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Home > Ethnobotanical Evaluation and Biological Screening of Selected Medicinal Plants from Galliyat, Western Himalaya, Pakistan

Ethnobotanical Evaluation and Biological Screening of Selected Medicinal Plants from Galliyat, Western Himalaya, Pakistan

Thesis Info


Zia-Ur-Rehman Mashwani


Department of Plant Sciences, QAU




Quaid-i-Azam University

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Plant Sciences




Call No: DISS/ Ph.D. / BIO 3886


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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ممتاز حسین
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The issue of signification in language is as old as man. Structuralism has changed the relation of signifier and signified. According to the modern approach language is not more than a name of cultural codes, in this way, importance has been given to the signifying system rather than meaning. In Islamic intellectual history, a group of Muslim scholars had an opinion of natural relation between word and its meaning. One of them was Abbas b. Sulaiman a Mutazali scholar. But ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamat scholars’ have different approach. In short, if we have a belief that a society gives meaning to a word then the approach to Shariah and the Quranic injunctions will be interpreted in the light of societal demands. We will have to admit the authority of time, space and society over meaning of the Quran and Sunnah which is against the teachings of Islam

A Comparative Study of Pragmatic Losses in English Translations of the Holy Quran

The chief objective of a translation is to convey the meanings of the source text to the target text readership. It is the transfer of the content as well as the textual mood to the possible extent. However, achieving this objective remains a crucial challenge on account of social, cultural and linguistic differences among the people of different colors, religions and geographical regions. Morphological, lexical, phonological, syntactical, stylistic, social, psychological and cultural differences among the languages result cumulatively into a broad range of pragmatic losses during the process of translation. The situation gets more intricate when it is the matter of religious literature, especially, the revealed sacred texts. In this regard, it is deemed highly significant to identify the elements of pragmatic loss in the source text and their respective manifestations in translated texts for the awareness of the translators and readers to curtail the possible distortion of the meaning enshrined in the source text. The present qualitative research aimed at investigating three different English translations (wordfor-word translation, literal translation and running translation with lexical and syntactic expansion) of Sūrah al-Kahf of the Holy Qur’ān. The researcher traced and analyzed the instances of pragmatic losses in these three English translations employing comparative pragmalinguistic model which has been tailored for this study. The findings reveal significant similarities as well as differences in these three translations entailing clear manifestations of pragmatic losses. These pragmatic losses occur in the forms of loss of tense, loss of texture, loss of grammatical category, loss of gender, loss of textual meaning, loss of culture-specific terms etc. Finally, certain recommendations have been made for the contemporary and future translators of the Holy Qur’ān in particular and other religious or non-religious Arabic texts in general.