت اﷲ صاحب جماعت اہل حدیث کے ممتاز علماء میں تھے، نواب صدیق حسن خان نے بھوپال میں جن علماء کو جمع کیا تھا، ان میں ایک مولانا سلامت اﷲ صاحب بھی تھے، وہ بھوپال کے عربی مدارس کے مہتمم تھے، اس لیے مولانا اسلم صاحب کی تعلیم و تربیت وہیں ہوئی، تکمیل تعلیم کے بعد وہ پیسہ اخبار لاہور کے علماء ادارت میں شامل ہوگئے، پھر علی گڑھ کالجڈ اسکول میں عربی کے مدرس ہوئے، کچھ دنوں تک لٹن لائبریری کے شعبہ مشرقیات کے نگراں رہے، اور عربی فارسی کتابوں کی فہرست مرتب کی، مسلم یونیورسٹی قائم ہونے کے بعد شعبہ عربی کے لکچرر ہوگئے، پھر جامعہ ملیہ کے قیام کے بعد یونیورسٹی سے قطع تعلق کرکے جامعہ ملیہ چلے آئے اور تاریخ اسلام کے پروفیسر مقرر ہوئے، اور آخر عمر تک جامعہ سے وابستہ رہے، اور بالآخر اسی کی خاک کا پیوند ہوئے۔
مرحوم صاحب علم و نظر عالم تھے، اگرچہ ان کی تعلیم پرانے اور پھر اہل حدیث کے ماحول میں ہوئی تھی لیکن وہ بڑے روشن خیال اور زمانہ کے حالات و رجحانات سے باخبر تھے، اور کسی سوسائٹی میں اجنبی نہیں معلوم ہوتے تھے، تالیف و تصنیف کا ذوق ابتداء سے تھا، اسلامی تاریخ پر تاریخ الامت، سوانح عمرو بن العاصؓ، تاریخ نجد، حیات حافظ، اور حیات جامی وغیرہ بہت سی کتابیں لکھیں، ان میں تاریخ الامت زیادہ مقبول ہوئی، ان کے مضامین کا ایک مجموعہ نوادرات کے نام سے...
Compilation and codification of Islamic jurisprudence is a great achievement of the Islamic literary history. The productivity andfertility of the mind of the Muslims Scholars was a true and brilliant field of cognitive process. Ilanafi school of thought display in these Muslims societies from practice point of view always dominated. In this respect the Imam Zufar (RA) (110AH) had been a great scholar in Ilanafi Canon with his unique multi-dimensional features and characteristics. Nevertheless, He iras a prominent jurist, Muhaddis, Justice and Mujtahid. He paved a different path to have difference of opinion with his great teacher Imam Abu Hanifa as well as with the rest offamous jurists. This article emphasis on those principles along with examples that at the end evolved to have become his exclusive principles for inference of the Shari. ahka am. This article will also highlight his versatile scholary life and will help the researchers to investigate about his seminal work.
In military system, threat optimization is reflected by the vigilant ability to assign weapon through the use of critical decision making process. A significant problem that commanders face is to utilize the resources optimally in the complex and time constrained situations. With new technological advancements, complexity in ‘Decision Support System’ for TEWA (Threat Evaluation and Weapon Assignment) in Air Defence has arisen. A holistic view is required to overcome the limitation of resource deployment and TEWA which exist in literature pertaining to Air Defense related studies focusing weapons deployment, effective utilization of resources and TEWA. No specific study could be found for effective resource deployment in Air Defense. In addition, several challenges are involved in TEWA-DSS. The most significant is the application of new technologies for better in quick session of time. Enormous benefits and wide range solutions have been derived in this perspective which is repeatedly mentioned in recent literature. However, each solution inherently carries some specific as well as generalized limitations. The work presented in this dissertation has put forward a pioneer approach in which TEWA parameters are derived for threat evaluation, effective resource deployment and weapon assignment keeping in view information available at hand from relevant sources in the domain of Air Defense mechanism. Based on 3-round Delphi technique, parameters for radar/weapon deployment and TEWA were identified. Afterwards, these parameters have been used in proposing innovative models for (1) resource deployment and (2) TEWA using 3-dimensional Stable Marriage Algorithm (3-D SMA) incorporating missing parameters of resource inventory and supply information. Consequently, an approach has emerged that is capable of handling multiple threats simultaneously by assigning weapons in such a way that the protocol establishes a connection between threat parameters and weapon deployment and assignment for critical decision making process. Hence it outperforms all other techniques/approaches currently available. Another hallmark of proposed approach is prioritizing threats based on its index and respond accordingly by taking into account weapon scheduling. The weapons are assigned on the basis of its kill probability. Findings of this study showed 25% improvement in threat neutralization, 31 % reduction is ammunition use, whereas 28.5% less damages to assets when compared with other approaches. The study also included the use of Analytical Hierarchy Approach (AHP), a state of the art technique for rational decision making which exclude personal bias and refers to logical judgment. The results reported here has strong emphasis on multi-threat resolution and proposed Afshan Naseem | RTDSS x solutions to elucidate TEWA using AHP proved that desired results can be achieved in real time scenario. A three-pronged process was adopted in this context i.e. threat perception as priority step followed by mechanisms of threat evaluation and finally scheduling of weapons leading to ultimate weapon assignment. It is worth mentioning that most significant aspect of this study is inclusion of a large number of parameters to develop a model and overcome all relevant constraints to attain accuracy in neutralizing threats and simultaneously achieving other objectives of Air Defense perfection such as minimum damage to vital assets as well as reduced amount of ammunition use. In conclusion, it seems reasonable to believe that TEWA approach presented in research work offers a better efficiency and encouraging decision making environment to Air Defense commanders in crucial time.